Edin Dzeko (continued)

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Damocles said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
The last time we played someone shit at Home and they came and parked the Bus it was Dzeko who popped up with the only Goal of the game.

Just saying.

An awful lot of fuckwits on this thread and a fair few good posters who should have put a little bit more thought into their opinion.

The problem isn't that people think he's unable to score; in fact his goal tally is literally the only thing keeping him here.

The problem is that he doesn't fit our game in the slightest bit and we expose all of his large weaknesses. He cannot control a pacey ball very well, he often gets tangled up within himself and he needs 5 chances to score. He is also inconsistent in his application which is the worst crime you can commit in English football.

He doesn't need 5 chances because he's not an accurate striker but because he has the vision of Stevie Wonder after swimming in chlorine and shoots for absolutely no reason. We often have patient and intricate passes in our attacking routine, so it goes pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-over the bar. I'm sure you know which one of those was a Dzeko touch.

There's also many occasions where we are counter attacking, and he drops deep to get the ball then seems to have the turning circle of an oil tanker by which time the ball through to the runners has gone and he needs to switch it to the wings hoping they can either beat their man to make up for this lack of speed of thought or they can continue the patient positional play.

Dzeko's strengths lie in his last touch at the end of a speedy attack. His problem is that this is a style of football that none of the top teams have played for 5 years at least so he will always be either a rotational striker at a big club who can fit in in certain circumstances or he can be a big fish at a small pond like he was at Wolfsburg. Dzeko is a man posting a letter when everybody else is sending emails and he cannot hope to be the focal point of a major team unless a new tactical revolution happens in football.

As I've said before, Dzeko himself is a well liked individual who is one of the only City players who gets their chant sung at every single game even if he isn't on the pitch. His fans however are the most annoying bunch of twats who rotate between slagging off the manager to more often recently slagging off the City fanbase and that's something that I won't stand for from visitors. I recognise that there are people who started out as twats and have gradually become a good part of the forum but the majority haven't.

The problem is that we can never have a sensible conversation about Dzeko because they do stupid things like posting Lionel Messi missing a chance and think this is a valid point to make. So our opinions become more extreme to mirror their extreme opinions and before you know it we have two sets of people lobbing out extreme opinions instead of a proper conversation. Every time Dzeko scores a goal apparently any and all criticism is instantly nullified because that's how talent works, it grows with every goal or something like a power up bar. This is despite the fact that Dzeko has a decent goal record and still spends many City games swanning around, twatting it off target from stupid positions and generally getting in people's way.

This will never change whilst Dzeko is at City and presumably he's going in this summer rather than signing a new deal so we only have to put up with it for another few months before we can have a conversation about the bloke that isn't spoilt by a bunch of one issue posters. These guys are essentially Dzeko's version of Mancio.

For fucks sake D. stop talking positively superb !! Everything you say could have come from my keyboard.I have supported Dzeko for years and even had one of my City shirts with his name on the back,that`s how much I loved the guy.
Unfortunately my love has now waned and I now find myself hoping that he will leave the club and we find someone else who not only wants,but can put a decent effort in.
Touch of an elephant,can`t control a ball,lay offs shit and aimlessly meanders about the pitch without a care in the world.For a big guy he should NOT be going down as though hit by a fooking cannon ball when hardly touched.
We have to hit a higher level from a forward who actually wants to play on a regular basis and someone who will contribute more for the team.
Sorry Edin,I have supported you long enough,but you continually let us dow.
By the way,I am NOT a happy bunny over The Beasts contribution of late,but we know he is at least only going through a "lean spell" at the moment.
Well hopefully,he says with baited breath !!!
Delighted that he won the POTM Award,but ...
ManCitizens. said:
Damocles said:
david whites spike said:
*puts tin hat on*
This guy needs support not abuse

Which he constantly gets, every single week at the ground. There was even a Dzeko chant immediately after that miss.

If you think this is the type of message board where everybody sits around wanking about how great we are then you've mistaken it for Red Cafe.

This isn't true, after every mistake or missed chance you can hear the crowd start moaning. No other player gets the same treatment, he's the scapegoat unfortunately. I think the three blokes next to me today were ready to shoot Pellegrini when he took Negredo off, who contributed nothing.

Oh ffs are people not allowed to criticise a professional footballer earning hundreds of thousands a week for playing like a 20 stone sunday leaguer after a heavy night on the lash? People always use the word scapegoat but thats just bollocks. If Dzeko didn't play shit so often with glaring weaknesses in his game then he wouldn't get the shit he does it's as simple as that. He is technically the poorest player in our squad and that really fucks the way we want to play. He is simply not good enough. You see our players creating wonderful chances for him and he ruins it by either smashing the ball 20 feet above the goal or his shit ball control which means the ball bounces 10 foot off his boot. He is not good enough and never has been. There is a reason the Dzeko thread has always been so lively because he is constantly making errors and making the job for the other players in the team 10 times harder.

Enough has to be enough and he needs to be sold in the summer. He's scored some good goals for us but he is a square peg for a round hole and it would be best for both parties if he moved on.
Sad and embarrassing supporters, yet you make me laugh at how serious you think your opinions are..heehee

I love you all, you nasty little people xx
I have always wanted this lad to succeed and still after 37 months I am knowhere near understanding him.
Lee Dixon probably explained it the best a few weeks ago when he said Dzeko's twin came out for the second half . We have had a few at City that have split the loyal fan base in half (Boywer, Marsh, Corrigan's early years, Power, Dunne) but his lad is the most Jekyll and Hyde I have ever known at City, excuse the pun.
rastus said:
Sad and embarrassing supporters, yet you make me laugh at how serious you think your opinions are..heehee

I love you all, you nasty little people xx

Perhaps we are trying to still support the useless player as best we can.However it works both ways and he has to show us supporters that he wants to stay and improve his game,instead of becoming a "mard arse" which he clearly is.
A fooking good fart form a player on the pitch and guess what ?? Yes Edin falls fucking over.
The guy is now a joke and an embarrassment for a big guy !!!
RandomJ said:
ManCitizens. said:
Damocles said:
Which he constantly gets, every single week at the ground. There was even a Dzeko chant immediately after that miss.

If you think this is the type of message board where everybody sits around wanking about how great we are then you've mistaken it for Red Cafe.

This isn't true, after every mistake or missed chance you can hear the crowd start moaning. No other player gets the same treatment, he's the scapegoat unfortunately. I think the three blokes next to me today were ready to shoot Pellegrini when he took Negredo off, who contributed nothing.

Oh ffs are people not allowed to criticise a professional footballer earning hundreds of thousands a week for playing like a 20 stone sunday leaguer after a heavy night on the lash? People always use the word scapegoat but thats just bollocks. If Dzeko didn't play shit so often with glaring weaknesses in his game then he wouldn't get the shit he does it's as simple as that. He is technically the poorest player in our squad and that really fucks the way we want to play. He is simply not good enough. You see our players creating wonderful chances for him and he ruins it by either smashing the ball 20 feet above the goal or his shit ball control which means the ball bounces 10 foot off his boot. He is not good enough and never has been. There is a reason the Dzeko thread has always been so lively because he is constantly making errors and making the job for the other players in the team 10 times harder.

Enough has to be enough and he needs to be sold in the summer. He's scored some good goals for us but he is a square peg for a round hole and it would be best for both parties if he moved on.

I think thats what it stems from. He has long known he's not as good as the players around him and it's bad for his confidence. Every now and then he tries really hard and does well. But that requires him working well above his normal.
Sorry Dzeko mate, it's been good but.... I mean, Mancini had a point. Always remember that goal.... before THAT goal.
if he didn't score all those goals he would be a terrible striker tbf

i hate strikers that don't score lots of goals

Edin will do for me<br /><br />-- Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:15 am --<br /><br />if he didn't score all those goals he would be a terrible striker tbf
Balti said:
if he didn't score all those goals he would be a terrible striker tbf

i hate strikers that don't score lots of goals

Edin will do for me

-- Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:15 am --

if he didn't score all those goals he would be a terrible striker tbf

I hate players worse who cant be arsed to put a fucking decent shift in !!!
oakiecokie said:
Balti said:
if he didn't score all those goals he would be a terrible striker tbf

i hate strikers that don't score lots of goals

Edin will do for me

-- Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:15 am --

if he didn't score all those goals he would be a terrible striker tbf

I hate players worse who cant be arsed to put a fucking decent shift in !!!


all those goals the lazy barsteward

I'd much prefer a nice 'trier' even if he didn't score quite so many lol
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