Edin Dzeko (continued)

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Shirley said:
Damocles said:
Eccles Blue said:

Enough said! ;-)

So we let him off on every mistake he ever makes in the future because he scored a header from a corner to equalise? Maybe if he would have finished some of the other chances he had that season he wouldn't need to have scored a corner in the 90th minute on the last day?

For a 3rd or 4th striker he has bagged 17 goals already this season.
He is prone to loss of form and confidence but I'm certain we can put that down to our loyal fans who are on his back each week.

Once he leaves is Garcia the next target for the boo boys?
For christs sake how many times must it be repeated, his name gets chanted probably more than anyone else's at the matches. Yes, when he fluffs a chance 2 yards out or sky's yet another pointless shot when he could have passed it there's going to be a concerted moan from the crowd. Are they supposed to cheer when he misses? Was he not cheered when that excellent move in the first half which he just put wide from a really well struck curling shot hit the side netting? That was a little different to putting it 15 yards over the bar.
Does he get slated on here when he has a poor match? Yes, but it's a fans forum, that's the nature of the beast and I rather doubt he reads it so stop blaming his lack of confidence on the fans.
City Raider said:
Yeah he has his faults but criticism is way ott

He's under the microscope more this season because of the ridiculous injuries to Aguero and Jovetic

Isn't he in premier league top 10-20 scorers per minute all time? How many others in that list would we be able to call upon as 3rd maybe 4th choice striker?They'd be way to expensive and not prepared to sit on bench. And as for a Guidetti or similar? Behave, like they're going to come in and deliver the goals per minute he does consistently plus be relied on when injuries hit like this year - week in week out, we'd be relying on a totally inexperienced player.

We're blessed to have him - as 3rd or 4th choice.
The only thing wrong with your post is that Dzeko isn't happy to sit on the bench either, god knows he's winged about it enough. He's only played as many games because of Aguero's injuries.
Eccles Blue said:
No but we don't forget that he is one of our players and deserves our support. If Aguero misses a few, and he has, as have Negredo and every professional and amateur player I know, does he get the vitriol that Edin Dzeko has had to put up with?

I was only giving an opinion, something that you, as a Mod, usually say is ok! :-)

No, but I've outlined the reasons for this above. Aguero is one of the best strikers in the league and Negredo has only just dipped in form. We've been watching Dzeko with the exact same problems that he has now for almost 4 seasons, and he's often the loose link in our chain. The others have suffered bad form and come back. Dzeko has had a laundry list of excuses and still does not fit how we play football even after the time he has spent here. First it was the lack of width then it was his playing time then it was the manager. Dzeko's fans blame everybody but Dzeko for Dzeko's form; something that nobody does for Negredo or Aguero.

The guy's 28 next month and has 18 months left on his deal. I can't see him staying because he's a square peg in a round hole, and more annoyingly for City fans, a man who doesn't adapt at all. He has been here for almost 4 seasons and I'm not sure he has grown as a footballer at all, in fact he has gotten worse.

He is now starting to go to ground far too easily, to add to his already annoying habits I mentioned in the other post.

Dzeko lives off the old Inzaghi excuses. "Look at many goals he's scored" his proponents say without counting the 5 missed chances that could have led to a better goalscoring chance for somebody else if they hadn't twatted it.

And do you know what my specific problem is with Dzeko? I always get the feeling that Edin Dzeko is looking out for Edin Dzeko rather than the team. Look at David Silva as an example of somebody who is playing for the team week in and week out, constantly picking the most successful option for the team rather than himself. This is a guy who seems to enjoy playing in a Blue shirt, puts in a shift every week despite the fact that many would let a player of his creativity get away with it, and constantly passes so others can tap in rather than having a blast himself. Aguero is a bit more greedy as you expect from strikers but he is always looking for a pass rather than smacking it in a hit and hope. Negredo's the same.
My problem with Dzeko is that his goal bonus and record are seemingly more important to him than his team's goal record. He constantly hits shots that don't need to be hit. Moreover, if somebody stood next to Dzeko has a 90% chance of finishing and Dzeko has 10% chance of finishing, he'll always take the shot himself.

One more point, let's really think about the games that Dzeko has stood out in in his time at City.

Against Spurs a couple of times.
Against Cardiff.
Against Hull.
Against Blackburn.
Against West Ham.
Against Leicester.
Against Norwich.
Against Southampton.
Against West Brom.
Against Wolves.
Against United (once).
Against Aris.

Does anybody else see a pattern amongst those teams?

I have no problem with Dzeko being a third choice striker who rotates when Negredo needs a rest against a smaller team; he can sit on the bench and be happy that we're paying him £150k a week. This idea though that he's a striker who can lead the line for us or is a world class is a fantasy. He's City's Danny Welbeck, which is absolutely fine and something that we need in the squad but he's a Danny Welbeck who thinks he should be a Wayne Rooney and is only out for himself which is where the problem lies.
Damocles said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
The last time we played someone shit at Home and they came and parked the Bus it was Dzeko who popped up with the only Goal of the game.

Just saying.

An awful lot of fuckwits on this thread and a fair few good posters who should have put a little bit more thought into their opinion.

The problem isn't that people think he's unable to score; in fact his goal tally is literally the only thing keeping him here.

The problem is that he doesn't fit our game in the slightest bit and we expose all of his large weaknesses. He cannot control a pacey ball very well, he often gets tangled up within himself and he needs 5 chances to score. He is also inconsistent in his application which is the worst crime you can commit in English football.

He doesn't need 5 chances because he's not an accurate striker but because he has the vision of Stevie Wonder after swimming in chlorine and shoots for absolutely no reason. We often have patient and intricate passes in our attacking routine, so it goes pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-pass-over the bar. I'm sure you know which one of those was a Dzeko touch.

There's also many occasions where we are counter attacking, and he drops deep to get the ball then seems to have the turning circle of an oil tanker by which time the ball through to the runners has gone and he needs to switch it to the wings hoping they can either beat their man to make up for this lack of speed of thought or they can continue the patient positional play.

Dzeko's strengths lie in his last touch at the end of a speedy attack. His problem is that this is a style of football that none of the top teams have played for 5 years at least so he will always be either a rotational striker at a big club who can fit in in certain circumstances or he can be a big fish at a small pond like he was at Wolfsburg. Dzeko is a man posting a letter when everybody else is sending emails and he cannot hope to be the focal point of a major team unless a new tactical revolution happens in football.

As I've said before, Dzeko himself is a well liked individual who is one of the only City players who gets their chant sung at every single game even if he isn't on the pitch. His fans however are the most annoying bunch of twats who rotate between slagging off the manager to more often recently slagging off the City fanbase and that's something that I won't stand for from visitors. I recognise that there are people who started out as twats and have gradually become a good part of the forum but the majority haven't.

The problem is that we can never have a sensible conversation about Dzeko because they do stupid things like posting Lionel Messi missing a chance and think this is a valid point to make. So our opinions become more extreme to mirror their extreme opinions and before you know it we have two sets of people lobbing out extreme opinions instead of a proper conversation. Every time Dzeko scores a goal apparently any and all criticism is instantly nullified because that's how talent works, it grows with every goal or something like a power up bar. This is despite the fact that Dzeko has a decent goal record and still spends many City games swanning around, twatting it off target from stupid positions and generally getting in people's way.

This will never change whilst Dzeko is at City and presumably he's going in this summer rather than signing a new deal so we only have to put up with it for another few months before we can have a conversation about the bloke that isn't spoilt by a bunch of one issue posters. These guys are essentially Dzeko's version of Mancio.

Good post. Dzeko often turns up with little pieces of skill and awareness, that make me think "do you know what, he's not a bad player after all", but there's so many other moments when he drives everybody to distraction. Clumsy first touches, shooting when he's never gonna score, missing sitters, overhitting simple passes, and more than that the number of decent moves that immediately break down whenever he gets involved. Dzeko will do a decent job wherever he goes, but the level we're at now and the way we play, we need a better option. The words 'confidence player' probably sum him up and not in a good way
Damocles said:
Eccles Blue said:
No but we don't forget that he is one of our players and deserves our support. If Aguero misses a few, and he has, as have Negredo and every professional and amateur player I know, does he get the vitriol that Edin Dzeko has had to put up with?

I was only giving an opinion, something that you, as a Mod, usually say is ok! :-)

No, but I've outlined the reasons for this above. Aguero is one of the best strikers in the league and Negredo has only just dipped in form. We've been watching Dzeko with the exact same problems that he has now for almost 4 seasons, and he's often the loose link in our chain. The others have suffered bad form and come back. Dzeko has had a laundry list of excuses and still does not fit how we play football even after the time he has spent here. First it was the lack of width then it was his playing time then it was the manager. Dzeko's fans blame everybody but Dzeko for Dzeko's form; something that nobody does for Negredo or Aguero.

The guy's 28 next month and has 18 months left on his deal. I can't see him staying because he's a square peg in a round hole, and more annoyingly for City fans, a man who doesn't adapt at all. He has been here for almost 4 seasons and I'm not sure he has grown as a footballer at all, in fact he has gotten worse.

He is now starting to go to ground far too easily, to add to his already annoying habits I mentioned in the other post.

Dzeko lives off the old Inzaghi excuses. "Look at many goals he's scored" his proponents say without counting the 5 missed chances that could have led to a better goalscoring chance for somebody else if they hadn't twatted it.

And do you know what my specific problem is with Dzeko? I always get the feeling that Edin Dzeko is looking out for Edin Dzeko rather than the team. Look at David Silva as an example of somebody who is playing for the team week in and week out, constantly picking the most successful option for the team rather than himself. This is a guy who seems to enjoy playing in a Blue shirt, puts in a shift every week despite the fact that many would let a player of his creativity get away with it, and constantly passes so others can tap in rather than having a blast himself. Aguero is a bit more greedy as you expect from strikers but he is always looking for a pass rather than smacking it in a hit and hope. Negredo's the same.
My problem with Dzeko is that his goal bonus and record are seemingly more important to him than his team's goal record. He constantly hits shots that don't need to be hit. Moreover, if somebody stood next to Dzeko has a 90% chance of finishing and Dzeko has 10% chance of finishing, he'll always take the shot himself.

One more point, let's really think about the games that Dzeko has stood out in in his time at City.

Against Spurs a couple of times.
Against Cardiff.
Against Hull.
Against Blackburn.
Against West Ham.
Against Leicester.
Against Norwich.
Against Southampton.
Against West Brom.
Against Wolves.
Against United (once).
Against Aris.

Does anybody else see a pattern amongst those teams?

I have no problem with Dzeko being a third choice striker who rotates when Negredo needs a rest against a smaller team; he can sit on the bench and be happy that we're paying him £150k a week. This idea though that he's a striker who can lead the line for us or is a world class is a fantasy. He's City's Danny Welbeck, which is absolutely fine and something that we need in the squad but he's a Danny Welbeck who thinks he should be a Wayne Rooney and is only out for himself which is where the problem lies.
Damn, you've got the patience of a saint (sometimes ;) ). Another excellent post on Dzeko, the only thing I would add is :-
Aguero is a bit more greedy as you expect from strikers but he is always looking for a pass rather than smacking it in a hit and hope.
Aguero of course actually has the skills to pull the wonder shot off as opposed to trying to clear the stand.
Shirley said:
Damocles said:
Eccles Blue said:

Enough said! ;-)

So we let him off on every mistake he ever makes in the future because he scored a header from a corner to equalise? Maybe if he would have finished some of the other chances he had that season he wouldn't need to have scored a corner in the 90th minute on the last day?

For a 3rd or 4th striker he has bagged 17 goals already this season.
He is prone to loss of form and confidence but I'm certain we can put that down to our loyal fans who are on his back each week.Once he leaves is Garcia the next target for the boo boys?

He gets his name sung more than probably any other City player bar Sergio. Either you're stone deaf or you don't go to games......
first off........ive had a city shirt with dzeko on the back since the day he signed.......................it now sits in a drawer with other city shirts no longer worn.........

was a big fan of him, like most. however watching his body language again he appears to be wired up about 2 seconds behind live action on the pitch !! hes slow to get back onside, cant tackle, drops his shoulders and does not get back to fight for the ball.......hes become lazy.....or as some say on here, ''gotten'' lazy..whatever that is !!

yes.hes scored a few, but his total commitment as a team player is crap. edin, buck up, or buck off. seen enough.

and while im moaning.....this will piss most off, but, aguero can go too....excellent when fit, but too injury-prone. all players have injuries, but as our number 1 striker (?) can we afford to have so many months off with ligaments calfs tendons etc....these arent knocks, these are longterm . can we afford to carry him so long. if it was dzeko in 4th place pecking order , maybe, but our top striker i say no. sell and buy another worldclass striker. harsh maybe, but truth. im now going into the air raid shelter to avoid the flak.....
dancinonfergiescoffin. said:
first off........ive had a city shirt with dzeko on the back since the day he signed.......................it now sits in a drawer with other city shirts no longer worn.........

was a big fan of him, like most. however watching his body language again he appears to be wired up about 2 seconds behind live action on the pitch !! hes slow to get back onside, cant tackle, drops his shoulders and does not get back to fight for the ball.......hes become lazy.....or as some say on here, ''gotten'' lazy..whatever that is !!

yes.hes scored a few, but his total commitment as a team player is crap. edin, buck up, or buck off. seen enough.

and while im moaning.....this will piss most off, but, aguero can go too....excellent when fit, but too injury-prone. all players have injuries, but as our number 1 striker (?) can we afford to have so many months off with ligaments calfs tendons etc....these arent knocks, these are longterm . can we afford to carry him so long. if it was dzeko in 4th place pecking order , maybe, but our top striker i say no. sell and buy another worldclass striker. harsh maybe, but truth. im now going into the air raid shelter to avoid the flak.....

Oh dear God! Started off like a normal post, but then, alas, you let everyone see the tinfoil under your hat. Perhaps take the rest of the day off?
Damocles said:
Eccles Blue said:
No but we don't forget that he is one of our players and deserves our support. If Aguero misses a few, and he has, as have Negredo and every professional and amateur player I know, does he get the vitriol that Edin Dzeko has had to put up with?

I was only giving an opinion, something that you, as a Mod, usually say is ok! :-)

No, but I've outlined the reasons for this above. Aguero is one of the best strikers in the league and Negredo has only just dipped in form. We've been watching Dzeko with the exact same problems that he has now for almost 4 seasons, and he's often the loose link in our chain. The others have suffered bad form and come back. Dzeko has had a laundry list of excuses and still does not fit how we play football even after the time he has spent here. First it was the lack of width then it was his playing time then it was the manager. Dzeko's fans blame everybody but Dzeko for Dzeko's form; something that nobody does for Negredo or Aguero.

The guy's 28 next month and has 18 months left on his deal. I can't see him staying because he's a square peg in a round hole, and more annoyingly for City fans, a man who doesn't adapt at all. He has been here for almost 4 seasons and I'm not sure he has grown as a footballer at all, in fact he has gotten worse.

He is now starting to go to ground far too easily, to add to his already annoying habits I mentioned in the other post.

Dzeko lives off the old Inzaghi excuses. "Look at many goals he's scored" his proponents say without counting the 5 missed chances that could have led to a better goalscoring chance for somebody else if they hadn't twatted it.

And do you know what my specific problem is with Dzeko? I always get the feeling that Edin Dzeko is looking out for Edin Dzeko rather than the team. Look at David Silva as an example of somebody who is playing for the team week in and week out, constantly picking the most successful option for the team rather than himself. This is a guy who seems to enjoy playing in a Blue shirt, puts in a shift every week despite the fact that many would let a player of his creativity get away with it, and constantly passes so others can tap in rather than having a blast himself. Aguero is a bit more greedy as you expect from strikers but he is always looking for a pass rather than smacking it in a hit and hope. Negredo's the same.
My problem with Dzeko is that his goal bonus and record are seemingly more important to him than his team's goal record. He constantly hits shots that don't need to be hit. Moreover, if somebody stood next to Dzeko has a 90% chance of finishing and Dzeko has 10% chance of finishing, he'll always take the shot himself.

One more point, let's really think about the games that Dzeko has stood out in in his time at City.

Against Spurs a couple of times.
Against Cardiff.
Against Hull.
Against Blackburn.
Against West Ham.
Against Leicester.
Against Norwich.
Against Southampton.
Against West Brom.
Against Wolves.
Against United (once).
Against Aris.

Does anybody else see a pattern amongst those teams?

I have no problem with Dzeko being a third choice striker who rotates when Negredo needs a rest against a smaller team; he can sit on the bench and be happy that we're paying him £150k a week. This idea though that he's a striker who can lead the line for us or is a world class is a fantasy. He's City's Danny Welbeck, which is absolutely fine and something that we need in the squad but he's a Danny Welbeck who thinks he should be a Wayne Rooney and is only out for himself which is where the problem lies.

Crikey, I've apologised, do I have to get down on my knees? Or would you rather I typed out 100 times: I AM SORRY THAT I DEFENDED EDIN DZEKO.
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