Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 4)

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Re: Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

Didsbury Dave said:
Pablo1 said:
Ducado said:
And round and round we go!

Where will this all end, I don't have a clue, someone is going to be right and someone is going to be wrong I guess.

Would it be too much to ask everyone just to let go of the hurts and arguments of the past and start anew? Don't we all support the same team when all is said and done

Feel free if you want to keep chasing your tails, you will end up getting dizzy and you wont ever catch it, a much admired mentor of mine once had this pearl of wisdom for me he said

"Would you prefer to be right, or to be at peace"
I'd rather be at peace, I won't have Dave try and talk down to me like he does with every other blue who he doesn't agree with though.

Never noticed you before to be honest.
You wouldn't, like I said I try and keep away from the dick measuring contests.
Re: Clueless manager

Blue Mist said:
The only decent side we have played is Chelsea where again we never threatened there keeper and could have been down 3-0 at half time.

well you must be one of the few people, other than chelsea fans, that didn't think city were far superior.
Re: Clueless manager

badge said:
Blue Mist said:
The only decent side we have played is Chelsea where again we never threatened there keeper and could have been down 3-0 at half time.

well you must be one of the few people, other than chelsea fans, that didn't think city were far superior.

We dominated possession, that does not make us superior. I don't recall Cech making a save. I do recall them missing two chances in the first half that they should have scored from.
Do you remember us troubling their keeper ?
Re: Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

Didsbury Dave said:
Kazzydeyna said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Didn't see many of the cunts laughing at old Trafford in March or The Etihad a few weeks ago. No united fan with an iq higher than 20 "pisses himself" about anything to do with city any more.

Every united fan I know knows full well that we have overtaken them and is very afraid, in fact probably more like expectant, of the time we actually click and fulfil our true potential. They all know that time is closer now than ever. I work with and talk to a lot of 'proper' football every day and pretty much every knowledgeable neutral in football holds a similar opinion: that city will hit top gear soon and be very hard to stop.

The only people frightened and paranoid are a tiny percentage of our fans, and a particular kind, but they'll change their tune soon enough.

I hate to say this but we are a minimum of 20 years away from overtaking united.

It is a mark of how disappointing MP and the barca boys have been that after a much much easier start we are currently deservedly behind them in the league and likely to finish 5-10 pts behind them at seasons end.

We had a once in a lifetime chance to bulldoze our way to the front of english football after the title win but failed to take it. Instead we concentrated on internal squabbles and back biting.

Just like the early 70's and we know how that turned out.

Fact is as a club we are intimidated and shit scared of utd and we will never amount to fuck all until this outlook stops.

Haha. The hypocrisy of your first and last sentences is brilliant.

The day we overtook united was the cup semi final of 2011. Since then we have been a better team and we still are.

They should never have been allowed to beat us to the title last season and exactly the same applies this season.

Call me Mr Optimistic, but I don't see their huge one point advantage as insurmountable.

We may be looking at this from different angles.

A semi win, or even a title, doesnt overcome 40 odd years of dominance.

I wasnt aiming my point at any individual but there are imo too many blues who STILL judge a season or a matchday on how utd get on, not how city do.

Rest assured if theyd pipped us with the last kick of the season it wouldve meant civil war for all concerned with city. In and out of the boardroom.

They just shrugged, backed the mgr and pissed it the next season.
We undermined our mgr (deserving or not its what we did), fucked up our transfer policy and now we're back to being a side scrabbling for 2nd 3rd or 4th place. Or worse.

Theres a lot we could all learn from utd. On and off the pitch.
Re: Clueless manager

badge said:
Anthony_18 said:
Sorry, we ain't going to do anything under this bloke. Never been one for knee-jerk decisions but we need to make a clean break ASAP in regards to him. You can just see in how easily we are beaten away from home that this guy is really going to struggle.Get Pochettino in from Southampton seriously.

just about sums how clueless some of you are. pochettino really? the same guy that was sacked by espanyol for getting nine points from THIRTEEN games.

I agree with Anthony but not Pochetino. Hopefully will end up a bit like Clarke from last season.

I would throw all our petro dollars at trying to lure Jupp or The General out of retirement!

Whatever we do we must remove this pathetic excuse for an "Engineer" i have ever seen.
Re: Clueless manager

badge said:
Blue Mist said:
The only decent side we have played is Chelsea where again we never threatened there keeper and could have been down 3-0 at half time.

well you must be one of the few people, other than chelsea fans, that didn't think city were far superior.
Not few at all. We definitely weren't far superior. The only way you conclude that is if you've wiped the first half from your memory. We deserved a point but not a win on the balance of play.
Re: Clueless manager

Blue Mist said:
badge said:
Blue Mist said:
The only decent side we have played is Chelsea where again we never threatened there keeper and could have been down 3-0 at half time.

well you must be one of the few people, other than chelsea fans, that didn't think city were far superior.

We dominated possession, that does not make us superior. I don't recall Cech making a save. I do recall them missing two chances in the first half that they should have scored from.
Do you remember us troubling their keeper ?

according to the stats we must have given the 'keeper something to do:

chelsea / city

Shots 12 / 15
On target 4 / 6
Corners 3 / 6
Re: Clueless manager

badge said:
Blue Mist said:
badge said:
well you must be one of the few people, other than chelsea fans, that didn't think city were far superior.

We dominated possession, that does not make us superior. I don't recall Cech making a save. I do recall them missing two chances in the first half that they should have scored from.
Do you remember us troubling their keeper ?

according to the stats we must have given the 'keeper something to do:

chelsea / city

Shots 12 / 15
On target 4 / 6
Corners 3 / 6

Stats can say and mean anything you want. Sergio scored a brilliant individual goal that came out of the blue. That was it. What is your take on all the other away matches by the way ?
Re: Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

Skashion said:
Challenger1978 said:
Ducado said:
And round and round we go!

Where will this all end, I don't have a clue, someone is going to be right and someone is going to be wrong I guess.

Would it be too much to ask everyone just to let go of the hurts and arguments of the past and start anew? Don't we all support the same team when all is said and done

Feel free if you want to keep chasing your tails, you will end up getting dizzy and you wont ever catch it, a much admired mentor of mine once had this pearl of wisdom for me he said

"Would you prefer to be right, or to be at peace"

This has been going on since at least 2007 round and round in circles we keep going. One lot pro manger one lot against him, i don't think it will ever change on here.
It's so fucking stupid though. The two aren't connected. Mancini didn't get sacked because we wanted Pellegrini. He got sacked and Pellegrini was the best available of the type of manager Soriano and Txiki wanted. The warring factions are just bitching because of their egos, not because their argument has any fucking relevance.

The same people have been at it since Sven mate and it's just crazy spending all that time arguing. I've promised myself this time though I'm saying nothing at all about the manager one way or another. Only thing I'll do is stick up for Bob every now and again as i think the guy keeps getting stick unfairly at times.

Bob won two trophies in his time at city and it could of been a third if things had of gone slightly different for him. Also the circumstances of the league win were like something out a big hollywood blockbuster. It was just utterly utterly brilliant the way we won the league. I just can't ever see anything like that happening again it was just so dramatic.

The man is a true city legend and will go down in history as one. He really doesn't deserve the mud that is getting slung at him just to further certain peoples agenda.
Re: Clueless manager

wilmslowblue said:
badge said:
Anthony_18 said:
Sorry, we ain't going to do anything under this bloke. Never been one for knee-jerk decisions but we need to make a clean break ASAP in regards to him. You can just see in how easily we are beaten away from home that this guy is really going to struggle.Get Pochettino in from Southampton seriously.

just about sums how clueless some of you are. pochettino really? the same guy that was sacked by espanyol for getting nine points from THIRTEEN games.

I agree with Anthony but not Pochetino. Hopefully will end up a bit like Clarke from last season.

I would throw all our petro dollars at trying to lure Jupp or The General out of retirement!

Whatever we do we must remove this pathetic excuse for an "Engineer" i have ever seen.

this week i've had good chats at work with an everton fan and two un!ted supporters. all agreed we were unlucky at sunderland. i told them about our embarrassing fans on this website and each found it rather amusing. the everton fan agrees 100% with me, that there are too many dickheads around claiming to be football fans. i can almost guarantee that the majority slagging him off on here are the very same who are more interested in the piss-up rather than the game.

clueless manager? clueless fans? definitely!
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