This evening with my mum has broken me. I didn't realise we were at this point. She rang me absolutely terrified " I'm in that other house again and it's like my house but it's not mine and I'm scared I don't understand why am I in this house, why are you not here you live here get here (I don't live there, I have a 6 year old son).
The fear in her voice. I said stay there in coming. I rang my sister, who screamed at me she was busy with work, so I went round but I was delayed as my 6 year old could see my distress and put his shoes on and blocked the door and tried to go with me. I kept explaining he can't, cue screams for the neighbours to hear and me feeling bad as his daddy stopped him coming. But when I got round (5 min walk away, but it had took me 15 minutes to get past my son) she was fine - my sister had rung, despite snapping at me she couldn't. So I stay with mum, who did get flustered still and said it's ok she knows where she is niow, she's in that 2nd house she had. I gently said no mum, this is the only house. I felt broken. I don't know the future. My sister turned up and also started picking at me so I had to go but she then spent the rest of the night texting me the nastiest shit going (my sister not my mum).
I'm 48 next week, 6 year old son who has problems, I have numbness in my legs and feet come and go with spinal stenosis, I'm on hrt which makes me feel like killing everyone for one week of four then crying the rest. I vowed to give my son a good xmas. And it's all a mess.
Mum has been dropping off all year, mainly in the nasty snappy personality change. But for months she's had problems with time, the last 3 weeks deeply. Shed ring me at midnight and say what are we doing today she's just got up. Or she goes and takes the bins out at 3am.She thinks 5pm is 5am. She gets angry and defensive if you question it.
But she lives on her own. My sister snarled that me, my opartner, and my son should move in. I can't uproot rhem. I need to help my mum. Mum is my world. Oh fuck im so depressed. I can't do any of this. I'm ruining my sons life.
Mum sounded so scared. I've never heard her like that. Ever.
I love her so much. Me and mum. Kippax bbl 51+52 and East 102. Oh mum. I need my mum.
And I'm just venting, I'm not likely to check back in :(