Drunken Sleep Pissing - We've all done it, haven't we?

kp789 said:
2sheikhs said:
kp789 said:
Im surprised we haven't got onto sleep pooing yet
I've been known to beat one off in my sleep. Apparently, no matter how loud she shouted at me and hit me, I couldn't be woken.
Strange one that ;)
I'm a multi tasker. She said I was snoring and wanking at the same time.
leewill31 said:
years ago i was renting a room off my mate and we were always out drinking one night i just fell asleep on the couch but then to be awakened by my friend pissing in the porch way(the ones that join straight to the living room) ribbed him all day and night about it untill 2 nights later i did exactly the same and yes my mate caught me as well..

we both found it very odd that we went to the same place to piss still cant work it out to this day!

Did you wake up with your dick covered in cat litter?
2sheikhs said:
kp789 said:
2sheikhs said:
I've been known to beat one off in my sleep. Apparently, no matter how loud she shouted at me and hit me, I couldn't be woken.
Strange one that ;)
I'm a multi tasker. She said I was snoring and wanking at the same time.
Hang on, are you actually serious that you couldn't be woken? Its not just an excuse?
kp789 said:
2sheikhs said:
kp789 said:
Strange one that ;)
I'm a multi tasker. She said I was snoring and wanking at the same time.
Hang on, are you actually serious that you couldn't be woken? Its not just an excuse?
She said she was woken by the bed moving thinking it was one of those tremors. She then realised I was burping my worm while asleep and told me to pack it in. I apparently carried on snoring so she shouted and when that didn't work, started hitting me which eventually woke me up in a bad mood.
The problem I have with drunken sleep pissing is I'm always convinced it wasn't me because I can't remember it.
My lads ever so good at this although not drunken - more sleep pissing as he's 4 years old!
Most recent was waking for a nap on sofa after a hard day at school... walked straight into kitchen behind kitchen door and pissed against the wall like I would have in a pub urinal!!
Lucky it has tiled floors haha. Although not so fortunate the time before along side the banister on the landing carpet!!! Little shit!!
My wife and her mate had been out on the lash while I was working.
By the time I got in about oneish, they'd both retired to their respective beds.
I poured a drink and went to sit in the living room. I noticed a big pool at the side of one of the chairs. My first thought was that the dog had pissed, then I spotted a thong at the back of the chair, (yes, I was tempted to sniff it cos her mate is fit as)!
I realised that she must have fell asleep on the chair, woke up took off her thong and pissed on my wooden (thank god) floor!

I told my missus the next day and she told me not to mention it as she'd done it in other girls houses in the past!
The thing is she was going out with this really sound bloke but finished with him cos he pissed the bed one night!
But did he?
Grandparents use to spend Christmas at ours so me and my younger brother had to sleep in the same room, I slept in my bed and he had a small camping bed. One year he woke me up whilst I was in full flow into his coat pocket, it was hung up on the back of the bedroom door. The following year I managed to go one better,I just got out of bed and started pissing on him. He managed to wake me up but I continued a little longer because it was so funny.
bridgeblue said:
Grandparents use to spend Christmas at ours so me and my younger brother had to sleep in the same room, I slept in my bed and he had a small camping bed. One year he woke me up whilst I was in full flow into his coat pocket, it was hung up on the back of the bedroom door. The following year I managed to go one better,I just got out of bed and started pissing on him. He managed to wake me up but I continued a little longer because it was so funny.

Insestual golden shower sounds a bit sick to me.
swervin said:
Not pissing but worse........... Went to the lakes for a romantic weekend with the EX girlfriend and stayed in a really plush b&b, spent the day drinking all different sorts of real ale in the pubs along with having a curry and going to bed...... during the night I had really bad tummy ache so knowing that the turtles head was popping out decided to make a quick move to the en-suite bathroom, just as I moved Ithought I was going to fart, but instead I shit all over my side of the bed, panicking like mad I rushed to the bog finished it off although it was not one bit solid....cleaned myself up with wet toilet paper to dispose of all evidence. Webnt bacjk to the bedroom and she was snoring her head off, so I gently rolled her over to my side of the bed and then got in her side. We were both naked, the smell was disgusting, so i decided to wake her up and yes you have guessed, I said to her "what the fuck have you done, you have shit yourself" I tell you what, she had rolled around in it and it was all on her back, inside of her leg all over her arse and fanny. She burst into tears and kept saying sorry, sorry this has never happened to me before, i feel so embarrassed, please dont tell anybody. We only ended staying thaat night and even though we split up a few months later I still bump into her and she always thanks me for not telling anyone.

I'm laughing.. but fuck me thats wrong!

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