Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 4)

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eversince 76 said:
What was to be expected is the media boring Pellegrini with continuing questions about Joe Hart. First they floor Hart flat on his face by putting pressure on him, claiming he was to be replaced even before Pellegrini made up his mind. Now Pellegrini did start with Pantilimon, the press is all over him why and when Hart is to return in goal. No wonder Pellegrini is "flipping", well according to Dail Fail. It turns out he hardly flips, he simply stops the questions about one player as he likes to think and talk in terms of a team.

Anyway, this whole keeper-problem has turned out into an unwanted one, mainly caused by Hart himself for not putting in the quality performances that are required. I still think he's the number 1 choice, but Pantillimon will get more time to show what he is all about. And so far, despite hardly a save to make, Pantilimon hasn't let us down.

As for the press: do one.

That statement is both unfair and untrue.
How on earth can you blame Joe for the actions of the press / media?
I do agree they do appear to be like a dog with a bone on this one and it makes the
radio or TV virtually on a daily basis with no sign of it abaiting. I'm not sure its just because
Joe is the keeper for City - would be the same if he was the keeper for Arsenal or Chelsea?
However, the media circus surrounding this one has not been 'mainly caused by Hart himself'.
BillyShears said:
When it comes to fashion the French have everyone else in Europe beaten hands down. :)
Are you sure ?
BlueSiam said:
Call it a personal thing. For me it was the way we woman slapped them all over the pitch for 45 mins. You would have been pushed to get odds of 6 or 7-0 at half time. As much fun as the 1-6 was, I have a hard time recalling ANY team in the modern era urinating on United the way we did in that first half and it just gave me enormous pleasure.
Totally agree, it could have been 6 or 7 at half time, why anyone wishes to put the performance down baffles me.
He seemed a bit tetchy and dismissive of the press hacks in his presser today. The body language has changed compared to earlier on in the season and you get the strong feeling he seems to regard these press calls as a total waste of his time. Starting to look as if the pressure is building and starting to weigh on his shoulders a bit. He might be fed of questions about Joe Hart but after 2 weeks without a game he must surely have been expecting that would be the main thrust of the questions he got. I can't be the only one who is finding his pre-game media sessions very repetitive and uninformative (injury updates excepted). The language barrier maybe the main cause of this perhaps. If he doesn't want to do them not sure why he doesn't ask Kiddo to stand in for him.
TGR said:
However, the media circus surrounding this one has not been 'mainly caused by Hart himself'.
The keeper problem was caused by Hart under performing, nothing more, nothing less. The only reason for the "media circus" is Hart, had he been on top form for both City and England there would be no media circus anywhere near Hart. MP has so far handled it well imho.
stan bowles said:
He seemed a bit tetchy and dismissive of the press hacks in his presser today. The body language has changed compared to earlier on in the season and you get the strong feeling he seems to regard these press calls as a total waste of his time. Starting to look as if the pressure is building and starting to weigh on his shoulders a bit. He might be fed of questions about Joe Hart but after 2 weeks without a game he must surely have been expecting that would be the main thrust of the questions he got. I can't be the only one who is finding his pre-game media sessions very repetitive and uninformative (injury updates excepted). The language barrier maybe the main cause of this perhaps. If he doesn't want to do them not sure why he doesn't ask Kiddo to stand in for him.

Or he is just pissed off being asked boring inane questions
cleavers said:
TGR said:
However, the media circus surrounding this one has not been 'mainly caused by Hart himself'.
The keeper problem was caused by Hart under performing, nothing more, nothing less. The only reason for the "media circus" is Hart, had he been on top form for both City and England there would be no media circus anywhere near Hart. MP has so far handled it well imho.

I never mentioned MP at all in my post.
The media / press are OTT on this for sure.
However it's a story it fills column inches and it throws our club and our manager into a negative light. Just how they like it.
Am I paranoid, biased, have an agenda or just plain nuts? Yes I am.
grim up north said:
stan bowles said:
He seemed a bit tetchy and dismissive of the press hacks in his presser today. The body language has changed compared to earlier on in the season and you get the strong feeling he seems to regard these press calls as a total waste of his time. Starting to look as if the pressure is building and starting to weigh on his shoulders a bit. He might be fed of questions about Joe Hart but after 2 weeks without a game he must surely have been expecting that would be the main thrust of the questions he got. I can't be the only one who is finding his pre-game media sessions very repetitive and uninformative (injury updates excepted). The language barrier maybe the main cause of this perhaps. If he doesn't want to do them not sure why he doesn't ask Kiddo to stand in for him.

Or he is just pissed off being asked boring inane questions

At least his predecessor managed to inject some humour into proceedings and had a highly-developed sense of irony in his responses. The journos are hardly going to ask him deep and meaningful questions are they ? Mainly because his English is not yet good enough to understand them.
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