Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

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Re: Clueless manager

gordondaviesmoustache said:
East Level 2 said:
So tell me kenzie115, how did you feel when leaving the SOL yesterday? How did you feel being surrounded by gloating locals walking back to the car, coach or train? How about when being stuck in traffic getting away from the ground and then on the three or four hour journey back?
Whilst I admit to a Sodom and Gomorra-esque over indulgence at the weekend and more than a cheeky few tonight, I have to profess that I fucking love your posts! :))
Re: Clueless manager

badge said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
badge said:
And unless we can identify and eradicate what is causing this poor run awy from home then we could lose all 5 games also!

It's not the problems that are killing us, it's the lack of solutions.

i don't think there IS a problem. apart from bad luck or plain misfortune. i remember a city side back in the eighties, i think, and we were around the bottom of the table, if not bottom. we had an awful side but, inexplicably, we went and won five matches on the trot. no reason for it. no logic. it was purely a sequence of results. we ended up getting relegated. i maintain that the way we are playing away from home is enough to win most games.
you don't think there IS a problem ? That is just laughable
flb said:
The cookie monster said:
cleavers said:
This is something I can't get my head round either, some of the football we are playing has been the best I've ever watched, why would anyone want him to fail, playing this way ? It does seem that some do though.

I was as angry as anyone after yesterdays performance, but he made too many changes and the back up players aren't good enough to play that way.
There's not one city fan on here who wants him to fail
He deserves to be criticised when he fucks up on selections like yesterday,just like our last gaffer was.

You can't slag him off , he's a soft old Labrador who's a gentleman

-- Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:46 pm --

Lavinda Past said:
andypandy said:
I dont think many of us actually want him to fail at all.

But away from home, at present we are failing. The results are nowhere near good enough.

Question is can Pellegrini turn it around or not, and and based on his previous tactics team selections and post match comments some of us are getting concerned to put it mildly

There's no way I want him to fail at City. In fact, I do believe that we'll win the league this year. With the squad we've got, even I could manage the club to a top three place... (possibly). If we don't win it this year, there's only one man to blame.

Do you live next to a field full of mushrooms?

In truth, we all live like mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed on shit.
Re: Clueless manager

My reply to this thread is totally random - I agree with everyone that Pellers team selection was dire - would he have picked that team to play Arsenal away - NO! so why pick it against a team we have been unable to beat recently???????? defies logic

I cannot make an excuse for the other away disasters but I wish to lay some of the blame on the pillock who was sat a couple of rows behind me in Block 306 Upper East stand for the CSKA Moscow game (not a a regular there - I am)

He must ahve got carried away in the euphoria of Norwich and CSKA and loudly and proudly announced just before the end of the match

"It is inconceivable that City should lose at Sunderland on Sunday!!! I nearly got whiplash turning my head round to see which gormless t**t had dared to say that - can't have been following us for long - no self respecting die hard blue would ever make a statement like that.......

If I could get my hands on him now .......................................
ballinio said:
I want him sacked, he`s slowly managing to make each player worse & he doesn`t learn.

Each player? WHAT? Aguero, Silva and Nasri have *clearly* been better this season than last. Aguero is better than he has ever been this season.
Re: Clueless manager

Great thread with some great posts: my head is still spinning from the deja vu that is Man City (away) and the topsy-turvy posts here that are see it from all angles.

The thing is, I can't see why Pellegrini should take all the stick for this, when this kind of 'result versus performance' has being going on well before he got here. I could never watch the FA Cup Final versus Wigan again but to some extent what I recall was a truly characteristic deja vu away performance that even the great Roberto himself could not resolve. So all the people here calling for Pellegrini's head are likely saying too that Mancini had to go because of the Wigan result: its the same problem. Witness too the Kolarov versus Clichy debate on here: I was totally in favour of Clichy until the Wigan game, when he got done totally and showed that maybe his flush has been busted.

Its like whack-a-mole here and for every good idea: "...don't play Garcia", there is a counter argument that would say we needed some 'steel' in centre midfield .....

Back in the early 70's I remember a season where Maine Road was a total fortress, but we were truly hopeless away, and that was with Bell, Lee and Summerbee. Big City turn up to tight away ground: home team scores and the locals start taking the mick and stamping their feet through the floor of the man stand. Its actually taken a long trip to get back to that situation again but for me the away performances nowadays are the best I've ever seen from a City side. And if we can't win these games I'd still settle for being the team that's trying to break through the bus every single away game, than being the one that's parking it.

At the moment we have been truly sussed away: park the bus, keep em playing around the 18 yard line and hope for a lucky break via the referee or fate. I never liked the wingback system but yesterday I was thinking that we had to risk it and go three at the back, and keep Negredo on. If the home teams are going to attack, and hit us on the break, then the only difference I can see is for three defenders plus three strikers and see what happens.

Luckily for us, no-one yet has broken away at the top, and Spurs, Chelsea and Arsenal fans will not be pleased with the way things went this weekend, and it has to be the most interesting (Prem) title race there has ever been. After yesterday, this thread was just what I needed,

Finally, is it just me, but is the World Cup preparation this season totally getting in the way of things.......
Re: Clueless manager

we need too give Pelligrini time to sort his right team/squad out, and for me some of the players should look at themselves, they should be putting the same effort in vs Sunderlands as they did vs Chelsea, but it's always going to be hard against teams just sitting back and "parking the bus" like Sunderland did.
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