Do you believe in hitting kids?

The cookie monster said:
Bit of a tip for folk who ever think of adopting or fostering children..

The question of hitting children will come up and when the ops question is put to you ...have a think about the answer..

If you say the wrong answer you will be struck off for life!!

Considering your views posted in this thread, i find it odd that you would give a heads up to people that think it is ok to hit kids.
pominoz said:
The cookie monster said:
Bit of a tip for folk who ever think of adopting or fostering children..

The question of hitting children will come up and when the ops question is put to you ...have a think about the answer..

If you say the wrong answer you will be struck off for life!!

Considering your views posted in this thread, i find it odd that you would give a heads up to people that think it is ok to hit kids.

What the fuck are you going on about?
If they're sexy enough, yes.

Oh sorry I appear to have misread the title.
The cookie monster said:
Bit of a tip for folk who ever think of adopting or fostering children..

The question of hitting children will come up and when the ops question is put to you ...have a think about the answer..

If you say the wrong answer you will be struck off for life!!

Brilliant, because ill-disciplined kids are a blessing on society.

" You should control your children without hitting them " What a load of old bollocks.

Clearly there is a difference between correcting a child for there own good and beating them to a pulp.

Neuter the fucking stupid before they breed, that's what I say
People with one child dont feel the benefits of one child winding the other up which in turn causes all sorts of mayhem and stress. For both parents.

I have been doing an experiment of kinds with my two kids and my sister in laws son. It was more to do with the argument of Nurture/nature and i believe kids are more or less 80% nature 20% nuture.

My sister in law doesn`t believe in smacking and has never smacked her son apart from once when she slapped him across the face(he`s nearly 11) but in her belief that smacking doesnt work she has the most sulky,obnoxious,cocky tw@t of a son you could ever meet. He`s a clever lad anyway and very polite but to other kids and his mother if he`s in a mood then you would want to kill him. Saying that his Father(they split years ago but he still has a large input in his life) is exactly the same as him. Where he got to be like his dad can only come from his DNA because for the first 4 years as a kid his dad had hardly anything to do with him and then after that they split up and he met someone else. Having the one child is a lot less stressful than having 2 or 3 and this can change your whole outlook of how you treat your kids. I haven`t smacked my kids for ages as there bigger now and a few lionel Blairs in there direction usually sorts them out but prior to this i have smacked them when i found it absolutely the last thing and necessary to.
I think we all have stories to tell about getting walloped when we were young and look how we turne dout but such is the lack of respect coming out of schools nowdays Nature and nuture are becoming more and more closer.
BTW the time my sis in law slapped her son across the face was when he was in her house messing around with other kids and took things too far for once but saying that she finally realised what having more than one child can do to you and acted in a manner that if she did have more than one they`d be getting smacked a loy more often. She was beside herself with guilt for days after where as all the family and friends just said..about bleeding time.
I didn't mean to hurt her - I just wanted her to be quiet until the police went away but she wouldn't stop trying to get away and scream. It just goes to show that sometimes it's ok to hit kids in some circumstances , but whenever I look at that new concrete floor in the cellar I still get sad and don't think I could ever sell this house TBH.
The cookie monster said:
pominoz said:
The cookie monster said:
Bit of a tip for folk who ever think of adopting or fostering children..

The question of hitting children will come up and when the ops question is put to you ...have a think about the answer..

If you say the wrong answer you will be struck off for life!!

Considering your views posted in this thread, i find it odd that you would give a heads up to people that think it is ok to hit kids.

What the fuck are you going on about?

I may have got this wrong, but you posted earlier that you would never hit a child.

Yet you seem to be telling others that may want to adopt, if asked do they believe in hitting kids as a form of discipline, to say no, even if they do. Therefore putting kids in the care of those that you strongly disagree with.
Hamann Pineapple said:
The cookie monster said:
Bit of a tip for folk who ever think of adopting or fostering children..

The question of hitting children will come up and when the ops question is put to you ...have a think about the answer..

If you say the wrong answer you will be struck off for life!!

Brilliant, because ill-disciplined kids are a blessing on society.

" You should control your children without hitting them " What a load of old bollocks.

Clearly there is a difference between correcting a child for there own good and beating them to a pulp.

Neuter the fucking stupid before they breed, that's what I say

Judging by some on off topic,that particular horse bolted some time ago,so locking the stable door is futile.
Having worked with a fair few 'problem' children,I can honestly say that there is no real correlation between whether they were physically punished or not,and the behaviour of the child.
In fact,a fair number of kids,(but by no means all of them), who are punished in this way go on to be violent in later life to either their partners,children or indeed random strangers who upset them in some way,because they have come to accept violence as the norm in dealing with a given situation.
pominoz said:
GStar said:
pominoz said:
"Discipline technique"? It's assault.


Legal definition of assault...

"At Common Law, an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact."
One could quite easily argue it is neither offensive nor harmful.

-- Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:42 am --

Damocles said:
SWP's back said:
LittleStan said:
One day you will consider it because at times she will be a little woman at times. But hopefully you will not because you are an adult who understands that using violence will teach her that violence is acceptable
Amazing how it's worked for 250,000 years with many problems.

Any causation between increased lack of adolescent discipline and decrease in smacking?

I'd just like to point out that you can use this argument against any form of civilisation.
Does that mean you give me permission to? Thanks.

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