Electronic Cigerettes?

Jc3065 said:
GXCity said:
Stretfordian_Blue said:
The club have made it clear that you can't use electronic cigarettes either, strange but they do make it obvious.

Where do they make it obvious? Surely a simple you can't smoke that in here would have sufficed?
How obvious do you want it. There are TANNOY announcements before every game stating this now all we need is for the obnoxious morons smoking real cigarettes to be banned and we can all breathe safely.

Oh my fucking days.

A season ticket holder has been banned for partaking in an act that will NOT harm you in anyway and you lump him in with people who smoke tobacco in the toilets.

Two different things kiddo.
Blue_Ketchup said:
lankyblue said:
Well either that supporter has gone to the Evening News or, the MEN have trolled Bluemoon for something and printed it in todays paper.

As someone said the other day all forms of press and media are checking every comment on here looking to create a story. So, is this one, or has the chap involved gone to the paper. If so makes us look bad again.

this is a joke - so why not make them look bad.. I love city but the way fletcher goes about his business is a joke. The most unhelpful person I have ever had to deal with.

He's only unhelpful when the conduct of a Steward or someone else under his control is called in to account. I personally know a couple who have had harsh bans and have read more stories. Not one person had any pleasure in dealing with Fletcher as he won't listen.
The Beast 111 said:
frannybellend said:
that aint the club, its an oaf in a high viz

I want too mate. I've had the MEN rag ringing me asking for my "experience" I'm not about to drag the club through shit so I politely declined. But I will be ringing Fletcher everyday til I get an answer.

Ha, thought this thread might be about you after you failed to reappear for the second half the other week.
just flown back to the UK from Europe this week and people were allowed to smoke electronic cigarettes on the flight!
seems strange that you can't in a football groung though?
The reason E-Cigs are banned isn't due to the danger they represent to others, as there is no danger, they are 100% safe. The issues with E-Cigs are that they are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing, certainly from a distance, or on CCTV, so it makes it very hard to spot, apprehend and punish those who smoke. You can argue that the punishment doesn't fit the crime, but if you make the E-Cig punishment simply a warning then you'll end up with smokers claiming they were using an E-Cig and not a real one, and potentially going to such extreme lengths as to carry an E-Cig with them (without refils etc, o not exactly extortionate to get your hands on) so they can smoke freely.

Ultimately this all boils down to the same thing as always, if people didn't chose to not give a shit about the stadium, and council, rules and smoke in the ground then E-Cigs would be allowed, so the blame for this falls on the shoulders of the smokers.
Matty said:
The reason E-Cigs are banned isn't due to the danger they represent to others, as there is no danger, they are 100% safe. The issues with E-Cigs are that they are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing, certainly from a distance, or on CCTV, so it makes it very hard to spot, apprehend and punish those who smoke. You can argue that the punishment doesn't fit the crime, but if you make the E-Cig punishment simply a warning then you'll end up with smokers claiming they were using an E-Cig and not a real one, and potentially going to such extreme lengths as to carry an E-Cig with them (without refils etc, o not exactly extortionate to get your hands on) so they can smoke freely.

Ultimately this all boils down to the same thing as always, if people didn't chose to not give a shit about the stadium, and council, rules and smoke in the ground then E-Cigs would be allowed, so the blame for this falls on the shoulders of the smokers.

That's it.
Matty said:
The reason E-Cigs are banned isn't due to the danger they represent to others, as there is no danger, they are 100% safe. The issues with E-Cigs are that they are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing, certainly from a distance, or on CCTV, so it makes it very hard to spot, apprehend and punish those who smoke. You can argue that the punishment doesn't fit the crime, but if you make the E-Cig punishment simply a warning then you'll end up with smokers claiming they were using an E-Cig and not a real one, and potentially going to such extreme lengths as to carry an E-Cig with them (without refils etc, o not exactly extortionate to get your hands on) so they can smoke freely.

Ultimately this all boils down to the same thing as always, if people didn't chose to not give a shit about the stadium, and council, rules and smoke in the ground then E-Cigs would be allowed, so the blame for this falls on the shoulders of the smokers.

If they want to catch people who are smoking real cigs there's always dozens of them in the bogs at 121 each and every half time !! I always feel gutted for the little kids who have to wade though the smog. E cigs would be a blessing !
mcmanus said:
Jc3065 said:
GXCity said:
Where do they make it obvious? Surely a simple you can't smoke that in here would have sufficed?
How obvious do you want it. There are TANNOY announcements before every game stating this now all we need is for the obnoxious morons smoking real cigarettes to be banned and we can all breathe safely.

Oh my fucking days.

A season ticket holder has been banned for partaking in an act that will NOT harm you in anyway and you lump him in with people who smoke tobacco in the toilets.

Two different things kiddo.

Nope ban the lot of em. And all the illiterate people that cant string a sentence together without the need to resort to profanity hahahaha
Fletcher is an ignorant man who refuses to take phone calls from fans and leaves his dirty work to Lisa.

The club overreact to all sorts and E cigs are banned but being ejected and fined 3 games is way too much and a huge overreaction.

That's like a £130 fine!!! A court wouldn't fine you that much for smacking someone.
mancityvstoke said:
Fletcher is an ignorant man who refuses to take phone calls from fans and leaves his dirty work to Lisa.

The club overreact to all sorts and E cigs are banned but being ejected and fined 3 games is way too much and a huge overreaction.

That's like a £130 fine!!! A court wouldn't fine you that much for smacking someone.

I bet they would if the court said that e-cigs are banned from the courtroom and you started puffing away on one in the dock.

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