EFL Cup - 3rd Round Draw (WBA away)

I don't think thr draws are fixed but that's an awful draw. Getting lumps kicked out of our players from a Pilots side is the last thing we need. He's hated City since 99' too.
Hi Guys

First post so be gentle!!

The away draws in cups started on 9/1/16 so i've worked out the odds for our run since then...

I've looked at every round for the domestic cups and worked out the percentage chance of us drawing a premier league team or a top 5 championship team. That is the first percentage after each game. The second percentage is the chance of that draw also being away.

Norwich (FAC) 38% 19%
Villa (FAC) 39% 19.5%
Chelsea (FAC) 69% 34.5%
Swansea (LEC) 72% 36%
Rags (LEC) 75% 37.5%
West Ham (FAC) 38% 19%
Palace (FAC) 58% 29%
Huddersfield (FAC) 67% 33.3%
Boro (FAC) 71% (35.5%)
WBA (LEC) 71% (35.5%)

Multiplying all of those probabilities together produces odds of 250,614/1!!!!!!

However in both League Cup and FA Cup semi finals we were also drawn out as the away teams, so we can actually multiply the above number by 4

So the odds for our draws in the domestic cups since it was known that Pep was coming to us is just over ONE MILLION to ONE!!!

Nothing to see here though......

Meanwhile the BBC carry on about the big game for the Rags against the powerhouse that is Burton.

How can the chances of being drawn away be anything other than 50%
When you look at this and the continual group of death in Champions league and the continual easy draws for United...... too many coincidences.
Football is fixed, rigged and corrupt and I am fast losing interest. Walkers sending off on top of our treatment last season by officials means I am spending more time thinking about corruption than I am about football. It all stinks...
It is getting to the point where it's hard to ignore. Not just 10 in a row away, but 9 out of those 10 against PL teams and the other against a top championship team. Meanwhile that lot seemingly get the easiest home draw imaginable each time. Genuinely can't remember the last time we played a League 1 or 2 side

Because the odds against it happening are becoming so huge that you have to start to question whether or not it is a pure coincidence. I keep hoping that we get an easy home tie just to put it to bed.
Because the odds against it happening are becoming so huge that you have to start to question whether or not it is a pure coincidence. I keep hoping that we get an easy home tie just to put it to bed.

But as highlighted by others cambridge have had 10 successive home FA cup draws. United drew a prem side 13 on the spin between 2012-14 inc us, arsenal, pool and chelsea twice. When have we had a run like that?

If you go down the road of think our fixtures cannot be a coincidence then surely you cannot think those two are either?

Also if the draws were actually fixed would it not be more sensible for us to be drawn immediately against a top side, where we are more likely to get knocked out?
Because the odds against it happening are becoming so huge that you have to start to question whether or not it is a pure coincidence. I keep hoping that we get an easy home tie just to put it to bed.
So your seriously thinking, Ex player's. Multi millionaires, household names, are being paid to stop City getting home games in cups?

Do you know how fuckin ludicrous that is?

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