Discuss Pellegrini

BobKowalski said:
hgblue said:
He's supposed to be a top quality manager, up there with the likes of Mourinho. Early days I know, but I highly doubt it. For the first time since his appointment, I'm really worried that we've dropped a bollock.

Yes. Pellegrini's CV certainly puts him in the top bracket with Mourinho...

Pellegrini is many things. A fine human being. A good coach and probably a good laugh over a beer or two but if you or anyone else actually believed any of that guff about Pellegrini being in the same bracket as Mourinho then I am genuinely astounded.

I think his difference from Mourinho, and indeed Mancini, is the key to him being picked - he will accept the director of football's signings, he will accept the holistic philosophy, and by and large he will do what the senior executives ask him to - something that Bobby was not prepared to, and Mourinho would not have been prepared to. I am not by the way having a pop at Pellegrini, I am just stating what I believe to be the case
gordondaviesmoustache said:
mammutly said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I'm surprised that you are so downbeat and lugubrious, you're normally such a sanguine poster.

Deliberate obfuscation through sarcasm.
Is there any other form of obfuscation other than deliberate?

And yes, I have occasionally been called sarcastic. Have you picked up those vibes too?

Indeed there is. It's quite common.

I detected sarcasm, but dismissed it as irony.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Damned by faint praise is about as good as it gets with you, so thanks :-)

And it's a complete myth that it's the lowest form of wit. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Us wits know that wit is as much as the delivery as the form, but I am also sarcastic.
Skashion said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Damned by faint praise is about as good as it gets with you, so thanks :-)

And it's a complete myth that it's the lowest form of wit. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Us wits know that wit is as much as the delivery as the form, but I am also sarcastic.
Yes you are.

It takes one to know one, I guess.

mammutly said:
I detected sarcasm, but dismissed it as irony.
This statement is replete with post-modern....... errr.....irony.
blue underpants said:
We should have stuck with Mancini

There is no real argument to the contrary. Virtually everyone in football would agree with you.

Sadly, the Sheikh was persuaded by the suits that they could do it better. Maybe in the future we will do a Chelski and bring him back.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
mammutly said:
There is no real argument to the contrary. Virtually everyone in football would agree with you.
I am struggling to identify which of these sentences is the most factually incorrect.*

*not being sarcastic/ironic

It's a close call, can't decide tbh.
mammutly said:
blue underpants said:
We should have stuck with Mancini

There is no real argument to the contrary. Virtually everyone in football would agree with you.

Sadly, the Sheikh was persuaded by the suits that they could do it better. Maybe in the future we will do a Chelski and bring him back.

Hahahahaha. That's a terrible post but equally hysterically funny.

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