Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

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Yeah, he clearly hates British players, otherwise Joe Hart and Joleon Lescott would walk into other top teams in the world like Bayern. Barcelona etc.
I thought we played really well the lads worked very very hard except for not playing Jimmy instead of Garcia and yet another loss of points by Joe a great display by the lads. A shame we didn't take away what we deserved but I take great heart in how we fought and played. I hope the lads can recover quickly.
sh249 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Whatever anyone says,the club domestically have gone backwards.

Only one person can shoulder this blame.The gaffer

Gone backwards from where? Winning the title? Think it would be fair to say that the slide from that point started last season under a different gaffer, wouldn't it?

Gone backwards?
Yes backwards. Where?
Have a look at the number of goals we have conceded so far this season then take a peek at how many points we have dropped away from home already this season. That is going backwards.
spanishblue said:
I thought we played really well the lads worked very very hard except for not playing Jimmy instead of Garcia and yet another loss of points by Joe a great display by the lads. A shame we didn't take away what we deserved but I take great heart in how we fought and played. I hope the lads can recover quickly.

well said mate. Actually, everything was under control. Just an outrageous fook up cost us the game. It is worrying though, how poor Clichy has become.
Marvin said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Just feel that if we are to change managers it should be for either substandard performances or an obvious upgrade. This so called holistic approach is the biggest load of bollocks ever. Pelle comes across as a gent, the kind of fella its hard to dislike. But did we change our manager so that we have someone really kind and nice, if we did then we deserve the fuck all its looking increasingly likely we'll be acheiving this year. Somewhere in Turkey theres a man laughing his bollocks off at us. Last year we won, they won we won they won we lost they won and in the end it looked worse than it was, we were still the second best team in the land, this year were the best team by most pundits aggreement and were looking like we might struggle for 4th. something is awfully wrong down there, I have to say my faith in this new guy is seriously waning.
You don't think we're improving?

I do

We're a lot better than the team that started the season.

You can't blame Pellegrini for the daft goals conceded.

Well you could start by having the balls to bench a keeper who has been an accident waiting to happen for weeks now
You could have brought on the balls of Negredo and Milner instead of the wisp like whippet that is Navas against a 9 man defence
We may be a little more pleasing on the eye but what I wouldn´t give now for a touch of ruthlessness, steel and efficiency - traits that as far as I know MP has yet to demonstrate
sh249 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Whatever anyone says,the club domestically have gone backwards.

Only one person can shoulder this blame.The gaffer

Gone backwards from where? Winning the title? Think it would be fair to say that the slide from that point started last season under a different gaffer, wouldn't it?

It certainly would, and the club has not gone backward domestically at all. Indeed since the first 4 games, which featured 3 woeful performances against Cardiff, Hull and Stoke, we have got better and better. Furthermore, with the obvious exception of the tactical debacle against Munich, Pellegrini has set us up with a good deal more pragmatism lately, and we have played virtually every team we have faced, off the park, including Chelsea yesterday. Silva, Aguero and Nasri have all rediscovered their mojo, and the only thing holding us back is the assortment of defenders and, crucially, goalkeeper, the manager inherited, and whose cretinous individual errors are currently undermining everything we do. Those still chanting the Mancini mantra, seem to have conveniently forgotten that he won only 2 of his last 8 away games in charge, and that was with our only decent defender at his disposal, something that has been denied Pellegrini.
I'm genuinely concerned that we may not finish in the top 4, but that's as much to do with the improvement of Arsenal and Liverpool, and the farcical amount of indulgent refereeing being afforded Tottenham and Chelsea, as anything else. One thing I will say though is that Joe Hart needs dropping immediately, and that if DiMichelis has a decent command of English he should take the captain's armband in Kompany's absence, because, by fuck, someone needs to start organising and galvanising Messrs Hart, Nastasic and Clichy
Amazing so many on here already want Pellegrini out. Ab-so-lu-te-ly amazing. Either you never followed the man and his team in the past (no wonder living on an isleand) or the one braincell you carry is disfunctioning. Get it fixed.
But I gather most is born out of frustration. The way we lost was frustrating. And than it's hard to think clearly.

Sack Pellegrini or blame him for the defeat at Chelsea. Based on what exactly? If that mixe up happened at Chelsea and we were to win 2-1, we would have been singing from the roofs. And Pellegrini would probably celebrated it in a proper way.
TGR said:
sh249 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Whatever anyone says,the club domestically have gone backwards.

Only one person can shoulder this blame.The gaffer

Gone backwards from where? Winning the title? Think it would be fair to say that the slide from that point started last season under a different gaffer, wouldn't it?

Gone backwards?
Yes backwards. Where?
Have a look at the number of goals we have conceded so far this season then take a peek at how many points we have dropped away from home already this season. That is going backwards.

From where? Because our form at the back end of last season, especially away from home, was poor
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