WNRH said:
kenzie115 said:
Let me ask you something? Do you have any qualms over the fact season ticket holders get priority over city card holders?
GStar tried to use this but you cannot compare the two as i doubt there has ever been a fan who has a CC that has been to every single home game. Those with CC have them because they cannot afford to buy a SC, if they cannot afford to buy a SC then they cannot afford to pay double what a SC holder pays so it is irrelevent.
-- Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:39 am --
Vonk's Konk said:
But people in the cup scheme commited to the business at the start of the season, same as people who buy a season ticket, against people with a city card that go to every league game.
Commited to what though? At least with the SC you are commiting to 19 games. With the CDS you are commiting to home games that might not even happen.
At the moment we have two types of card (ignoring access cards); season cards and city cards. Season card holders get priority for tickets over city card holders no matter how many points they’ve got.
Imagine in the future three types of card; a season card, a league card and a city card.
The season card means you automatically get a ticket for any home game.
The league card means you get a ticket for any home league game. You may buy tickets for cup games separately.
The city card means you can buy tickets, should they be available, for league and cup games.
Ticketing policies would allow season card holders first choice, league card holders second choice and city card holders last choice. Each group would be separated by loyalty points accrued over time.
This is an extension of the current policy, and effectively what has happened with the semi-final tickets.
The commitment of the cup scheme is that you will
definitely buy a ticket for any home cup match. The people on the cup scheme have effectively said from the start of the season that no matter how many cup games we have, no matter how much they all cost, I will buy a ticket and I will be there. That's a commitment. Buying a ticket outside the cup scheme for every match is also a commitment, not as big a commitment, but it should definitely still have been rewarded.