Mad Eyed Screamer
Is that a national percentage or your own?70 percent
Is that a national percentage or your own?70 percent
Is that a national percentage or your own?
90%, although it drops to 30 if you take worsley out.I wonder what the percentage of serial divorcers are in the figures?
Don’t take him out, he’ll probably propose to you90%, although it drops to 30 if you take worsley out.
Free house and car, what restaurants does he prefer?Don’t take him out, he’ll probably propose to you
As we get older we drive different cars, dress differently, move house, change jobs, go on different holidays. Likewise with relationships, people change. If you both change and grow closer then that’s great but if you don’t then move on, it’s a short life and there is not enough time to be unhappy, bored or fed up.I married at 25. Divorced by 40 and re married.
I think mostly we are very different people at 25 than we are at 40.