Do you believe in hitting kids?

pominoz said:
The cookie monster said:
pominoz said:
Considering your views posted in this thread, i find it odd that you would give a heads up to people that think it is ok to hit kids.

What the fuck are you going on about?

I may have got this wrong, but you posted earlier that you would never hit a child.

Yet you seem to be telling others that may want to adopt, if asked do they believe in hitting kids as a form of discipline, to say no, even if they do. Therefore putting kids in the care of those that you strongly disagree with.

Maybe a bit of crossed wires mate..

Maybe re reading my post it may have come over that way..wasnt meant to,was just basically saying its a big no no if ever some folk wanted to go down that path.....

My own opinion is i wouldnt hit my kids,i have freinds and family who smack their children and thats up to them...
The cookie monster said:
pominoz said:
The cookie monster said:
What the fuck are you going on about?

I may have got this wrong, but you posted earlier that you would never hit a child.

Yet you seem to be telling others that may want to adopt, if asked do they believe in hitting kids as a form of discipline, to say no, even if they do. Therefore putting kids in the care of those that you strongly disagree with.

My own opinion is i wouldnt hit my kids,i have freinds and family who smack their children and thats up to them...

My feelings entirely.
A complete ban on smacking would be pretty much unenforceable from a legal standpoint anyway,as it would often be the word of a child against the parent.
Adoption agencies,social workers and suchlike understandably have to toe the party line,lest some utter halfwit thinks that advocating smacking your kids means it's ok to reach for a cat 'o nine tails,a samurai sword or a taser every time their child turns Sky Sports News over to watch In The Night Garden.
Having grown up in what you would call a typical working class Mancunian family, there was no need for my parents to smack us, as we knew when we had fucked up, due to the values that they had instilled in us and i would like to think that i am bringing up my daughter the same way and could never visualise any situation where a physical smack would take the place of a talking to and the understanding of the wrong doing.
Never felt any need to smack any of mine yet (have a lad of 4 and a girl of 3) as i am trying to install values of a decent human being in them.

however i think if they ever did anything i considered to be really out of line i would possibly give them a slap on the bum or across the legs.

IMO thats as far as it should ever go there is NO excuse for smacking on the head/face using a clenched fist etc

i know people will say it happened in my day and did me no harm but its a different world we live in these days with different pressures.
ChrisNUFC said:
IMO thats as far as it should ever go there is NO excuse for smacking on the head/face using a clenched fist etc
Lol - I'm not sure anyone thinks there is.
SWP's back said:
ChrisNUFC said:
IMO thats as far as it should ever go there is NO excuse for smacking on the head/face using a clenched fist etc
Lol - I'm not sure anyone thinks there is.

On here hopefully not

but judging by the screams coming from my next door neighbours and some of the marks there kids have not sure same can be said for everyone in the world.

I was just making the point generally not in response to what anyone else had said :)
disgusting behaviour, i'd have beaten the cunts senseless if i'd have been on that bus.
GStar said:
Violence hyperboles the action and gives negative conotations of long term physical after effects.

Discipline and 'violence' have been used legitimately for long periods of time, and not just by parents, teachers, family friends etc

You've admitted that you can't treat a kid like an adult, they're not developed enough at that stage. As i see it, smacking, is a much more primative (it apeals and works on thier level), if you like, way which can help establish not only right and wrong but authority too.

The thought that smacking children leads to blurred lines between what is right and wrong and the acceptability of more extreme violence i think is absolute bobbins.

As you develop and mature you should come to understand the reasoning behind the actions. Of course there's a fine line and i'm not sure when i become a parent whether i'd choose to disipline my kids that way (or even be legally allowed to) but i understand and agree with why it has been used.

Should also add that smacking should not be used used as a first line, it should be when alternatives have not worked/last resort.

I think I should add that as well as not agreeing with it because I don't want to teach my kids to solve problems with violence, I don't think smacking kids actually works.

I have friends who smack their kids and they are hard work. I don't smack mine and they are good kids ( in public, at home they are little bastards at times).

And before somebody comes on and says " you would say that" they both got Head Teachers Awards the other week, my little lad for "managing his detractions" ( code for putting up with a disruptive kid) and my little girl for being a good role model.

I thought nothing of either awards because I thought that they would all get one at some point.

Last week I helped out at a school event and saw just how well behaved my daughter was. I have seen them behave well out with us but at school she was a gem.

So far our decision not to discipline them with violence is being proven right, they are not sully spoilt brats, they are polite respectful kids who laugh a lot.

It won't always be this way but as a parent it is up to me (and Mrs Stan) to find ways to mold them into considerate,intelligent and successful adults.

Not sure what we will have to do next to achieve this, it is a constant job to research, watch and adjust because they are not robots.

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