Discuss Pellegrini

menorcansunshine said:
Pellegrini just doesn't have the that winning mentality that Bobby had. He may well be a really nice bloke and motivator but he just doesn't know what winning is like. I think he will be gone by christmas.

What did Pellegrini do wrong? His team selection and substitutions were okay. The defence let him down - its a problem that he will need to sort out in the coming months.

Less of this OUT talk so early in the season.
Bluekiwi said:
menorcansunshine said:
Pellegrini just doesn't have the that winning mentality that Bobby had. He may well be a really nice bloke and motivator but he just doesn't know what winning is like. I think he will be gone by christmas.

What did Pellegrini do wrong? His team selection and substitutions were okay. The defence let him down - its a problem that he will need to sort out in the coming months.

Less of this OUT talk so early in the season.

You win some, you lose some! I certainly didn't expect City to lose the game but all this criticism so early on is a little daft. If at Christmas we've lost 4 or 5 games and are stumbling along in the Champions League then I might be inclined to jump on the silly wagon but we're 2 games in and everyone should just relax.
MCFCDD said:
i think that we whould play 4-3-3 during our away matches because even teams like cardiff can play well at home.
i think that in the future against stoke, everton or fulham we should play like that.


maybe kompany makes it easier to play with 4-2-2-2 and does job of deffensive midfielder too, but today i think that pellegrini should have played with 3 midfielders and 3 attackers: navas silva aguero.
anyway pellegrini made a huge mistake today and i hope it will an experience for him to understand that PL isn't la liga where real/barsa can win without holding midfielders in 90% of there matches. :) but to be fair mancini had better start even with the squad we had in 2010 :/

This is one of the major points I was saying. We needed a Barry in this game because we know that as opposed to Yaya and Fernandinho, Barry prefers to stay back and break up play, give us more time and space to build up play. The only way we could have played 4-2-2-2 like MP aligned today was if Yaya or Fernandinho was replaced by a player like Martinez who likes to defend but is skillful enough to go forward and contribute to the attack. With that the Kims and the Gunnarsons wouldn't have had any space to torture us like they did today.
We have the opportunity to put things right against another promoted team on Saturday.

Another performance like that against Cardiff and the Pellegrini thread will start to " trend".

What we served up against Cardiff was unacceptable.

This crap about it being there first home game etc and they would be up for it etc is just that.

As many have said Manure , Chelsea and many others would have put them to the sword especially after going ahead in the second half.

You have to work hard and be focused for the full 96 minutes to get the job done and we did neither and got what we deserved.

I don't give two hoots about the bagging we get in the media and amongst the fans giving them and us all the jibes they will fostering the typical City tag still being alive and well but if it wakes up our embarrassed players and highlights the amount of work MP has to do to start the road back to being viewed as the manager some say he is then all well and good.
He won a game that Mancini would have won and lost a game that Mancini would have lost, so the idea of him not having a 'winning mentality' is pretty funny. His Real Madrid team sure had a winning mentality, they won 31 of 38 games in his only season there... unfortunately they lost a few more games than Barca (who also won 31) though, so didn't win the league.
It is European results he should be judged on. Flapping after two games is a tad silly.
Premier League is not La Liga. Defense is shit with the smaller teams and they just roll over. PL is much harder to master.
Some of the comments on this thread are ridiculous. We should be beating Cardiff but talk about knee jerk reactions.

Our performance vs Cardiff was typical of our away form over the past 3 years. It was not a new issue, although it is something Pellegrini AND the players need to address.

Teams defend with 11 in their half, work hard and the game passes us by. We struggle to break teams down and our passing is slow and predictable.

We need to put this right and learn how to play against this kind of opposition, starting by getting balls into the box more often like the rags have done. The more you cross the ball against teams with 11 behind the ball eventually you'll get chances from knock downs. I don't want us to play like stoke city but we HAVE to be more direct.

Also we all know that without Vincent Kompany our defence goes from being one of if not the best in the league to one of the worst, but again this has been an issue for years and should have been addressed in the transfer market a long time ago.

I expect us to beat Cardiff City and there is no doubt we should be doing, but how some of you can judge Pellegrinis management style after 2 games is beyond me.

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