Discuss Pellegrini

thenabster said:
I feel we and everyone is getting caught with his gentlemen etiquette. He seems to be a nice guy and there is no drama in the team which I like however it may be a problem if he's too nice and we don't analyze his shortcomings. Today, Pellegrini got tactically destroyed by Malkay Mackay. I mean Malkay ripped him apart. He knew that MP was going to use Garcia and Lescott in defense that were out of sync and slow, so instead of playing Cornelius he plays a fast striker who created havoc in the defense. Also he knew that MP wasn't going to use a holding midfielder but two midfielders who preferred to attack, so Mackay filled his midfield with fast and strong midfielders who were going to but our midfield on the backheel. Plus MP didn't even react to the troubles.

Cardiff is not a better team than us and the players may have under performed but this result also hinges on the manager because tactically he failed today.

I like MP but I'm worried about his gentlemen etiquette. He rarely wins against strong managers, I feel like when we meet the Mourinhos, AVB, Rodgers etc MP will keep on getting tactically outmaneuvered. One thing Mancini had that MP doesn't seem to have was that Mancini was very emotional and vocal, that's why even though the players didn't like him when we were losing 2-0 at half time or something, Mancini would scream the shit out of players to overturn the deficit. I feel like today when Cardiff scored, MP just kept on chilling on his bench. MP is going to have to switch on his inner cockiness.

I think we should also start discussing about him because we can't just blame the players all the time.

You cannot be serious. Moderators - this thread is utterly ridiculous after 2 games. If threads like this are allowed to fester I think Bluemoon is in danger of becoming a tool for our rivals. The content of this post is not analytical, it's a knee jerk reaction to a disappointing result but contains no facts. MP is going to have to switch on his inner cockiness This is just unbelievable and doesn't deserve to be available for all and sundry to read - in my opinion of course....talk about panic
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Let's give him a season at least folks...

We will give him the same that we gave Mancini after winning the title.

So about two games then.

EDIT: Sorry this is just joking. Mancini was unbeaten in his first 16 games last year until RVP scored in the 93rd minute.
Can't we just draw a line under this?

Accept that Mancini wasn't the devil incarnate, a hopeless incompetent?

Accept that Pellegrini is a decent manager but still getting used to the PL?
simon23 said:
Not knocking pellers at all but I could have told him 2 yrs ago that yaya is not a defensive midfielder and never should be used as one in the prem league....

The balance in midfield is key and the only way it will work with him and fernandinho in there is if fernandinho plays the holding role and is disciplined in doing so.

Plus....never ever play Garcia....the guy is useless

Can't argue with that. When Yaya plays defensive it gives him the excuse to have an easy time get rid of it with a side or back pass something your average midfielder can do just as well. We need to play Yaya further upfront to give him some responsibility. Never played or looked like a Captain today.
Kun and Toure should have been subbed.
Why couldn't he see that?
Dzecko was shit,but at least he had scored and had the momentum,he should not have been subbed.Kolo as others have said was a fucking waste of time.
Today would of taught him pretty much everything he needs to know about playing away in the PL to teams outside of the top 4-6.
Rammy Blue said:
He fucked up today but he'll learn. I assumed, wrongly, that he'd have done his homework about how our away games go. I know it's early in the season but that's 3 points thrown away that we can ill afford.

Pretty much my feelings too, although he can only afford 2 or 3 more losses at this level over the next several weeks before the PL title would look a long shot. The home games won't tell us much, but these next few away games should. Stoke away a huge test....in fact by end of sept we will know what we have on our hands!!
waspish said:
bondsman said:
Mancini took over from Hughes and instantly improved us. We looked organised and purposeful. Pellegrini has arrived and his impact has been?? Fuck all really if everyone is honest. He has not stamped his identity on the side at all and that is worrying.

And apparently last season half the team don't like Mancini and we got to a Fa cup final and finished second!

It's early days but I hope Pelegrini can improve our away performances I don't worry about out home performances

I think both home and away most teams will play the same way against us, the last few seasons our away performances have been our achilles heel , if this continues for the season and i hope it doesn't the manager may need to move on the 'homers' within the set up
Pellers dropped a massive bollock today and I hope he learns from his mistake

no one should ever put a side out without specialized centre backs especially when one of the ie Lescott is an accident waiting to happen

Lescott is the only player in the club who doesn't look comfortable with the ball at his feet not good enough

and we should have learnt last season that we had no cover for Kompany so the people who are supposed to strengthen our squad need to take a long hard look at themselves

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