Electronic Cigerettes?

mcmanus said:
Thats not true though most of the electronic cigs look nothing like a cigarette.


I know security people aren't the brightest but how could you get mixed up between a ciggie and that. My mates is bright blue and looks more like he's smoking weed through a cool looking pipe.

I assume they mean from a distance, a puff or smoke or vapour looks the same.
Brollies are banned too (BUT LIGHTERS AREN'T)


It is the act of smoking Which is prohibitted at the ground and not what you are smoking so the club was well within its rights to treat a smoker of electronic cigs in the same manner as real cigs
whp.blue said:
It is the act of smoking Which is prohibitted at the ground and not what you are smoking so the club was well within its rights to treat a smoker of electronic cigs in the same manner as real cigs

That's a stupid justification for a stupid rule. There is no smoke with an electric cig, so they are not 'smoking'.
The guy is a mate of mine from stalybridge, the thing is he has an identical twin they could swop games?
I do think the club have over reacted a bit in banning this guy when they know it was an electronic cigarette. A warning would surely have been enough followed by an incresed publicity campaign to make sure everyone knows that they can't use e-cigarettes and more importantly why. I agree there really is no reason why anybody should be in doubt but they obviously are (or are choosing to decide that the rule doesn't apply to them). Whatever the reason, up the awareness and then no-body has any excuses.
Not saying it's right or wrong but ecigs are not allowed in almost every office that I go in, almost every pub etc. There are tannoy messages at tge ground and people still do it (like real smokers do) and then complain when pinged.

You know the rules and what can happen if caught.

It's people like the guy in the South Stand who was done for kicking a ball further into the stand in a warm up and the 109 standers that had a bad deal.
I don't get why anyone wouldn't like someone smoking an e-cig next to them? Or why the club wouldn't allow it? Madness.

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