Drunken Sleep Pissing - We've all done it, haven't we?

Nowt to brag about, that one, Blue4eva.

That's just a common or garden follow-through.

Everyone's done that once in a while.
Didsbury Dave said:
Nowt to brag about, that one, Blue4eva.

That's just a common or garden follow-through.

Everyone's done that once in a while.

True :)

Was funny trying to dispose of my soiled undies though. No bins in the bogs as its 'paper-free' with hand dryers only and obviously couldn't flush them away.
I presume you just dumped them in the cubicle and covered your tracks with a pre-emptive:

"Pwwarr, some dirty bastard has shit themselves and left their crackers in the trap! Can you believe it?"

As you went back into the office...
Dave, in all honesty if we had of ended up getting wed, I really dont think I would of told her the truth, she would of killed me. I think its an episode to take to the grave, I am more suprised that over the years when getting pissed I havent told anyone.
swervin said:
Dave, in all honesty if we had of ended up getting wed, I really dont think I would of told her the truth, she would of killed me. I think its an episode to take to the grave, I am more suprised that over the years when getting pissed I havent told anyone.

Class - never told a soul including his mates when drunk but you put it up here for all to see. I salute you.
Didsbury Dave said:
I presume you just dumped them in the cubicle and covered your tracks with a pre-emptive:

"Pwwarr, some dirty bastard has shit themselves and left their crackers in the trap! Can you believe it?"

As you went back into the office...

Errmmm, no lol.

We have a post man that comes into the office to collect mail in mail bags from us.

Basically, to cut a long story short, they went to Royal Mail :)
Swervin - fan-fuckin-tastic.

I've pissed all over the place, but the worst one was years ago when a group of us stayed at a mates house and I was woken up at 3am by a mate of mine pissing on my head. No, make that "in my face".

Seriously, it was a full and heavy blast right between the eyes, and the cheeky fooker had the gall to rear up on me when I started swearing at him and pushing him away.

My sister still recounts the tale of when she was woken up as a 7 year old by yours truly pissing in her school pencil box, and then shushing her when she asked what I was doing.
Yeah you always have a go at the person who catches you - when i nearly lagged on the telly when my brother stopped me i said "go to sleep paul"

got caught curling one off, well it was more like lagging from my ass, once when i was leathered. i was 50 yards from my house on the way back from the pub but i couldnt make it home. it was either fill my levi's or drop them them and release. it was basically on the pavement as well. my mates dad, a family friend as well for 20+ years walked past on the way back from the pub himself, i was crouched down getting rid with a lamb kebab swingin from my wrist. i said "alright tony" as he walked past.

i hoped he wouldnt tell anyone but was met by a pub full of laughter the following day and tony saying "didnt recognise with you pants on" to more laughter.

walked past that crap mound for weeks after

the kebab was nice tho.
bowdonblue said:
Swervin - fan-fuckin-tastic.

I've pissed all over the place, but the worst one was years ago when a group of us stayed at a mates house and I was woken up at 3am by a mate of mine pissing on my head. No, make that "in my face".

Seriously, it was a full and heavy blast right between the eyes, and the cheeky fooker had the gall to rear up on me when I started swearing at him and pushing him away.

My sister still recounts the tale of when she was woken up as a 7 year old by yours truly pissing in her school pencil box, and then shushing her when she asked what I was doing.

So you still mates and did you knock him out? Drunk or not I'd have knocked his lights out! If I did that I'da taken my deserved hits! (Just bad relationship mojo!)
Years back pissed on my mums new dress she had hung on the bannister at the top of the stairs in preparation for her cousins wedding the next day!
Dont know how she put up with it to be honest.

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