Edin Dzeko

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Dzeko will outscore Negredo and Jovetic this season. I've been known to have a pop at him on here but I've a feeling he'll get 25 goals next season.
Proelia said:
BosnianDragon said:
Dzeko took ball by our box, passed it to Nasri and run to Bayern box for a chance. Started and almost finished all by himslef. Too bad he did not score. Also, Dzeko has lot better headers than Negredo.

Dzeko for someone tall is shit a headers how many has he scored for us

Thats because up until now we've never played with wingers and never crossed the ball. Everything has been down the middle or players have cut inside. Dzeko will score more headers this year simply because people will be playing to his strengths. Mancini's use of Dzeko was bizarre. Hell he even bought the man and never EVER played any system that Dzeko would be good in!
To he fair, he's often been pitiful at winning headers...even against the 5'10 midget RB for Everton who played out of position and absolutely dominated him in the air.

Even without proper wingers, we've delivered many accurate crosses that I wish he showed more desire in getting on the end of.
Kun Aguero said:
Dzeko will outscore Negredo and Jovetic this season. I've been known to have a pop at him on here but I've a feeling he'll get 25 goals next season.
I hope you're right. If one of our strikers gets 25 goals (and I'm not bothered which one it is), and the others chip in with 10-15 goals each, we'll be very close to being where we all want us to be next may.
Jumanji said:
To he fair, he's often been pitiful at winning headers...even against the 5'10 midget RB for Everton who played out of position and absolutely dominated him in the air.

Even without proper wingers, we've delivered many accurate crosses that I wish he showed more desire in getting on the end of.

I wish youd show more desire in getting behind him..
Dzeko's season watch enjoy he will deliver.<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:15 pm --<br /><br />Dzeko's season watch enjoy he will deliver.
Kun Aguero said:
Dzeko will outscore Negredo and Jovetic this season. I've been known to have a pop at him on here but I've a feeling he'll get 25 goals next season.

I would be surprised. You look at the players who get 25+ goals eg shearer, RVP, Rooney, Henry, Owen(in his prime), drogba etc and they all are a class above dzeko. This is his 3rd season and as far as I'm aware no other team is interested in him. If he was a world class striker, then with the way he was marginalised at city someone would have come in for him.

He's just a good striker who will score goals but lacks the final aspect that would make him brilliant.
goater1978 said:
Kun Aguero said:
Dzeko will outscore Negredo and Jovetic this season. I've been known to have a pop at him on here but I've a feeling he'll get 25 goals next season.

I would be surprised. You look at the players who get 25+ goals eg shearer, RVP, Rooney, Henry, Owen(in his prime), drogba etc and they all are a class above dzeko. This is his 3rd season and as far as I'm aware no other team is interested in him. If he was a world class striker, then with the way he was marginalised at city someone would have come in for him.

He's just a good striker who will score goals but lacks the final aspect that would make him brilliant.

So... all those strikers never had a 15 goal season? or a 14 goal season? They always had 25 goal seasons?

Michael Owen never even had a 20+ season in the EPL. He reached 19 a couple of times but never over 20.

You mention Rooney but a majority of his years he's put away goals in the teens, he had two seasons of 26 (09-10) and 27 (11-12) and he's only had one season in which he's bagged over 15+. That doesn't include the two 20's listed above. All his other years he's banged in 11, 12, 13 or 14 goals.

RVP didn't start making heads turn until 2 years ago, before that he was always injured or under achieved. He had a 30 goal season (11-12) and followed it up by a 26 goal season when he moved to Manchester United. It took him 10 seasons to break the 20+ goal mark! T-E-N!

Drogba had only one 25+ goal season in 09-10. His next best was 20 back in 06-07. All his other seasons where 5 goal seasons, 12 goal seasons, etc etc..

Shearer and Henry are the only two there that are in a class of their own.

Oh and Edin already had a 25+ season, just not in the EPL. Not too many strikers can lay claim to that. Even Henry when he played in France, Drogba when he was in France or Robin Van Persie when he played for Feyernood didn't accomplish such a feat.

STOP BEING MISINFORMED! Google is only a few clicks and key strokes away.

In other news, whoever said that City were putting in good crosses last year needs to reassess their eyeballs.
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