Easy Meals For Uni?

BoyBlue_1985 said:
Paul Lake's Left Knee said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
How much money did you have for booze during that time??????

Fuck all, it was hard going mate, especially when house mates were fucking off out on the lash, luckily my girlfriend at the time was a total pothead so i hate a ready supply of spliffs and sex, but no money for munchies!!

Fuck that mate its like the worst of both worlds but with sex thrown in. No money for booze so get stoned then no money for munchies. FML I would of just gone home to the parents lol

The no booze thing was an issue, I did have a couple of nights out clubbing courtesy of her house mate who was bisexual and was seeing his dealer at the time, so the disco biscuits were free!! So it wasnt all bad, then i had her weed to aid the come downs and didnt want to eat after those nights out!! Although her parents picking her up at the end of term was an experience, she had passed out about 5am and i still hadnt slept when they turned up at just before 9am to get her, i was amazed when she told me her parents thought i was a polite and charming young man!
Cut up a beast if chicken and fry.
Microwave a bag of rice.
Put rice on plate and chicken on top, then add nandos sauce/Reggae sauce.

I call it 'chicken and rice'
As others have said buy a slow cooker with a large stockpot, get the meat of your choice, add in a pint or two of gravy - stock, mushrooms, onions, carrots, peas and spuds and you have a feed ready for you in about 6 - 8 hours, the plastic pots from poundland then come into their own, fill those and freeze then you only need to cook once a week and can still eat healthily (I also use mine for curries etc)

Also think about a book called cooking for blokes, and as others have also said, make sure you keep bread in the house and eggs, and I would also add cheese, french toast, cheese ommlettes, egg banjoes, scrambled egg on toast etc etc plenty of easy meals and snacks
Some fantastic advice, I'll grab a few books but nothing beats firsthand experience. Still time to grab some practise, I've burnt a bloody microwave curry before so I can only get better, I hope!
<a class="postlink" href="http://allrecipes.com/recipe/irish-beef-stew/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://allrecipes.com/recipe/irish-beef-stew/</a>
Lasts for three days in the pot no need to put it in fridge, the Guinness is optional I personally dont bother with it, but its good and cheap, fills you up and is great on a cold day, batch bread n butter is a must with it.
Planning your meals is really important so whatever food you do buy you won't waste. As others have said try to make sure you always have the basics in like rice and pasta. Chickpeas and beans are good in a curry if you can't afford meat. Learn what herbs you like - they can make a completely bland meal really tasty if you season it just right.

Take a visit to http://agirlcalledjack.com/category/recipes-food-etc/ for some cheap recipe ideas

Timing your shop can save you a fair few quid each week - find out when the supermarkets fill up their dump shelf and if you go to the market late on you'll be able to get stuff cheaper than earlier in the day.

Not necessarily a meal idea but helps with the budgeting.. I knew a few people who ran out of loo roll on a regular basis - nick it from uni because it seems such a waste of money when you're on a budget.

Good luck at uni
Sparkys-Army said:
foetus said:
My mate lived off toast for almost a whole year. His special meal was 'salt & pepper' toast...not even joking. Learn to cook so you never have to live like he did. Watch Jamie Oliver's 15 minute meals or some shit like that.

Fuck that! Although, I could live off cereal.. I'd prefer to be a bit more flamboyant though.

Porridge. With fruit. Without fruit. With seeds. Without seeds. With fruit and seeds. Without fruit and seeds. And for slap up, beans on toast. If yer wanna be a glutton, beans on cheese on toast, and then for extra yer could top an egg on it! Yer don't need to spend a lot!
Not read every page, has anyone mentioned hunting for foxes, mice etc. that would be cheap.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I make the following pasta dish once a week. It's delicious, takes next to no time to make and will only set you back a couple of quid.

You need:
Tin of sardines(I use two)
Tin tomato
Tomato purée
Chilli flakes
Jar of capers


Fry the garlic and chilli for a couple of minutes, chuck the sardines in for another couple of minutes (try not to break them up too much) followed by the tin of tomato. Let it reach bubbling point and add as much purée and chilli flakes as you feel necessary and then when it's ready about five minutes later add the capers.

Add it to the pasta and that's about it.

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