elano the cocky shit

He's been crap for about 95% of the time he's been here, pople will have a wank when he delivers a good pass but seem to foget the times whenhis passing is crap which is usually most of a game. I've seen shots go for thow ins this season from this greedy, lazy turd. He's contracted for another 2 years .........I'd tell him he is in our plans, he can go sit where Danny Mills used to sit and wait all season in case we get a glut of injuries. Who is he to give an ultimatum when he has a contract to honour..........mae anexample of the little shit!
Elano.....Do all City fans a favour and fuck off you trouble causing shit......you have talent but your attitude stinks. You've caused enough arguments between city fans and our management. You've not been consistent enough to even think you're bigger than our team. Why do you think Barry has been signed???
Well just to add some balance, I would like him to stay.

He's an outstanding player who after a bad spell has worked hard to get back on form and to win his starting place back.

He's asking for a new contract or to be let go, one way or another. I don't see anything unreasonable in that. It's no secret that Hughes has had a problem with him and he probably feels about as unloved as Tevez does at the rags, yet I don't hear anyone here slating Tevez for his outburst in the NOTW.

A lot of hypocrites on this forum imho.
Spot on chippy. If i'd been treated at work the way Elano has this season i'd be wanting assurances too.

Loyalty is a one way street in the minds of a lot of us i'm afraid.
The way Elano has been treated I dont blame him, this is a worldcup-season, and he cannot afford another year of being second choice to Vas.

If he goes I wish him good luck.
How soon we forget...the best darn penalty taker ever to wear the sirt.

funny how we tried our best to give studge a good deal and hes refused us yet some want him to stay..yet Elano wants to stay and needs assurances and he gets slated..
Burnt his bridges with me, I can't allow Elano to get away with doing stuff like this when I have such an expressed opinion on Sturridge. Elano claims he loves the City fans, if he did he would leave now without disrupting our dressing room. It'll be sad to see him go because of his "love" for us however it's the right thing to do now.
quiet_riot said:
El Hombre not in this thread yet?

Here I am

Looking forward to seeing the back of this little muppet, pack your bags son!

He should stick to getting his dick out on the internet

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