Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

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pauljv92 said:
crystal_mais said:
Hart has been nervy since Mancini started having a go at him last year. He looks. Mentally shot at times. A few weeks rest may do him some good but it's how MP spins it to him. Man management challenge for him here!!!

Then why hasn't he been responding to Pellegrini's love and support then. Surely being one of the players who spoke against Mancini to the board, he would have been among'st the most revved and focused to prove against the criticism of him and to make this season a success for Pellegrini. Was he then, perhaps already beginning to develop complacency and a cocky attitude last season, which caused Mancini to want to buy Begovic ( who btw is having a phenomenal season for stoke ) as competition for Hart. I just don't see with the the type of egotistical, complacent players we have ( look at Adam Johnson - he was as whiny as could have been, and see where his career has headed. ), that this kind of butler management is what is needed. They need dropping and a flame being set to their backsides. They need firey half-time team talks and a honest telling off if they haven't been performing up to scratch, especially when they are more than capable of performing to those standards. I just Pellegrini learns and quickly. We have been playing excellent, but that basically because our team is head and shoulder above the others in terms of attacking quality and yet, we are 6 points behind the leaders and have had just patchy form.

You missed my point - Mancini did it publicly. We don't know what is being said behind closed doors. That's how it should be. Public criticism causes more problems and embarrasment mentally.

This is the guy who has literally kept us in so many games. Hart was one of the main reasons we won a league. Some of his save s that season ( villa away). The 2 saves in the FA cup semi against RAGs (Berbatov). He literally ensured we didn't get absolutely battered against Dortmund (home).

I agree he has a confidence issue, but my point was Mancini decided to wash his dirty linen in public where as MP is keeping it in house.
Marky_Lundie93 said:
You's should never have sacked mancini. Pellegrini is a downgrade on him. Mancini already taken gala up to third in turkish league and into 2nd in champs league group. Mancini had you's the best defence for 3 straight years. He built a winning mentality and got you in top 3 at least each 3 full seasons winning 3 trophies. Under pellegrini you's look defensively all over the place and not like a team capable of winning trophies. Still got that talent but your players play when they want. I not sure pellegrini is strong enough to manage them. Time will tell. He looks like getting you out the champs league but your group isn't as hard as the groups you had with Mancini! Mancini won 12 trophies as a manager. your board made a mistake axing him, it should have been some of the players like joe hart who should have gone.

Exactly right
Jumanji said:
Skashion said:
TGR said:
Gone backwards?
Yes backwards. Where?
Have a look at the number of goals we have conceded so far this season then take a peek at how many points we have dropped away from home already this season. That is going backwards.
Can't believe there are some people trying to pretend defence isn't an issue. For the past three seasons we've been the best defence in the league, fewest goals conceded and most clean sheets. So far, we are 11th by goals conceded. In what way isn't that backwards?
We have had the best defence in the league in the past, but our best defence has barely played together this season so it's not credible to use such stats to insinuate what you are. Variables also unaccounted for are the nature of the goals conceded this season. They've mostly been gifts and not due to the defensive system.

These fluke goals will stop. If we were conceding goals by being out passed & cut open, or from set pieces, I'd be worried. Right now, not so.

What can Pellegrini do, the poor guy...

All these goals we are conceding are not flukey
They are defensive mistakes.
We played really well yesterday and shouldnt have lost, a result yesterday would have been a foundation to build on..

Instead we have the media circus building up on Harts mistake and the manager not shaking Joses hand..

Having said this, i do think if Bob had been in charge we would be top of the league now..
Kazzydeyna said:
Marky_Lundie93 said:
You's should never have sacked mancini. Pellegrini is a downgrade on him. Mancini already taken gala up to third in turkish league and into 2nd in champs league group. Mancini had you's the best defence for 3 straight years. He built a winning mentality and got you in top 3 at least each 3 full seasons winning 3 trophies. Under pellegrini you's look defensively all over the place and not like a team capable of winning trophies. Still got that talent but your players play when they want. I not sure pellegrini is strong enough to manage them. Time will tell. He looks like getting you out the champs league but your group isn't as hard as the groups you had with Mancini! Mancini won 12 trophies as a manager. your board made a mistake axing him, it should have been some of the players like joe hart who should have gone.

Exactly right

Bollocks - he's gone let it gooooooooooooo!!!!!!
yayas trusty right foot said:
We played really well yesterday and shouldnt have lost, a result yesterday would have been a foundation to build on..

Instead we have the media circus building up on Harts mistake and the manager not shaking Joses hand..

Having said this, i do think if Bob had been in charge we would be top of the league now..

Can't we get them both? We play more attractive football with Pelli and all the attackers seem happy. I miss mancini's defence though, when you went ahead with bobby you felt so sure we wouldn't concede
robbieh said:
Some on here seem a bit swept away by the fact that we look a bit more sophisticated up front than under Mancini.

The reality is that if we keep on playing like this we will struggle to make the top four. Remember that Arsenal have been playing far more attractive football than United over the last 8 years. What´s it won them? Dodgy defending has cost them and it will cost us. And although there have been many individual errors like yesterday the fact remains that we look like conceding all the time anyway.

Pellegrini to me looks a bit non-plussed about our league. It is not all about technique here. And while Mourinho´s display as usual was well over the top I am not sure the passive-unaggressive types do particularly well in England. Ramos and that swiss bloke at spurs spring to mind.

We will see but I think it highly unlikely that we will win the league this year and the CL looks well beyond us ergo we will be looking for a new gaffer in the summer. And this is not the ranting´s of a Mancini fan boy. I accept that his time had run it´s course. But by almost everyone´s opinion we have bought well in the summer and added to what was the best squad anyway. Currently languishing in 7th place after a reasonably easy first 9 games.

I think this is right - as you say Arsenal has been playing exciting attacking footballs for years and has been winning nothing at all.

Individual mistakes aside - our defence look like the are crapping it every time the opposition comes forward.

Most worrying for me is that when the manager makes changes we usually get worse rather than better. People used to say that Mancini couldn't make changes that changed the game but Pelli's changes do make a difference - problem is they often make us worse rather than better.

Given their respective teams and resources the Southampton and Everton managers look head and shoulders above the rest !
So let me get this straight. Pellegrini couldn't be criticised for his tactics, team selection, etc from yesterday's game ... so now he's being criticised because our defence has 'gone backwards'. It's a fucking nonsense to suggest our defending has gone backwards. We have conceded a disproportionate number of goals due to normally very reliable players making individual errors. That's not something that can be legislated for. Also, the back 4 has always struggled when Vinny has been out, and this season we've been unlucky to lose him twice so early on.

It's also both funny and a little tragic seeing all the Mancini cockroaches crawling out from under their rocks after a City defeat. You lot go awfully fucking quiet when we win football matches. Wonder why that is ...
crystal_mais said:
pauljv92 said:
crystal_mais said:
Hart has been nervy since Mancini started having a go at him last year. He looks. Mentally shot at times. A few weeks rest may do him some good but it's how MP spins it to him. Man management challenge for him here!!!

Then why hasn't he been responding to Pellegrini's love and support then. Surely being one of the players who spoke against Mancini to the board, he would have been among'st the most revved and focused to prove against the criticism of him and to make this season a success for Pellegrini. Was he then, perhaps already beginning to develop complacency and a cocky attitude last season, which caused Mancini to want to buy Begovic ( who btw is having a phenomenal season for stoke ) as competition for Hart. I just don't see with the the type of egotistical, complacent players we have ( look at Adam Johnson - he was as whiny as could have been, and see where his career has headed. ), that this kind of butler management is what is needed. They need dropping and a flame being set to their backsides. They need firey half-time team talks and a honest telling off if they haven't been performing up to scratch, especially when they are more than capable of performing to those standards. I just Pellegrini learns and quickly. We have been playing excellent, but that basically because our team is head and shoulder above the others in terms of attacking quality and yet, we are 6 points behind the leaders and have had just patchy form.

You missed my point - Mancini did it publicly. We don't know what is being said behind closed doors. That's how it should be. Public criticism causes more problems and embarrasment mentally.

This is the guy who has literally kept us in so many games. Hart was one of the main reasons we won a league. Some of his save s that season ( villa away). The 2 saves in the FA cup semi against RAGs (Berbatov). He literally ensured we didn't get absolutely battered against Dortmund (home).

I agree he has a confidence issue, but my point was Mancini decided to wash his dirty linen in public where as MP is keeping it in house.

Sure, I did not agree with Mancini's action in that regards. But as far as I can tell, the players are just allowed to get away with these stupid mistakes because of how passive and "loving" Pellegrini is. All criticism raised towards Hart have been fair - he definitely has had some phenomenal games for us and I still count him as amongst the top 10 keepers in the world. However, its his complacent attitude that is not being helped by Pellegrini's protective care, I feel. That too, and a sense of pragmatism in our place is missing as well. So much for playing with character for 90 minutes, if it just ends with us losing games in the last few after having pounded the opposition goal. That is most depressing way to lose and I am sure that is to the players as well and Joe Hart has to take a big portion of the blame and so does our tactics of going all out for 90 minutes and having the same cavalier spirit throughout.
City were head and fucking shoulders better than Chelsea yesterday, breathtaking football for large amounts of the game, how the fuck Pellagrini can be blamed is beyond me, Demichelis for me had a very good debut, read the game well, excellent first touch and passing ability.He got it right with midfield three aswell.

Hart needs dropping for Pants for a few games-his confidence has gone.

The more worrying one is Clichy, he's a shadow of the player from the league winning season-Torres skinned him with ease from a standing start-very very worrying, he was at fault too for Bayerns third goal.

Me, id go for Baines in January.
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