Donald Trump

This is something that sends me round in circles.

Thick people falling for this stuff I totally understand.

It's the people who should know better I am baffled by.
I’ve posted on here before about my experiences with this, like the guy I know who’s a senior VP at a huge company we’ve all heard of and is one of the smartest and nicest people I know, but turns to a gibbering fool when it comes to politics. The underlying proximate cause in all cases, is a blind and slavish deference to what they imagine to be their ‘Christianity’.
It’s a statement of fact. Seb even went to the trouble of posting four different sources for you to read yourself. You chose not to.

Calling people “not college educated” is not dehumanising and they aren’t “the enemy”, but they’re more likely to fall for far right talking points as they haven’t spent a further 5-7 years being taught to fact check and critically think about statements they see, read and hear.
How would you know whether I read someone elses hand picked links, or not ?
Am I supposed to read them, have an epiphany, and fall on the alter of the groups opinion begging forgiveness ?

Are you another who knows me better than I know myself ?

It insinuates that they are more 'stupid' than the oppositions electorate. If this were the case most of the major inner cities in the US would all be voting for Trump, turning them all from blue to red. So this clearly isn't the case.
It's always been a marriage of convenience for them.

Mitch McConnell being the shining example. Clear as day that he's always thought Trump and his cult were a load of nutters but while it suited him he stayed quiet and played along.

Of all people I never thought I'd end up having a lot of time for Ol 'Dubya but there you go.
All democracies are best when there is a decent opposition.
Fascism, afaik, is the ideology of "the strongest wins, and any means are justified". Its about killing democratic process in favor of the perceived political alpha male. It usually takes some forceful attempt though to establish it as such, like Hitlers failed putsch in 1933. Its also kinda typical for Fascists to foster having an army of militants on the ground and to create a hostile unstable environment.
I think people arguing that Trump and MAGA is not fascist are being exceedingly generous with the threshold that needs to be met to warrant such a designation (which they seem to be setting at only when he has completely destroyed democratic institutions instead of only partially doing so, as he and MAGA has over the past 8, and merely threatening to finish the job, as they are currently doing on the campaign trail).

I also think people that argue Trump isn’t a racist are just flatly wrong, as he has decades of speech and actions that make it clear he is not even a closeted racist, but a boldfaced one.
You'd probably have been better using the whole post rather than bastardise it out of context to think you have proved something that is clearly not there.... Don't you think, or is that just the way you roll ? ;-)
I included the full statement as that was the context of what could easily be interpreted as a very racist sentiment.
It’s a statement of fact. Seb even went to the trouble of posting four different sources for you to read yourself. You chose not to.

Calling people “not college educated” is not dehumanising and they aren’t “the enemy”, but they’re more likely to fall for far right talking points as they haven’t spent a further 5-7 years being taught to fact check and critically think about statements they see, read and hear.
@MouldensChippy If I say I like white it doesn’t follow that I don’t like black. If talking about white it is not necessary or helpful to cover every other colour. It’s very basic.
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Donald Trump comes from a family full of racists. Chances are the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You can't really deny that especially from his actions during his presidency. As far as the US Political system goes that does need a huge overhaul as Trump shouldn't be anywhere near the elections.

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