Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

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Just feel that if we are to change managers it should be for either substandard performances or an obvious upgrade. This so called holistic approach is the biggest load of bollocks ever. Pelle comes across as a gent, the kind of fella its hard to dislike. But did we change our manager so that we have someone really kind and nice, if we did then we deserve the fuck all its looking increasingly likely we'll be acheiving this year. Somewhere in Turkey theres a man laughing his bollocks off at us. Last year we won, they won we won they won we lost they won and in the end it looked worse than it was, we were still the second best team in the land, this year were the best team by most pundits aggreement and were looking like we might struggle for 4th. something is awfully wrong down there, I have to say my faith in this new guy is seriously waning.
TGR said:
OB1 said:
The manager demonstrated today that he has the sort of tactical flexibility and pragmatism that many of his critics have been suggesting that he didn't have. His tactics and team selection were good today but some of the players that he inherited made the sort of errors that the characters in Scream 4 are making.

Some of 'the players he inherited' won the FA Cup and the league title not so very long ago.
Those were the days...

Yes they did and are capable of better but Nasty didn't and he made erors on both goals; however, he is a kid and will learn.
bluemoonmatt said:
Just feel that if we are to change managers it should be for either substandard performances or an obvious upgrade. This so called holistic approach is the biggest load of bollocks ever. Pelle comes across as a gent, the kind of fella its hard to dislike. But did we change our manager so that we have someone really kind and nice, if we did then we deserve the fuck all its looking increasingly likely we'll be acheiving this year. Somewhere in Turkey theres a man laughing his bollocks off at us. Last year we won, they won we won they won we lost they won and in the end it looked worse than it was, we were still the second best team in the land, this year were the best team by most pundits aggreement and were looking like we might struggle for 4th. something is awfully wrong down there, I have to say my faith in this new guy is seriously waning.
You don't think we're improving?

I do

We're a lot better than the team that started the season.

You can't blame Pellegrini for the daft goals conceded.
Personally don't rate the guy step up from Hughes and 3 steps back from Mancini but this season got the feel of greet football and winning against Most but when it comes to games like today we will lose
Marvin said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Just feel that if we are to change managers it should be for either substandard performances or an obvious upgrade. This so called holistic approach is the biggest load of bollocks ever. Pelle comes across as a gent, the kind of fella its hard to dislike. But did we change our manager so that we have someone really kind and nice, if we did then we deserve the fuck all its looking increasingly likely we'll be acheiving this year. Somewhere in Turkey theres a man laughing his bollocks off at us. Last year we won, they won we won they won we lost they won and in the end it looked worse than it was, we were still the second best team in the land, this year were the best team by most pundits aggreement and were looking like we might struggle for 4th. something is awfully wrong down there, I have to say my faith in this new guy is seriously waning.
You don't think we're improving?

I do

We're a lot better than the team that started the season.

You can't blame Pellegrini for the daft goals conceded.

So who do you blame Marvin?
One game you can live with. 2 games you get a little frustrated. 3 & 4,games it starts becomes a habit.
You's should never have sacked mancini. Pellegrini is a downgrade on him. Mancini already taken gala up to third in turkish league and into 2nd in champs league group. Mancini had you's the best defence for 3 straight years. He built a winning mentality and got you in top 3 at least each 3 full seasons winning 3 trophies. Under pellegrini you's look defensively all over the place and not like a team capable of winning trophies. Still got that talent but your players play when they want. I not sure pellegrini is strong enough to manage them. Time will tell. He looks like getting you out the champs league but your group isn't as hard as the groups you had with Mancini! Mancini won 12 trophies as a manager. your board made a mistake axing him, it should have been some of the players like joe hart who should have gone.
TGR said:
Marvin said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Just feel that if we are to change managers it should be for either substandard performances or an obvious upgrade. This so called holistic approach is the biggest load of bollocks ever. Pelle comes across as a gent, the kind of fella its hard to dislike. But did we change our manager so that we have someone really kind and nice, if we did then we deserve the fuck all its looking increasingly likely we'll be acheiving this year. Somewhere in Turkey theres a man laughing his bollocks off at us. Last year we won, they won we won they won we lost they won and in the end it looked worse than it was, we were still the second best team in the land, this year were the best team by most pundits aggreement and were looking like we might struggle for 4th. something is awfully wrong down there, I have to say my faith in this new guy is seriously waning.
You don't think we're improving?

I do

We're a lot better than the team that started the season.

You can't blame Pellegrini for the daft goals conceded.

So who do you blame Marvin?
One game you can live with. 2 games you get a little frustrated. 3 & 4,games it starts becomes a habit.

I blame the constant rotation of a back 4, none of the top sides at the moment have to deal with this sort of issu, none of them.
Exactly. Different centre-backs. Today we had Demichelis making his debut away at Stamford Bridge. Not ideal

But we'll be better for that.

Unfortunately the only realistic sub for Kompany was Demichelis and they were both out at the same time so we've been making do shuffling Lescott and Garcia in and out of Kompany's shoes and it hasn't worked. I'd have stuck with Garcia there myself but if you don't put Demichelis in there sometime he will never get to grips with the game
Sorry marv but he had an adequate replacement in richards but he has already said that he wont play micah there (which must be very frustrating for richards and not good man management butthsts bedides the point). It could be argued even that the pace of richards could even.have stopped the second goal after the major fuck up by hart....demicheles was close to getting tobthe ball hegore torres...a much faster richards may well have got to it but that is,all if and buts

The main ppint is that there isca replacement for kompany and it should have been richards but for sime reason mp has already said that wonr happen....not very holistic if u ask me!!!!!
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Whatever anyone says,the club domestically have gone backwards.

Only one person can shoulder this blame.The gaffer

Gone backwards from where? Winning the title? Think it would be fair to say that the slide from that point started last season under a different gaffer, wouldn't it?
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