Drunken Sleep Pissing - We've all done it, haven't we?

malg said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Is this an age thing? As I have never got drunk and pissed myself awake or asleep
No, it's a drink thing. It's not just about getting pissed, it's about mixing your drinks. I find that a start of a couple of pints of lager at around 1900hrs, then sit down to a meal and have a bottle of red (or more). Get up from the table for a piss at around 2100hrs and also cram in a pint of lager before getting back to your seat and then consume about 6 or 7 glasses if port and more wine. Make your way to the bar at around 2300hrs and consume more lager, and port if it's on the go. Before the bar shuts at around 0200hrs make sure you get a bottle of spirits and drink shots until you pass out, or stumble to bed. Then there's a good chance of pissing yourself..........it could also be about age though!

I have drunk that and more on nights out in fact me and my mate spent 3 days solid pissed and as far as i am aware neither of us did
Pezzer2 said:
Not really done it myself but my mate is notorious for pissing in different places. He once pissed in his bird's knee high boots, we also had a pedal bin in a hotel room and 3 nights running pissed in that thinking that when the lid flipped up it was a toilet seat. The same guy has pissed in draws, cupboards and even on his mum and dad asleep.

Another mate staying a birds house (who was living with her parents) went for a pee and when he come back went in the wrong room and jumped in bed with her mum and dad.

The best was my dads mate though. He shit the bed after a heavy session whilst his misses was sleeping beside him. While she was asleep, he managed to smear shit all over her knickers, went for a wash and come back in and sneaked into bed again and then woke her shouting "you dirty bastard, what the hell has happened" Dont think she knows the truth to this day

This story must be an urban legend...Ive heard atleast 10 people tell the same thing
CTID1988 said:
Pezzer2 said:
Not really done it myself but my mate is notorious for pissing in different places. He once pissed in his bird's knee high boots, we also had a pedal bin in a hotel room and 3 nights running pissed in that thinking that when the lid flipped up it was a toilet seat. The same guy has pissed in draws, cupboards and even on his mum and dad asleep.

Another mate staying a birds house (who was living with her parents) went for a pee and when he come back went in the wrong room and jumped in bed with her mum and dad.

The best was my dads mate though. He shit the bed after a heavy session whilst his misses was sleeping beside him. While she was asleep, he managed to smear shit all over her knickers, went for a wash and come back in and sneaked into bed again and then woke her shouting "you dirty bastard, what the hell has happened" Dont think she knows the truth to this day

This story must be an urban legend...Ive heard atleast 10 people tell the same thing
You think she would notice that it hadn't come out of her ass when she goes for the old wipe as well
I can honestly say that in my adult life I have never pissed or soiled myself no matter how drunk I've been. I don't think I've ever been sick anywhere other than in the toilet or somewhere I intended to - i.e. not on myself or someone else, in the carpet/bed/dog.

There have been plenty of times where I have barely been able to crawl up the stairs or simply couldn't get off the settee - but no accidents.

I have a friend who does it regularly - so much so the spare room has a bed with a rubber matress protector on it and he is sent there when he gets to a now easily recognised threshold of pissedness. Not long ago he woke up facedown and rolled over only to scream out in pain and roll back again as the shards of broken glass in his back dug in. Apparantly he'd pissed the bed and was hoping to get back into his dry marital bed but was turned around and sent back. On the way back he bumped into a picture on the wall, knocked it off and fell backwards onto it obviously breaking the glass. His wife said she had great fun with the tweezers picking out the bits from his back :-D<br /><br />-- Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:07 am --<br /><br />
BoyBlue_1985 said:
CTID1988 said:
Pezzer2 said:
Not really done it myself but my mate is notorious for pissing in different places. He once pissed in his bird's knee high boots, we also had a pedal bin in a hotel room and 3 nights running pissed in that thinking that when the lid flipped up it was a toilet seat. The same guy has pissed in draws, cupboards and even on his mum and dad asleep.

Another mate staying a birds house (who was living with her parents) went for a pee and when he come back went in the wrong room and jumped in bed with her mum and dad.

The best was my dads mate though. He shit the bed after a heavy session whilst his misses was sleeping beside him. While she was asleep, he managed to smear shit all over her knickers, went for a wash and come back in and sneaked into bed again and then woke her shouting "you dirty bastard, what the hell has happened" Dont think she knows the truth to this day

This story must be an urban legend...Ive heard atleast 10 people tell the same thing
You think she would notice that it hadn't come out of her ass when she goes for the old wipe as well

What the hell was an ass doing in the bedroom? Do they have some sort of nativity re-enactment fetish?
Pelly Greeny said:
I can honestly say that in my adult life I have never pissed or soiled myself no matter how drunk I've been. I don't think I've ever been sick anywhere other than in the toilet or somewhere I intended to - i.e. not on myself or someone else, in the carpet/bed/dog.

There have been plenty of times where I have barely been able to crawl up the stairs or simply couldn't get off the settee - but no accidents.

I have a friend who does it regularly - so much so the spare room has a bed with a rubber matress protector on it and he is sent there when he gets to a now easily recognised threshold of pissedness. Not long ago he woke up facedown and rolled over only to scream out in pain and roll back again as the shards of broken glass in his back dug in. Apparantly he'd pissed the bed and was hoping to get back into his dry marital bed but was turned around and sent back. On the way back he bumped into a picture on the wall, knocked it off and fell backwards onto it obviously breaking the glass. His wife said she had great fun with the tweezers picking out the bits from his back :-D

-- Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:07 am --

BoyBlue_1985 said:
CTID1988 said:
This story must be an urban legend...Ive heard atleast 10 people tell the same thing
You think she would notice that it hadn't come out of her ass when she goes for the old wipe as well

What the hell was an ass doing in the bedroom? Do they have some sort of nativity re-enactment fetish?
Im American so kiss my fanny
Wife was shouting at me,"what are doing",
now i knew i was having a piss,but thought it was a pub toilet,
so naturally just said" having a piss,what does it look like"
"That,s your shoe" which by then had overflowed somewhat.many years
ago of course,already having done the landing,and wardrobe etc.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Pelly Greeny said:
I can honestly say that in my adult life I have never pissed or soiled myself no matter how drunk I've been. I don't think I've ever been sick anywhere other than in the toilet or somewhere I intended to - i.e. not on myself or someone else, in the carpet/bed/dog.

There have been plenty of times where I have barely been able to crawl up the stairs or simply couldn't get off the settee - but no accidents.

I have a friend who does it regularly - so much so the spare room has a bed with a rubber matress protector on it and he is sent there when he gets to a now easily recognised threshold of pissedness. Not long ago he woke up facedown and rolled over only to scream out in pain and roll back again as the shards of broken glass in his back dug in. Apparantly he'd pissed the bed and was hoping to get back into his dry marital bed but was turned around and sent back. On the way back he bumped into a picture on the wall, knocked it off and fell backwards onto it obviously breaking the glass. His wife said she had great fun with the tweezers picking out the bits from his back :-D

-- Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:07 am --

BoyBlue_1985 said:
You think she would notice that it hadn't come out of her ass when she goes for the old wipe as well

What the hell was an ass doing in the bedroom? Do they have some sort of nativity re-enactment fetish?
Im American so kiss my fanny
Smart ARSE ;-)
About two years ago I moved back in with my parents after splitting up with my lass, one night I went out and got absolutely fucking steaming. All I can remember is coming down stairs the next morning to find my mum a sleep on the sofa. When she woke up I asked her what was she doing on the sofa, to which she replied " you got home last night proper drunk and climbed in bed with me"

I've never been so embarrassed, I'm just glad I never pissed on her.

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