Do you care about being considered a 'big' team?

Why I would want City finishing 8th or winning one title in 34 years ? no thanks, winning 4 in a row is much better.
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I don't care what others say. We ARE a big team. The fact that they're talking about us proves that we're a big team. They constantly contradict themselves and say nobody cares that we've won the league, but they obviously care that much they have to tell us that they don't care. Ironic isn't it?!! They seem to go to a lot of effort to smear our name if we're only a small club.

We were a big club before the takeover. We've just reached unprecedented heights since. Are we as big as the dippers or rags globally?!! No, but the gap is closing rather quickly. I'm not in any rush for us to close that gap either as I like our predominately North West fanbase. You only have to see the changing demographic of those at home games now though.

There's a whole generation of dippers approaching/or in their early 40s that will only be able to recall their side winning the title once. If being big is children from outside of the area wearing City shirts instead of defaulting to Utd or Liverpool this is already happening and has done for some time.
Why do you read this stuff. Not sure WHAT you’re reading either because it’s generally accepted that we are one of the biggest clubs in the world. Comments you’re quoting come from sour rags.

This is a non thread. Delete

Because social media via algorithms deem fit to post articles about City or are City Adjacent, and I like giving rival fans both barrels when they talk shit. The topic of the post is something that comes up often, and as I couldn't care less who considers us big or small, I only care what we think of ourselves. It was just something I was curious about what other blues thought. I think it's an interesting topic to talk about.

Not sure why you've seen your arse a little bit about it, but can't please everyone.

Dick measuring by people with too much time on their hands.

Well, that's the crux of it, isn't it? Can't win anywhere else so resort to talking about how big they are and how small we are. My dad can batter your dad etc etc.

Question- how do you quantify “big”?

How do I quantify it? Being a rag/dipper/tarquin, having a metric shit ton of plastic fans and generally looking down on everyone else.

Not sure how other people quantify it. Istree probs. Although to the modern fan, 'istree means winning things. So I say we're making history now then surely, and they see their arse and say 115.

Couldn't really care less about it tbh. "My club is bigger than yours" is an incredibly juvenile argument that tends to be the preserve of United, Liverpool and Arsenal fans, mainly.

It's absurd to suggest that City aren't a big club anyway, as by pretty much any metric you use we clearly are, but it doesn't make me feel superior to fans of other clubs. You'd have to be a bit of a dick to think that way.

One hundred per cent. I think some people have seen this thread at me fretting over what fans of teams in red think, which is not the case.

I find it funny they think we're arsed about being whatever constitutes being a big club in their eyes. Was just wondering if I wasn't the only one!
It's definitely part of the rag culture to judge and insult by size. I even recall Ferguson once disparaging Newcastle as "Just a wee club in the North East"

In reality the rags resemble Ready Brek kids all glowing in the dark at the thought of being the biggest club in England.

However, as well as a cozy security blanket it also acts as a millstone around their necks, frequently evidenced by their knee jerk reaction to not being in contention for the majority honours.
Not in the least bit bothered. Fans of the so called big clubs are by and large entitled knobheads who are attracted by exactly that label. Rags and Liverpool fans, the twins as I call them, are so similar it is ridiculous, yet they hate each other and each claim to be ‘bigger’. It is like Siamese twins who don’t get on. Little City the champions is just fine with me.
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I always laugh when they criticise our revenue, impossible for us to be top 3 in the world being as successful as we are but perfectly normal that Villa, Everton, Newcastle and the rest of the English teams are littered in the top 20 in Europe.

I think it's just a comfort blanket for them whilst going through their 'misery' as they put it. Long may it continue.

They're up in arms because Girona have got a £2m/year sponsorhip with Eithad, as if a club that gets into the champions league for the first time could never attract a whole 2 million sponsorship without help.
Not only do I not care about being a big club (we are anyway), I find it cringe as fuck when 'supporters' of United, L'pool, Arse, etc. call other teams small or lacking in history. Clubs like Derby, Blackburn, etc. All clubs have their own unique history and legends. Its all kind of relative, but really grinds my gears when I see that sort of comment on social media platforms.
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Because social media via algorithms deem fit to post articles about City or are City Adjacent, and I like giving rival fans both barrels when they talk shit. The topic of the post is something that comes up often, and as I couldn't care less who considers us big or small, I only care what we think of ourselves. It was just something I was curious about what other blues thought. I think it's an interesting topic to talk about.

Not sure why you've seen your arse a little bit about it, but can't please everyone.

Well, that's the crux of it, isn't it? Can't win anywhere else so resort to talking about how big they are and how small we are. My dad can batter your dad etc etc.

How do I quantify it? Being a rag/dipper/tarquin, having a metric shit ton of plastic fans and generally looking down on everyone else.

Not sure how other people quantify it. Istree probs. Although to the modern fan, 'istree means winning things. So I say we're making history now then surely, and they see their arse and say 115.

One hundred per cent. I think some people have seen this thread at me fretting over what fans of teams in red think, which is not the case.

I find it funny they think we're arsed about being whatever constitutes being a big club in their eyes. Was just wondering if I wasn't the only one!
So why respond to me

Not sure why you've seen your arse a little bit about it, but can't please everyone.

seems nobody really agreed with you!! And you changed your tune somewhat!!!

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