Donald Trump

Thats the whole interview but its so epically cringe that its hard AF to sit trough it.

It’s very uncomfortable viewing for two main reasons.

Firstly, it’s unbelievable that someone could hold such views in this day and age.

Secondly, he could soon become the leader of the Western world again.
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He comes across as a clusterfuck, a bit like the Tories over here. Still cannot understand how people would want either of them running their country.

In fact, I find it quite disturbing.
We know Johnson got rid of the few capable Tories as he thought they might challenge his authority. That left them in the lurch with Truss then Sunak, and now the shower of shit challenging to become the next leader.
It's more disturbing that the vast majority of the Republican party seem to support the racist Muppet. Are they so desperate for power that they'll ignore competent politicians in favour of this populist piece of shit?
The guy is an absolute TURBO ****.

Pretends he's not a racist, but everything about him suggests that had he been born a generation or two back he'd 100% been in the Klan like his father, and probably a very senior member of the Klan at that.

That's what racists do.

There are even users on this forum who post in these threads like this.
It really doesn’t. As I said — review 2000, an actually legitimately contested election. Or dozens of other local races pre-Trumpism decided by just a few votes for EITHER side. Repeat, EITHER side.

Where were the torches and pitchforks? Where was the hangman’s noose?

You’re just wrong, mate.
I’d recommend watching even if it’s 30+ minutes long.

He’s clearly off his head.
Had a conversation at the weekend with someone who is ambivalent about Trump who was genuinely puzzled when I stridently asserted that Trump was insane. Like it had never occurred to him.
And you're right. He said later that they were rude to him but "we crushed it." Legend in his own imagination.
The worrying thing is that probably isn’t just bravado, he actually believes he crushed it. He is just plain insane, effing mad.

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