Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

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flb said:
Clichy and Hart are nowhere near at the level of last season.

Clichy runs like he's got wellies on and Hart's confidence is completely shot.

Kompany fair point, but we are missing his inspiration on the defensive unit as a whole.

you cant blame Manuel mate for players going drastically out of form.

Joe Hart was not in decent form all of last season, his shots to saves ratio shows that. Clichy would be harder to prove as there's no easy stat which shows that.
I'm glad he didn't shake Mourinhos hand. I never doubted his ability to manage, and coach decent football, but cause he is so cool, I did doubt whether he had the passion needed. And him getting pissed off yesterday is what I wanted to see. He's the man to take us to the league title again.
jaigurugoat said:
I was concerned after the Villa and Bayern Munich games but since then I have seen enough of an improvement in our performances to suggest that we are going in the right direction. We could easily have won yesterday and if we had all would be rosy in the garden. Those who keep going on about Mancini really need to let it go. Yes he was a good manager and I am not surprised he is doing well at Galatasaray. Whatever the rights and wrongs of his sacking (for the record, I was an "outer" - my theory is that he himself engineered the sacking) he is gone and is never coming back.

This could end up being a transitional season as we are now unable to address the areas of the squad that need strengthening (GK, LB, CB) until next summer - January is never a good time to do it.

In order for us to hit the ground running we could not afford the goalkeeper and defenders to have the issues they are having, and that is hardly Pellegrini's fault. For example. Clichy is unrecognisable from the player he was in 11/12. On the plus side, we have every chance of going on a little run in the CL - quarter finals is very possible and from there who knows. As long as we qualify from the group stages and finish in the top four, the manager's position will not even be up for debate.

Totally disagree there. Any team containing Yaya, Silva, Kun, Vincent should be winning this league. If we come 4th Pellegrini will not be managing us this time next year.
Skashion said:
BillyShears said:
Individuals need to cut out their errors. After a tricky first few matches, as a team we're defending as well as we did under Mancini.
I don't think we are at all. I think we've generally been poor defensively. I refuse to believe that these errors, are completely unrelated to the change in manager. When players made mistakes before others were there to mop them up. The lower line meant there wasn't as much ground between keeper and central defence. The full-backs staying back more often meant there was usually more players on hand to clean up as well. If Clichy had been available would Nastasic have nodded it back to him? Most likely, and was there any need for Clichy to go forward considering how abysmal his attacking record is? Most likely not. Barry also played further back and by far the best aspect of his game was his ability to read the game and mop up the mistakes. I don't think any of this is an accident. Pellegrini was brought in to be more attacking, and he has been. As a a result we've been more exposed and conceded more. It is not in any way unfathomable. It was in fact predictable. Most of us predicted it, you included:

Will concede more goals than we did under Mancini? In all likelihood probably, but I expect this will be a minor hazard which won't effect results.

Unfortunately it is currently affecting results, if/when the time comes when it isn't costing us points, I will shut up about our defence. Until then, it will cost us trophies and that's the name of the game.

Don't agree with most of your assessments on why we're conceding goals, and as I say, I think as a team we have in the last couple of weeks defended as well as we did under Mancini. The individual errors have killed us. My confidence in the manager and 99% of the players after yesterday's performance remains sky high.
BillyShears said:
Don't agree with most of your assessments on why we're conceding goals, and as I say, I think as a team we have in the last couple of weeks defended as well as we did under Mancini. The individual errors have killed us. My confidence in the manager and 99% of the players after yesterday's performance remains sky high.
So why did you think before the season started that we'd concede more?
Skashion said:
BillyShears said:
Individuals need to cut out their errors. After a tricky first few matches, as a team we're defending as well as we did under Mancini.
I don't think we are at all. I think we've generally been poor defensively. I refuse to believe that these errors, are completely unrelated to the change in manager. When players made mistakes before others were there to mop them up. The lower line meant there wasn't as much ground between keeper and central defence. The full-backs staying back more often meant there was usually more players on hand to clean up as well. If Clichy had been available would Nastasic have nodded it back to him? Most likely, and was there any need for Clichy to go forward considering how abysmal his attacking record is? Most likely not. Barry also played further back and by far the best aspect of his game was his ability to read the game and mop up the mistakes. I don't think any of this is an accident. Pellegrini was brought in to be more attacking, and he has been. As a a result we've been more exposed and conceded more. It is not in any way unfathomable. It was in fact predictable. Most of us predicted it, you included:

Will concede more goals than we did under Mancini? In all likelihood probably, but I expect this will be a minor hazard which won't effect results.

Unfortunately it is currently affecting results, if/when the time comes when it isn't costing us points, I will shut up about our defence. Until then, it will cost us trophies and that's the name of the game.

Spot on and is why we will naff all under Pelegrini a good defence always out does a good attacking side..
robbieh said:
jaigurugoat said:
I was concerned after the Villa and Bayern Munich games but since then I have seen enough of an improvement in our performances to suggest that we are going in the right direction. We could easily have won yesterday and if we had all would be rosy in the garden. Those who keep going on about Mancini really need to let it go. Yes he was a good manager and I am not surprised he is doing well at Galatasaray. Whatever the rights and wrongs of his sacking (for the record, I was an "outer" - my theory is that he himself engineered the sacking) he is gone and is never coming back.

This could end up being a transitional season as we are now unable to address the areas of the squad that need strengthening (GK, LB, CB) until next summer - January is never a good time to do it.

In order for us to hit the ground running we could not afford the goalkeeper and defenders to have the issues they are having, and that is hardly Pellegrini's fault. For example. Clichy is unrecognisable from the player he was in 11/12. On the plus side, we have every chance of going on a little run in the CL - quarter finals is very possible and from there who knows. As long as we qualify from the group stages and finish in the top four, the manager's position will not even be up for debate.

Totally disagree there. Any team containing Yaya, Silva, Kun, Vincent should be winning this league. If we come 4th Pellegrini will not be managing us this time next year.

League titles are built on solid defences and unfortunately ours is not good enough at the moment due to Vincent's injury and the poor form of Hart and to a lesser extent, Nastasic and Clichy. We could get away with it to a certain extent if our attacking players are not at their best but if the goalkeeper and defence are struggling we have no chance of winning the league. I don't see how you can lay the blame at the manager's door for their lack of form.
waspish said:
Skashion said:
BillyShears said:
Individuals need to cut out their errors. After a tricky first few matches, as a team we're defending as well as we did under Mancini.
I don't think we are at all. I think we've generally been poor defensively. I refuse to believe that these errors, are completely unrelated to the change in manager. When players made mistakes before others were there to mop them up. The lower line meant there wasn't as much ground between keeper and central defence. The full-backs staying back more often meant there was usually more players on hand to clean up as well. If Clichy had been available would Nastasic have nodded it back to him? Most likely, and was there any need for Clichy to go forward considering how abysmal his attacking record is? Most likely not. Barry also played further back and by far the best aspect of his game was his ability to read the game and mop up the mistakes. I don't think any of this is an accident. Pellegrini was brought in to be more attacking, and he has been. As a a result we've been more exposed and conceded more. It is not in any way unfathomable. It was in fact predictable. Most of us predicted it, you included:

Will concede more goals than we did under Mancini? In all likelihood probably, but I expect this will be a minor hazard which won't effect results.

Unfortunately it is currently affecting results, if/when the time comes when it isn't costing us points, I will shut up about our defence. Until then, it will cost us trophies and that's the name of the game.

Spot on and is why we will naff all under Pelegrini a good defence always out does a good attacking side..

Really? So you wouldn't say that Liverpool's position in the league is almost entirely due to Suarez and Sturridge then?
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
flb said:
Skashion said:
I'd say Clichy and Hart are no worse than last season, and Kompany was out for a third of our Premier League games last season. So, no, not buying that one.

Clichy and Hart are nowhere near at the level of last season.

Clichy runs like he's got wellies on and Hart's confidence is completely shot.

Kompany fair point, but we are missing his inspiration on the defensive unit as a whole.

you cant blame Manuel mate for players going drastically out of form.

But surely it is down to the defensive coach,goalkeeping coach to talk to these players,identify what they feel has caused there form to dip,confidence to go down?
Of course nobody can blame the gaffer for what Hart contrived to do yesterday or what he did at Cardiff,Villa etc but what you can question is what the manager and team are doing about it. If they just keep picking the same players who are making glaring errors then the questions about the manager are going to be asked and peoples doubts surface.
All the texts I have received today are about why does he not drop Hart.Surely the time has come?

You've just mentioned three defeats there where you have said Pellagrini wasnt to blame!!!
Skashion said:
So why did you think before the season started that we'd concede more?

We're more open, but that's not why we're conceding IMO. You can pick through every goal we've conceded this season and I would suggest not even half of them would be because of the high line, or because there's no Gareth Barry to sit in front of the back 4. I would however say that nearly all of them have been due to individual errors from players you don't normally associate with individual errors.<br /><br />-- Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:04 pm --<br /><br />
waspish said:
Spot on and is why we will naff all under Pelegrini a good defence always out does a good attacking side..

Haha. You do make me laugh. Our good defence was beaten to the league title by a poorer defence but better attacking side just last season!
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