Discuss Pellegrini

Re: What the f**k have we done?!?!?

riggymcfc123 said:
I've been a season ticket holder for 32 years, i,ve also taken a keen interest in Malaga CF for the past 3 years. If, twelve months ago someone would have told me that Mancini would be replaced by Pellegrini i would have been fucking mortified!
As you can tell by my post count i don't post too often, although i do look in pretty much every day. I've spent most of the summer reading comments from Billy Shears & Didsbury Dave and the like about how shit Mancini was and how wonderful MP is.
let me tell you this, Mancini was a WINNER whilst Pellegrini is the Latin version of Kevin Keegan (Entertaining...but NO trophies!!) he has spent ( backed by Cheeky & Sorry)£84m on attack-minded players.
Last season Mancini wanted Van Persie, Hazard And De Rossi.....Total cost about £90m, instead he was given Garcia, Sinclair and 'injury prone' Rodwell!!
Had Mancini got his men last summer we could, probably WOULD have won the double and progressed further in the Champions league!!
It seems to me that we have got the best owner in football, Also in Al Mubarak we have the best chairman. trouble is, since the takeover we've lacked someone with a general understanding of premier league football who can run the club on a day-to-day basis!
Firstly we had that bungling bafoon Gary Cook, then the incompetent Brian Marwood and now we have the two Spanish 'wide boys' handing out jobs for the boys!
I hope to god I'm wrong but i believe sacking Mancini will come back to haunt us and all us 'fan boys' will be shaking our heads in disbelief at the Cheeky & Sorry 'fan boys' (Billy and Co) thinking "what the fuck have we done!!!"

Brilliant post. I would just add the Pelligrini has a lot more quality/ resources at City and believe he will be a success if we are behind him. My signed picture of Mancinini lifting the EPL trophy is nodding in agreement - although it could be the affect of several bank holiday weekend ciders.
The cookie monster said:
waspish said:
riggymcfc123 said:
I've been a season ticket holder for 32 years, i,ve also taken a keen interest in Malaga CF for the past 3 years. If, twelve months ago someone would have told me that Mancini would be replaced by Pellegrini i would have been fucking mortified!
As you can tell by my post count i don't post too often, although i do look in pretty much every day. I've spent most of the summer reading comments from Billy Shears & Didsbury Dave and the like about how shit Mancini was and how wonderful MP is.
let me tell you this, Mancini was a WINNER whilst Pellegrini is the Latin version of Kevin Keegan (Entertaining...but NO trophies!!) he has spent ( backed by Cheeky & Sorry)£84m on attack-minded players.
Last season Mancini wanted Van Persie, Hazard And De Rossi.....Total cost about £90m, instead he was given Garcia, Sinclair and 'injury prone' Rodwell!!
Had Mancini got his men last summer we could, probably WOULD have won the double and progressed further in the Champions league!!
It seems to me that we have got the best owner in football, Also in Al Mubarak we have the best chairman. trouble is, since the takeover we've lacked someone with a general understanding of premier league football who can run the club on a day-to-day basis!
Firstly we had that bungling bafoon Gary Cook, then the incompetent Brian Marwood and now we have the two Spanish 'wide boys' handing out jobs for the boys!
I hope to god I'm wrong but i believe sacking Mancini will come back to haunt us and all us 'fan boys' will be shaking our heads in disbelief at the Cheeky & Sorry 'fan boys' (Billy and Co) thinking "what the fuck have we done!!!"

In a way I agree we should of backed Mancini last summer he is a winner and he takes no shit from anyone if you have manager like this you either back him and let him do his job or get rid we got rid lets hope its the right decision 36 games to go
It was the right decision mate for the sake of the club
There would of been anarchy had he stayed
It was pretty obvious the players had spat their dummies out at bobby & got him removed

Anyway we just have to get behind pelle now 100%

Maybe.... I just think it was a season or 2 to soon as a club to sack him. for me we haven't established ourselves as consistent winners of cups and Titles just yet so back him last summer get RVP in move out the payers who are disruptive and win the Title and a few more cups before making this move for a holistic approach..

I watched Pelegrini after match press conference and its worried me..

Like always though I'll get behind the players and manager at the ground and discus his attributes and tactics in here...
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
karen7 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I for one am fully behind Pellegrini but was a staunch supporter of Mancini. I really didnt give a fuck if the players didn't like him. It clearly showed in their performances.
What I find funny is that the Mancini was shit coach/man managers posters are very very quiet this evening. We played well at home last season,we played well again on Monday.
We played very poorly away last season,we played very poorly away today.
What's changed..?? Not a lot really apart from Bobby sitting pretty on his 6 million pay off plus another 80 mill on 4 players!

certain posters must be washing their hair tonite or i am sure they would be here;)[/

Just saying what I saw Karen...The Pellegrini lovin has certainly come to an abrupt halt after that showing today..A few more away days like that (which I hope we have none of) and losing Mancini because Hart didn't like him or whatever he did is going to seem like a huge fucking mistake!

You couldn't imagine Bert Trautman going to the Board to complain at being left out of the team. Neither did Shay Given when Joe took over. Hopefully Joe can go on to be a footballing great like these guys and the answers problay lies on the traing ground - not a head and shoulders ad.
Bloody hell Norris get a grip[/quote]
I have got a grip, iv also gripped the fact that we have hired a nice cosy near pensioner who will not give the team a kick up the arse as required, Mancini would have sorted that fucking shower out today as soon as they equalised, and boo hoo he might have shouted at the poor little dears which is just what they needed[/quote

Yes,you're right Mancini would've properly bollocked the main offenders,
trouble was all the ranting and raving made not a jot of a difference because the
playing staff had ceased to listen.
It's only two games in,so let's hope the players will listen to Manny,
otherwise expect a repeat of last term.
gmckennasell said:
So pellegrini was a magician last week and this week he is a clown , the problem with the modern football supporter , is because we spent £80m (despite re-couping £40m from tevez and balotelli) instant success is required , Pellegrini and his coaching staff will learn a lot more from todays performance than thrashing teams 4-0 at the Etihad , its a bad 3 pts to lose , but hardly the end of the world Still confident Pellegrini will have us organised for another top 4 finish and a decent run in the champs league. Lets not start acting like yoooonited "customers" and spitting our dummy out because we dont win the premiership every year.

Excellent post
shaun said:
Bloody hell Norris get a grip
I have got a grip, iv also gripped the fact that we have hired a nice cosy near pensioner who will not give the team a kick up the arse as required, Mancini would have sorted that fucking shower out today as soon as they equalised, and boo hoo he might have shouted at the poor little dears which is just what they needed[/quote

Yes,you're right Mancini would've properly bollocked the main offenders,
trouble was all the ranting and raving made not a jot of a difference because the
playing staff had ceased to listen.
It's only two games in,so let's hope the players will listen to Manny,
otherwise expect a repeat of last term.[/quote]

Got a feeling that it's going to be a long season with Pellers in charge.
Hope I am wrong but today was no better than last season-fact!
waspish said:
The cookie monster said:
waspish said:
In a way I agree we should of backed Mancini last summer he is a winner and he takes no shit from anyone if you have manager like this you either back him and let him do his job or get rid we got rid lets hope its the right decision 36 games to go
It was the right decision mate for the sake of the club
There would of been anarchy had he stayed
It was pretty obvious the players had spat their dummies out at bobby & got him removed

Anyway we just have to get behind pelle now 100%

Maybe.... I just think it was a season or 2 to soon as a club to sack him. for me we haven't established ourselves as consistent winners of cups and Titles just yet so back him last summer get RVP in move out the payers who are disruptive and win the Title and a few more cups before making this move for a holistic approach..

I watched Pelegrini after match press conference and its worried me..

Like always though I'll get behind the players and manager at the ground and discus his attributes and tactics in here...
Theres nothing to discuss, hes a Chilean Ramos and we all know what happened to Spurs under him
I have faith in Pellegrini. What I don't always have faith in is the players. It's not Pelle's fault they did fuck all during the entire first half.
Second game in and the reactions of some are quite staggering. Alright, not the smartest performance in the world but it's 2 games in and I think Cardiff are going to give quite a few teams a run for their money - particularly at home. I won't lie, I thought it would be a straightforward victory but everyone has a bad day at the office.

The only thing i'm concerned about is that the players will be up for it at home in comfortable surroundings yet buckle under the pressure of playing away when the vocal support is on the other foot. In regards to Pellegrini then i'm still sure he'll do a good job. He's made some good signings, he comes across well and speaks better English than Mancini ever did so i'm not overly concerned after 2 games of a season - particularly when we absolutely battered Newcastle last week.

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