Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

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Gaylord du Bois said:
We don't seem to have a plan B.
Plan A is working very well at home but its been found wanting away.
Had we'd set up a bit deeper yesterday with Zab behind Fernandhinho from the start then I'm convinced that goal wouldn't have been conceded.
He and his staff really needs to.look at his tactics and selections yesterday.
Hopefully he's not surrounded by too many yes men who aren't prepared to point out these shortcomings.

You don have a plan B because Pellegrini thinks that Dzeko is shit, from some unknown country and use him in minimal way for 160.000 mil EUR/a week player. His whole career was in Spain or South america and that has + and -. The - is that he obviusly thinks that players from this countries are half gods. The only posible plan B in current team coulod be Dzeko + wingers, quicker play. ( Mancini used it very well + Mancini was constantly saying that Dzeko is one of the best strikers in the world to encourage him). He gives Dzeko nothing. On the other hand he tried with all his power to make Ague./Neg. combination work by all ethical and non ethical ways.
Pellegrini should at lest know that Yugoslavia was in 1987 WORLD UNDER 21 CHAMPION in his native Chile.
What a DREAM TEAM that was. :( He should start to give our Balkan players at least some credit like Mancini did. Jovetic was Mancinis wish, and would be utilised much much more so far. He acts like he dont know what to do with him. ( Journalist had to remember him that Jovetis was injures , pre CSKA match ???? ).
gio's side step said:
strongbowholic said:
We've had stunning victories vs the shite, Newcastle and Norwich plus made progress in Europe (lesson from Bayern aside) so you can see Pellegrini definitely has something about him. I agree he should be getting more from the squad - particularly away from home in the league. As has been said to death already, he needs to pick a settled back four and ease up on the rotation. Yes there are times key players need a rest, but the continual wholesale chopping and changing needs a review - it's that kind of large scale tinkering that did not help Ranieri's or Benitez's teams at times; the more settled they were seemed to be when they were at their most successful.

When I see Pellegrini, I cannot find anything from him that I can nail my colours to in the same way I could Mancini. I don't see him in training so don't know if he is like that with the players and more importantly, I'm not a player so don't even know if that is important to a player. The point I am making here is that if the only thing I have to worry about is a cult of personality from our manager, I would suggest things aren't anything like as apocalyptic as suggested in some posts.

Stunning victories against Newcastle and Norwich are not a true indication of where we are this stage of the season. Away results are unfortunately.

And getting out of a group which includes Plznen and Moscow is not significant progress and most City fans I speak to believe we would have qualified with Mancini as manager from that group.
I am not interested so much in Europe and don't believe that many of our fans are either. It's a bonus. The League is the bread and butter. There's no good being in Europe and having a relatively good season in it if you are not going to be in Europe the next. yes, most Premiership teams would have beaten CSKA and Plzen.

But you can not dismiss the home form and concentrate on the away form. Points are points whether won home or away.

I don't se any reason why Pellegrini's City can't go to WBA and Soton our next 2 away games, and return with at least 4 points. I wish those games were next week, because we're going to have insinuations and gloating from all sides including our own for ages now
robbieh said:
The reality is Pellegrini has got us into a situation where our next game against Spurs is going to be absolutely crucial. Lose that and then we really can start talking about the title being gone.

People are praising him for getting the best out of Nasri. Well by the same token he can and should be criticized for getting Clichy, Nastacic, even Kompany when he has played, to play like complete strangers.

Funny aint it - Mancini was sacked for 'losing the dressing room' after winning the title, the FA cup, 2nd in the league and another final.

And after 11 games, Pellegrini who 'has the dressing room' is currently presiding over our poorest start to a season for quite a few years.

He may turn it around - but right now it aint looking pretty.
Re: Clueless manager

onceabluealways said:
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
Lucky Toma said:
It's a steep learning curve for Pellers. We knew it would be.

To reride him for being clueless as he embarks on that learning curve is premature and unfair.

Agree with this. Think some of our fans need to grow a spine, if they are worried about us looking stupid.
Don't know why losing games makes us look stupid, but there you go. Pellers got it wrong first half (IMO)
and then changed it. We had all the 2nd half. It is not his fault, the players on the pitch were unable to break down
a stubborn defence and that includes ALL players, not just the scapegoats.

To call the man a clown (because we got a bad result) is just name calling and childish. He was ok after
last week's result. He is new to the job (as said by above poster) and think he deserves more than 11 weeks
before we all hang him.

Sorry I don't agree - he watches City all the time like we do - when i saw the team i commented on how difficult it will be to break Sunderland down without silva and he should have started with Navas. It seems to me that his philosophy was we scored loads against Norwich and will just do the same, whereas he should be looking at the way we normally play with a reliant on silva. Therefore he had options give Yaya a free roll to play in the hole , play Navas, play 5 in midfield with more width.

This is were the manager earns his wage, Anyone can just throw the same team out knowing they are playing Ok and should win. Garcia and yaya in midfield is just poor IMO and I agree with other posters - If we are forced to make midfield and Central defense changes then why drop zab our best fullback.

I realised before the kick off why did it take 45 minutes for hime to realise the same thing. watch Mourinho if its not working he doesn't wait for 45 or 60 minutes he makes the change right away.

I agree with your point about Zabba. Just saying that most of the other changes were down to injuries. Also you can't account
for Yaya to go missing in action again. I think he made a mistake re Navas and this was changed at half time.
I think he didn't want to make wholesale subs and then go 2 down, as we were in total control 2nd half. Just didn't have the nous
to get the ball in the net. Not the managers fault.

Overall Pellegrini is not above criticism, but to name call and apportion total blame is totally unfair, and akin to us as fans
throwing our toys out of our prams.
willy eckerslike said:
bluemoonmatt said:
willy eckerslike said:
People need to go back to how we felt BEFORE yesterday's game. Optimistic, content, whatever - we were coming off some good results and seeing some great football. Another win and we're sitting pretty to challenge for the top spot - everyone could feel it.

Then we go and lose. All of a sudden the world has caved in, all our players are crap, Mancini wouldn't have taken us backwards and now some are calling for the manager's head!

The point is, this change in opinion is down to ONE game. This is a crazy start to the season. No team is yet running away with it, and there's no reason to believe it can't be us that string a run together. A poor result it certainly was, however, and it is certainly apparent that MP has not yet worked out how the Premier League works - surely lower positioned teams are supposed to roll over for us, like they do in La Liga. I would hope he now sees that the best team doesn't always win, that you need to know how to grind out results when needed. If he can't see the need for a Bellamy or Tevez type character to dictate play, and not a like-for-like Silva playmaker, then we will continue to struggle.

However you look at it though, we started the day 6pts behind the leaders, and ended the day the same. That is a get-out-of-jail card, better not f*ck it up from here.
Were using all the get outta jail cards up, in order for us to finish top 4 nevermind winners we now must win the vast majority of games many against better teams than those weve already lost to. Does anyone realistically see that happening, if so u wish I shared you're optimism.

I'm feeling we need to go more with the monopoly theme, today, to take our minds off things. If Silva is Mayfair, and Garcia is Old Kent Road, where does everyone else fit?

But seriously, I always said we wouldn't win the league this year, but fully expected top 3. MP inherited a failing team, one which was struggling to reproduce its best form. We've seen improvements, but it's patchy at best, and what the new manager has to do is ascertain why (they are struggling), who (isn't good enough) and what (needs to be done about it). He's given everyone an opportunity to stake their claim, so should know most of what needs to be done. Answers to follow in January.
No inherited a failing team ? Gimme a break MP inherited what most pundits and fans alike accepted is the best squad in England and is failing to get the best out of it.
willy eckerslike said:
People need to go back to how we felt BEFORE yesterday's game. Optimistic, content, whatever - we were coming off some good results and seeing some great football. Another win and we're sitting pretty to challenge for the top spot - everyone could feel it.

Then we go and lose. All of a sudden the world has caved in, all our players are crap, Mancini wouldn't have taken us backwards and now some are calling for the manager's head!

The point is, this change in opinion is down to ONE game. This is a crazy start to the season. No team is yet running away with it, and there's no reason to believe it can't be us that string a run together. A poor result it certainly was, however, and it is certainly apparent that MP has not yet worked out how the Premier League works - surely lower positioned teams are supposed to roll over for us, like they do in La Liga. I would hope he now sees that the best team doesn't always win, that you need to know how to grind out results when needed. If he can't see the need for a Bellamy or Tevez type character to dictate play, and not a like-for-like Silva playmaker, then we will continue to struggle.

However you look at it though, we started the day 6pts behind the leaders, and ended the day the same. That is a get-out-of-jail card, better not f*ck it up from here.

Perhaps a bit of false optimism? It's like people on here are in shock at the moment, unable to contemplate just how poor our start to this campaign has been. Either that or they're still so dead set in this outer/inner rubbish that they'll support Pellegrini to the hilt no matter what. Chelsea loosing to Newcastle should have been the lifeline this team needed to shake itself out of whatever rut it's in away from home and take the league by the scruff of the neck. We have now lost FOUR matches. Our team should be looking at barely any more than 5 losses over an entire season - 38 games. We're 80% of the way there already and we've not even hit Christmas!! Even in the seasons the rags started poorly, but keeping an unerring consistency to hammer out results, I'll bet you can't find a season they won where they started this poorly. Even if you buy into the theory this will be the lowest winning points total of any league, we can afford maybe as many as 8 losses, look who we've lost against and where we still have to go. Anfield, Goodison, WHL, Emirates, Swamp, St Mary's, Liberty.. Not really be turning up there and smashing it in the past have we?

This really is one of the few times a full on meltdown on here is fully justified. We were favourites in the eyes of everyone, rightly so, and Pellegrini is pissing it all up the wall whilst bumbling around repeating 'I can't believe it, I don't understand how we lost'. I didn't put much stock in the whole learning the Premier League lark before he came, as if it was some top secret brand of football no-one else understood, but when you see us going up against teams that aren't interested in just being passed around, are willing to dig in and battle, defend and attack set pieces equally well, and Pellegrini is harping on about only one team looking to play football, well, starting to wonder if it's true after all. Maybe some managers just aren't cut out for it.

David Moyes is now above us in the league even after loosing to us. Just let that sink in for a second.
Re: Clueless manager

onceabluealways said:
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
Lucky Toma said:
It's a steep learning curve for Pellers. We knew it would be.

To reride him for being clueless as he embarks on that learning curve is premature and unfair.

Agree with this. Think some of our fans need to grow a spine, if they are worried about us looking stupid.
Don't know why losing games makes us look stupid, but there you go. Pellers got it wrong first half (IMO)
and then changed it. We had all the 2nd half. It is not his fault, the players on the pitch were unable to break down
a stubborn defence and that includes ALL players, not just the scapegoats.

To call the man a clown (because we got a bad result) is just name calling and childish. He was ok after
last week's result. He is new to the job (as said by above poster) and think he deserves more than 11 weeks
before we all hang him.

Sorry I don't agree - he watches City all the time like we do - when i saw the team i commented on how difficult it will be to break Sunderland down without silva and he should have started with Navas. It seems to me that his philosophy was we scored loads against Norwich and will just do the same, whereas he should be looking at the way we normally play with a reliant on silva. Therefore he had options give Yaya a free roll to play in the hole , play Navas, play 5 in midfield with more width.

This is were the manager earns his wage, Anyone can just throw the same team out knowing they are playing Ok and should win. Garcia and yaya in midfield is just poor IMO and I agree with other posters - If we are forced to make midfield and Central defense changes then why drop zab our best fullback.

I realised before the kick off why did it take 45 minutes for hime to realise the same thing. watch Mourinho if its not working he doesn't wait for 45 or 60 minutes he makes the change right away.
Yes Mourinho is doing just great. He then rants after the match and says he either made 11 mistakes, or the ref cost him the game

I'm not happy at all with where we are. We know full well, we could so easily be top and walking away with this League, but that's what also gives me hope for the rest of the season.
Re: Clueless manager

Give the man a break.

It's the old saying - "people have got short memories" - as you all know it wasn't that long ago we were struggling to keep out of the bottom 3.

We have progressed this year with the new manager. We are in the knock out stages of the Champions League. We can not win all of the matches all of the time. Yes we are going to get beat by some of the lessor teams & yes guess what, we will probably beat some of the best teams in Europe at some stage.

Everyone who has posted negative comments about the manager should wait until his time is up at the club & then pass judgement.

At some point in time the club will win the Champions League. Move on from Sunderland & look forward. That point in time might be closer than you think!

Get behind the team (whoever puts the blue shirt on), get behind the manager & for crying out loud give the new manager a song!
Re: Clueless manager

pee dubya said:
We've lost our 4 away games for slightly different reasons really.

Cardiff, set-piece defending.
Villa, hit on the break.
Chelsea, defensive cock-up.
Sunderland, lack of creativity and a shite ref decision.

For sure we deserved at least 5 points more than what we got. Then the table wouldn't look so bad.

There's definitely things the team and Pellegrini need to improve on, but i have faith it'll click soon.

Sort of agree with this, but I've got a sneaky feeling Pellegrini is one of those managers who is "unlucky" and won't change anything much because he is convinced his luck will turn.Hope I am wrong.
Our imperious home form will keep hope alive for now.
I won't be surprised if we are still hoping it'll truly "click" in January next year though.
bluemoonmatt said:
willy eckerslike said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Were using all the get outta jail cards up, in order for us to finish top 4 nevermind winners we now must win the vast majority of games many against better teams than those weve already lost to. Does anyone realistically see that happening, if so u wish I shared you're optimism.

I'm feeling we need to go more with the monopoly theme, today, to take our minds off things. If Silva is Mayfair, and Garcia is Old Kent Road, where does everyone else fit?

But seriously, I always said we wouldn't win the league this year, but fully expected top 3. MP inherited a failing team, one which was struggling to reproduce its best form. We've seen improvements, but it's patchy at best, and what the new manager has to do is ascertain why (they are struggling), who (isn't good enough) and what (needs to be done about it). He's given everyone an opportunity to stake their claim, so should know most of what needs to be done. Answers to follow in January.
No inherited a failing team ? Gimme a break MP inherited what most pundits and fans alike accepted is the best squad in England and is failing to get the best out of it.

You quite conveniently forget, that yesterday, which has restarted this argument, that not the squad but the playing 11 was four
short of what is considered the best side. VK,Nastasic,Fern and Merlin. We lost because we couldn't score, not as if we were mullered.
Also that goal wouldn't have been given at the other end. I'm sure of that.
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