Elano's Depature

mammutly said:
BillyShears said:
Course you don't...

You're letting yourself down , Billy.

Stop it.


The last bastion of the "got no arguments left" brigade.

Should I throw in an ironic wink...nah, can't be arsed.

Elano was vastly overrated, and the people using his sale to that footballing super power that is Galatasary, to bash Mark Hughes are either pathetic, WUM's, or a little bit of both.
Hughes doesn't do passengers. He wants players who'll put a shift in, like he did, week in, week out. I loved Elano, he was a shining star in his 1st season at the club. Just because he's a Brazilian international doesn't make him a world class player though. A world class player turns up and performs on a regular basis, no matter what the stage. He was given opportunities to stake a claim for a 1st team place last season but never took them. Ireland overtook him as our best creative player and was far more consistent and productive as the season progressed.

We do need cover for Ireland, possibly somebody in the Tugay/Bernabia mould to slot in for the odd couple of games, and to help the development of Ireland and Weiss, who I believe Hughes will groom for that creative position.

As for Elano, great player when he could be arsed but that wasn't often enough. Sad to see him go but can understand the logic behind it, there are plenty of other players out there who can do what Elano did. And they prob won't go running to the papers when they get dropped. I wish the lad well, and would applaud him if he ever played against us.
BillyShears said:
mammutly said:
You're letting yourself down , Billy.

Stop it.


The last bastion of the "got no arguments left" brigade.

Should I throw in an ironic wink...nah, can't be arsed.

Elano was vastly overrated, and the people using his sale to that footballing super power that is Galatasary, to bash Mark Hughes are either pathetic, WUM's, or a little bit of both.

I'm sure you can read. So tell me...... what argument is 'not left'?

I've given my opinion. I've hidden no agendas. I've been as totally straight up and crystal clear as I know how. I've said exactly what I think and why.

I actually think my arguments stand up pretty well against your smart arse little digs.

So how come you are still implying something else?

I disagree with you Billy. That's it! That's all! There is no more!!

Get over yourself FFS.
mammutly said:
Unknown_Genius said:
He only became a regular for Brazil when Dunga came, he wasnt at the 2006 WC. And yes, he was relatively unnoticed before he went to Shaktar. When he was at Santos, a guy called Diego outshone him, and guess what? Diego is playing for Juventus, while Elano is in Turkey.

Not had to fight off competition for any of Hughes signings? Liverpool were courting Barry for a long time, Chelsea and Real wanted Tevez, Milan wanted Adebayor, Man U, Arsenal, and Liverpool were looking at Santa Cruz.

I'm sorry, but that's just speculation and invention.

As for 'only became a regular for Brazil when Dunga came in', please! Elano has consitently been a top rated player for Brazil - arguably the best team in the world. Are you seriously suggesting that's only due to some kind of nepotism?

I don't know why he has gone to Turkey. I think it's a bad move for him, although time will tell. However, I do believe that Elano is the sort of player that a truly talented and ambitious manager would have kept hold of.

No it isn't it looked for certain like Barry would join Liverpool, even O'Neill said it, Tevez said he turned down Real, Milan did want Adebayor but they have hardly any spending money, thats why they missed out on Dzeko, and those clubs were looking at RSC.

And yes he did become a regular when Dunga came, look at the 06WC squad, no Elano, look at the 04 Copa America Brazil squad, no Elano. He only won his first Brazil cap in 2004, and even then didnt play much until years later. As I said before Diego was more highly rated than Elano at Santos, and who is now at the bigger club?

"Truly talented and ambitious managers" didn't end up going for Elano, and he is now in Turkey. I think that says something.
Chelsea and Real wanted Tevez, Milan wanted Adebayor, Man U, Arsenal, and Liverpool were looking at Santa Cruz.

This, as I highlighted, is speculation nand invention, nothing more.

I did not dispute that Liverpool coveted Barry.
This transfer and the loan of Jo will have done Hughes' authority a world of good in the dressing room.

Players will now really know not to fuck with him. If they do they will go. I believe he will finally be boss in the dressing room.

And lets face it, no-one is going to want to be shown the door now, the adventure is just beginnning.

Good luck to Elano though, class player when he could be arsed.
EVIL said:
I said on here a year back that the Brazilian lads would be dust and that they just may be dust come the new season. Only Robinho remains, and with the new additions, combined with 'Ela's exit, i can also see Robinho's exit also. He wasn't an MH recruit, and it shows.

Robinho has two distinct options: a; commit and become the player he is feted to be...home and away. Or leave. It could happen with the new attack options available to MH.

Elano is undisputedly a skillful player, but not complete, and it is as clear as day that City will recruit a similar kind of player, but one that offers skill and commitment. He never had both.

I positively hope that the influence/absence of Elano in Robinho's career, propels him onto his next level, which is undoubtedly potentially sublime.


Neither Elano nor Robinho were Hughes-type players. He sees ( far more clearly than many of us Blues) that worthwhile players need more than just ball-skills. Anyone who saw the effect on the team of Kinkladze or Marsh will bear witness to that. There is no reason why a highly skilled player should not put his heart into it week in and week out; many have in other teams over the years.
In the case of Elano, I have no doubt that his influence on the team, and particularly on his fellow Brazilians, has been destructive.

I don't wish him well; I'm just glad he's gone.
Elano is a quality player. We worshipped the ground he first walked on. He nearly dragged us single handidly through to the Uefa Cup semi final.

All this; "He's shit now he's gone" is complete and utter horse shit. If he had the temprement to fit into our club he'd be one of our most important and influential players. I happen to think its his attitude that brings out the best in him, we couldn't afford to carry him and his baggage, so its the best for us both that he left.

The insults towards Elano sting a little, and are really undeserved. Sounds a lot like utd with Tevez/Ronaldo.
Elano was the new Romario.

He is a fucking legend, and a world class player. When he plays, he can beat people with ease, can shoot, can score, can pass, can even take a decent free kick.

Unfortunately, he only actually turns up to play once every two months.

You do not win anything with inconsistent players, and Elano is inconsistent. This is the reason that he didn't go to a top European side, like the Inters, or Milans, or Valencias.

If you gave Given's consistency to Elano, he would be a world beater. Unfortunately, he hasn't got it and thus will never rise above a high UEFA/low CL league player.
MCRJON said:
im gutted about this. Weve sold imo our most technically gifted player.

People say he hasnt played well since Xmas in season 1 but thats a load bollocks. He was fantastic and one of the main reasons we start that season so well. He was injured over that xmas and it was openly said he had been carrying a knock he picked up playing for Brazil in the October.

When he returned he played most of the games at right back!! This season i though he started very well, he was instrumental in the early season wins, notbaly v west ham and was dropped for no reason. Got back in October and again played well again only to be dropped again so we could play SWP in midfield.... id be pissed off.

People dont realise that for most of 2008 his wife was in hospistal due to a complicated pregnancy and only really returned home after having the child in november.

When he went into the press he didnt criticise Hughes in any way, lots of people jumped on a bandwagon without reading what he said (see Jonathan Ross / Russell Brand). He said he had been dropped and the manager hadnt spoken to him to explain why and his attempts to talk to the manager had gone unanswered - who was the unprofessional one there??

He got in a couple of times after that - remember how he created acres of space v Hull by pulling players to him and giving to Ireland in co who ran rampant in said space and he put a massive shift in v wigan v 10 men... then what... dropped again.

Biggest Irony is that he probably saved Hughes' job with the performance v Hamburg, never forget the look on the two Hamburg fans faces after the home leg when they were asking me whether Elano had been injured for the 1st leg and i said no, we decided to play SWP in midfield instead.

Obviosly though he is good enough for Brazil and not for City...

Agree 100%, Quality post! Im actually gutted he's gone as between him and Robbie i think we had the 2 tecnically best footballers in the premiership! i know he wouldnt have been used regularly this season but he was always someone id hoped we could bring on if the game was not going our way! when he didnt play well, the team didnt play well but when he did he was phenominal and made the side tick! absolute top class footballer and im sad he's gone!

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