dis - f*king grace.

My dad, a 52 year old red, just got home, bandaged hand and all. He didn't give me details but he definitely isn't a hooligan type but caught up in some fighting on Wembley Way (said it was unavoidable before the segregation) and spent the entire game (and longer) in the cop shop. Still had the grace to congratulate me though. His mate ended up with a broken arm. Think there was bad on both sides.
ban-mcfc said:
this was our chance to show what manchester is all about (passion)

they ruined it completely.

ive got a best mate who is a red and he nearly cried hearing this news.

They don't have any passion to show. Plastics.
This sort of shit ruins football, really sick of reading about scum spitting at kids and women and smacking 18 year olds just for wearing our shirt, FA should actually do something about this shit
ban-mcfc said:
colinbellsballboy said:
Yup, got back about 4 hours ago mate.

well you clearly didn't see them absoultley bully every blue that walked through wembley way when i did. i gave a little bit of banter back and got smacked 4 or 5 times.

Too fucking right. I was out and on Wembley Way straight after we had finished Bluemoon and the players had left the pitch. It was a big fucking mistake, hardly any blues were out and it was just reds looking for trouble.

I'm no shrinking violet but that was not plesant, was called a **** more than half a dozen times, was ignoring everything and just looking forward til some twat gobbed on my pop's head (he is 66). Exchanged a couple of slaps but was glad a copper waded in or I would now be in hospital typing this I would imagine. About 3/4 jumped at me at the same time (certainly felt like that judging by the lumps on the back of my head - none on the front).

The cunts can't lose with any class. Not saying we don't have scum amongst our fans every now and again but it is every time they lose. Lesson learned though, next time I'll make sure I stay in the ground til we have a few more out.
sorry for not having read every page....
but is it true that outside the ground rags were trying to throw a city fan off a bridge????

as we were about to go into ground a car drives by us, window down and 2 rags sitting in their shirts, got dogs abuse (all good banter) but then as they were driving slowly all the city ones all started shaking his car on him, then kicks were put into car and beer thrown in on him!! :) haha ha ha
WNRH said:
Skashion said:
Saw no trouble yesterday at all. Came in on the overground from Watford Junction to Wembley Central via JJ Moon's and got to the ground from The Greyhound side. We outnumbered them heavily throughout and rags were few and far between. Difference was that we weren't dishing out slaps, just banter. Sounds in the areas where they had the numbers they took liberties whereas we didn't.

To sum up: City fans yesterday; class in every department. Rags; scum in every department. So well done blues, proved we're a breed apart from those fucking lowlives.

Except that's not true is it? I saw it kick off 5 times yesterday and 4 of them were City going for United fans and 3 of them there was no need as they were either young teenagers or just middle aged rags minding their own business.

So lets not kid ourselves that we are houlier than hou and that united are women and children beating scum. Both sides had plenty of dickheads about yesterday, i was ashamed and embarrased by those city fans yesterday, it's a game of football ffs, just go down and enjoy the day instead of juping about like kangaroo jack and spurred on by your shithouse mates and alcohol inside you.

I had a great day yesterday, city fans i mixed with were amazing, the banter and mickey taking with united fans was both funny and great, the sun was shining, visted wembley for the first time and we beat the bastards 1 nil. Not bad for a Saturday in London.
It's the truth based on what I saw. If you saw something different then you're going to have a different view of things. What I saw was that on the train in we outnumbered them heavily and nothing kicked off. Walking down to the ground it didn't kick off. Stood outside The Greyhound I saw nothing either, just jeering at rag coaches and applauding the blue coaches. Saw nothing thrown at all. Walking to the ground, a few rags but almost all blues, and nothing happened. Walking out of the ground afterwards on the same route (past the Ibis then turning left towards The Greyhound and right back up to Wembley Central) it was a sea of blue apart from three lads in rag shirts and nothing happened. Just banter.

I was proud of our fans yesterday, thought we completely outclassed the rags.
Skashion said:
WNRH said:
Except that's not true is it? I saw it kick off 5 times yesterday and 4 of them were City going for United fans and 3 of them there was no need as they were either young teenagers or just middle aged rags minding their own business.

So lets not kid ourselves that we are houlier than hou and that united are women and children beating scum. Both sides had plenty of dickheads about yesterday, i was ashamed and embarrased by those city fans yesterday, it's a game of football ffs, just go down and enjoy the day instead of juping about like kangaroo jack and spurred on by your shithouse mates and alcohol inside you.

I had a great day yesterday, city fans i mixed with were amazing, the banter and mickey taking with united fans was both funny and great, the sun was shining, visted wembley for the first time and we beat the bastards 1 nil. Not bad for a Saturday in London.
It's the truth based on what I saw. If you saw something different then you're going to have a different view of things. What I saw was that on the train in we outnumbered them heavily and nothing kicked off. Walking down to the ground it didn't kick off. Stood outside The Greyhound I saw nothing either, just jeering at rag coaches and applauding the blue coaches. Saw nothing thrown at all. Walking to the ground, a few rags but almost all blues, and nothing happened. Walking out of the ground afterwards on the same route (past the Ibis then turning left towards The Greyhound and right back up to Wembley Central) it was a sea of blue apart from three lads in rag shirts and nothing happened. Just banter.

I was proud of our fans yesterday, thought we completely outclassed the rags.

There were cans thrown at coaches and a utd fan was punched round the corner from the greyhound.
Why should be wean out the blues who act like this? We need to stick together, if any blues are getting attacked join in and help them out.. Don't run home and write about it on bluemoon instead. Don't let them take the piss.
gutted, they took the piss off the pitch yesteday. too many city fans fucking running when it mattered. (dont mean women and kids here)<br /><br />-- Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:43 pm --<br /><br />
JoeMercer'sWay said:
got told by friends of family who went that women and children were being targeted again, to the point where they were fearing for their safety.

it's just utterly disgraceful by a club with no morals.
fuck sake shut up :D
im embarrassed for you. so united fans 'plan' was to attack women and kids? what happened on wembley way was bad and it was shit that some got caught up in it.
'got told by friends of family' .. ffs

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