Discuss Pellegrini

More like a grandad who puts his arm around you rather than a football winner. Im willing to bet we dont get top four with this halfwit.
Lets give him ten games hey...we will be that far behind it wont matter..
Tim of the Oak said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
I thought the decision to remove Mancini was the correct one, and when I think back to some of our performances last season on the road, eg at Everton, Sunderland, Stoke, QPR, Swansea, Ajax, Wigan (Wembley) etc, I stand by that assessment, and were he still in charge I don't believe we'd be doing any better than we are now under Pellegrini. Trouble is what we are doing now under Pellegrini is desperately poor, bordering on the clueless. We were crying out for a forward with pace and flair, but didn't buy one, we were crying out for a quality centre half (given Kompany's previous for going down injured with no-one near him), but didn't buy one, and unfortunately we have loaded all our wide options into one basket with Navas, who looks an irredeemable lightweight against disciplined defending. Throw in tactics that don't play to the strengths of the players selected, and it all looks a turgid, one paced, shambles. In all honesty, I don't think we will beat either Plzen or the rags, and if that happens then the pressure will really be on.......

Cheers Exeter. Just a reminder that the news Bobby was being sacked came out before the Cup Final so you cod hardly expect him to motivate the players.

It will take time for MP to impose his style on the team. He has been brought in to bring success in the CL so however ridiculous, he will be under pressure if we don't get a result at Plzen and put in a good performance in the Derby.

Next two games are huge for him. Lose your first group game in the CL and you are forever playing catch up. Lose against the rags and we slip further down the table and rightly the fans will be pissed off. Lose both and serious questions need to be asked.
dctid said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
I thought the decision to remove Mancini was the correct one, and when I think back to some of our performances last season on the road, eg at Everton, Sunderland, Stoke, QPR, Swansea, Ajax, Wigan (Wembley) etc, I stand by that assessment, and were he still in charge I don't believe we'd be doing any better than we are now under Pellegrini. Trouble is what we are doing now under Pellegrini is desperately poor, bordering on the clueless. We were crying out for a forward with pace and flair, but didn't buy one, we were crying out for a quality centre half (given Kompany's previous for going down injured with no-one near him), but didn't buy one, and unfortunately we have loaded all our wide options into one basket with Navas, who looks an irredeemable lightweight against disciplined defending. Throw in tactics that don't play to the strengths of the players selected, and it all looks a turgid, one paced, shambles. In all honesty, I don't think we will beat either Plzen or the rags, and if that happens then the pressure will really be on.......

I dont think we will finish top 4 under this guy that is the difference - we have had a piss easy open to the season compared to others

We will lose out top 4 status this year its that simple if things continue

Hard to disagree unfortunately. And if the Scousers get their toe back in the CL door at our expense, with all their historical clout, we will have a pig of a job getting them out again<br /><br />-- Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:03 pm --<br /><br />
sajtion said:
pellegrini has no depth at all. i thought he might do well but actually now i think no

Hmmmm. 5 posts in 3 years. I smell something red and stinky..........
We shaft the best manager in our history for this fucking shite. Anyone who says Bobby would have tolerated three successive performances of such epic can't be arsedness is a liar

On what I've seen so far, he's not got a f*ckin clue. Totally outsmarted by clueless today - God help us!

Any of us could manage our current squad to win the league - Pelle thinks it's still pre-season. The next three games are crucial for him.

The Barca old boys should be on their knees begging Bobby to come back, but they're probably too arrogant to even dream of that.

You can bet they'll already have a replacement in the wings.
My main problem with MP has always been that he´s clearly NOT a winner - zilch, zip, not a sausage, bugger all in terms of European football. Even Woy won stuff in Italy and Sweden.
The PL is knowing how to win and clearly he is deficient in this aspect. As much as I wanted Bob to be replaced MP was never imo the big money shot that was required. Pellegrini has always (Madrid apart) had success with modest teams punching above their weight. Why? Two things. The likes of Villarreal and Malaga had, have had and will always have fook all pressure on them to succeed. They don´t have a single trophy between them thus they have been able to play with freedom. Secondly no big names, no marquee players, prima donnas, just honest good hard working pros with the right attitude and a reasonable level of technical ability. A players manager like MP can get very far on that especially in a competition like the CL where a kind draw can provide a pathway to greater things.
I was under the impression he was a man manager, a motivator but looking at the performances of Yaya and Silva recently it makes you wonder. Or is it the formation? If so why hasn´t he seen what all of us clearly can that Yaya´s days as a holding mid are well behind him. He, Silva and Jovetic imho should be tearing up defences whilst Fern plus any of the other DM candidates should be sweeping up , protecting the back four and feeding the aforementioned triumverate with the ammo required to seek and destroy using one of the strikers up top. Maybe he´s tinkering , maybe he hasn´t stumbled upon it yet , maybe he lacks the leadership of VK on the field but something HAS to change PDQ. Looking at the derby it has all the makings of a stalemate. Perhaps we need a bit of siege mentality thinking to get our dander up and the juices flowing and there´s nothing like bringing on the rags under these circumstances to help put the fireworks back into our season
The next two weeks are going to be interesting. Very interesting
Exeter Blue I am here said:
dctid said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
I thought the decision to remove Mancini was the correct one, and when I think back to some of our performances last season on the road, eg at Everton, Sunderland, Stoke, QPR, Swansea, Ajax, Wigan (Wembley) etc, I stand by that assessment, and were he still in charge I don't believe we'd be doing any better than we are now under Pellegrini. Trouble is what we are doing now under Pellegrini is desperately poor, bordering on the clueless. We were crying out for a forward with pace and flair, but didn't buy one, we were crying out for a quality centre half (given Kompany's previous for going down injured with no-one near him), but didn't buy one, and unfortunately we have loaded all our wide options into one basket with Navas, who looks an irredeemable lightweight against disciplined defending. Throw in tactics that don't play to the strengths of the players selected, and it all looks a turgid, one paced, shambles. In all honesty, I don't think we will beat either Plzen or the rags, and if that happens then the pressure will really be on.......

I dont think we will finish top 4 under this guy that is the difference - we have had a piss easy open to the season compared to others

We will lose out top 4 status this year its that simple if things continue

Hard to disagree unfortunately. And if the Scousers get their toe back in the CL door at our expense, with all their historical clout, we will have a pig of a job getting them out again

Not really. We sign the top quality striker, holding midfielder and centre back that we should have signed in this window, and we'll be fine.
Needs to be given time. Making judgements after 4 games is stupid. For those not over RM, time to get over it.
I think the spanish duo (txiki + ferran) didnt realise that Mancini's style / team needed a bigger over haul... in addition to those who ve left we needed to get rid of lescott and barry sooner in the window, along with nasri, kolarov and garcia. We havent found replacements for tevez and ballotelli, as negrado is more of a replcement for dzeko. Unfortunately this is a transitional season and we must learn how to change from the predictable mancini style to an attacking pressing style, but we just dont have those type of players there to do it!

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