Drunken Sleep Pissing - We've all done it, haven't we?

I have (long in the past), pissed in many places and lots of chairs at various locations but my maddest one was when stationed in Gibraltar whilst in the RAF we went out sat lunch time for a few beers prior to our sat night out, obviously had a few and dunno what time we got back probably in the region of 4 o'clock in the after I decided to have a nap prior to our sat night out, i don't know how long I had slept but I obviously got up for a pee and made my way to the toilets, it was at this point I recall myself perched with my arsed hanging over a plastic dustbin that where situated at the end if each corridor near the toilets, I was perched on this bin having a shit whilst telling my mates to get out of what iI thought was my toilet...alcohol does strange things to people....not done it since lol
Pissed in bed with my ex girlfriend twice.

Got up and walked around a bit on holiday in Magaluf and then pissed on own bed.

Pissed myself at a friends and stashed the dirty sheet evidence in the loft.
Bristol-Blue said:
Pissed in bed with my ex girlfriend twice.

Got up and walked around a bit on holiday in Magaluf and then pissed on own bed.

Pissed myself at a friends and stashed the dirty sheet evidence in the loft.

Pissed on my present wife and her best mate when we were 18, went to Cornwall with her mum and dad and on the way back stopped of in the Cotswolds this farm happened to make its own scrumpy and had a bit of a bar in a converted barn, my missus went to bed in a bit of a huff seeing me seemingly chatting up 2 dutch birds as I played them at darts, anyway my missus topped and tailed on the bottom bunk and I was on the top....swamped them both
stonie said:
Bristol-Blue said:
Pissed in bed with my ex girlfriend twice.

Got up and walked around a bit on holiday in Magaluf and then pissed on own bed.

Pissed myself at a friends and stashed the dirty sheet evidence in the loft.

Pissed on my present wife and her best mate when we were 18, went to Cornwall with her mum and dad and on the way back stopped of in the Cotswolds this farm happened to make its own scrumpy and had a bit of a bar in a converted barn, my missus went to bed in a bit of a huff seeing me seemingly chatting up 2 dutch birds as I played them at darts, anyway my missus topped and tailed on the bottom bunk and I was on the top....swamped them both

pissed myself laughing
Bristol-Blue said:
stonie said:
Bristol-Blue said:
Pissed in bed with my ex girlfriend twice.

Got up and walked around a bit on holiday in Magaluf and then pissed on own bed.

Pissed myself at a friends and stashed the dirty sheet evidence in the loft.

Pissed on my present wife and her best mate when we were 18, went to Cornwall with her mum and dad and on the way back stopped of in the Cotswolds this farm happened to make its own scrumpy and had a bit of a bar in a converted barn, my missus went to bed in a bit of a huff seeing me seemingly chatting up 2 dutch birds as I played them at darts, anyway my missus topped and tailed on the bottom bunk and I was on the top....swamped them both

pissed myself laughing

oops you did it again
I think you may have a problem pal
toffee balls said:
Bristol-Blue said:
stonie said:
Pissed on my present wife and her best mate when we were 18, went to Cornwall with her mum and dad and on the way back stopped of in the Cotswolds this farm happened to make its own scrumpy and had a bit of a bar in a converted barn, my missus went to bed in a bit of a huff seeing me seemingly chatting up 2 dutch birds as I played them at darts, anyway my missus topped and tailed on the bottom bunk and I was on the top....swamped them both

pissed myself laughing

oops you did it again
I think you may have a problem pal

Ha ha ha I think I did in my younger days ...done some blizzare things when pissed but not an aggressive drunk just effin daft
Pissed all over a video in the 80's half asleep pissed in the middle of the night
Pissed out of windows
Pissed over G/f
Pissed in drawers
I can honestly say i've never pissed myself sleeping, drunk or sober. Havin a drink tonight so i suppose there's a first time for everything!
A mate of mine (honestly) moved back in with his parents after living away for a while. First night back he went out with some friends for a few welcome back pints. He got very drunk but managed to get home and back to bed in his room. He woke up in the morning to find a pissed wet through duvet on the landing. He then went into his mams bedroom to find her in a very bad mood. He had got up for a piss in the night and gone into his mams room and pissed on her in bed. Apparently she was shouting at him to stop and he just kept saying "stop shouting you,LL wake dad up" luckily his dad was away with work.

i see his man quite often too, always cheers me up.

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