Electronic Cigerettes?

Do the club have published guidelines on what the punishments are for particular infringements? If they do, where are they? If they don't, how does anyone know if there is any consistency between individual cases for the same infringement? Surely all it would need is two people suspended for the same reason but for a different number of games and they would be potentially guilty of discrimination.
sktooblue said:
Do the club have published guidelines on what the punishments are for particular infringements? If they do, where are they? If they don't, how does anyone know if there is any consistency between individual cases for the same infringement? Surely all it would need is two people suspended for the same reason but for a different number of games and they would be potentially guilty of discrimination.

I think the three match ban is consistent for smoking inside the Stadium. Perhaps e-mail City for clarity.
sktooblue said:
Do the club have published guidelines on what the punishments are for particular infringements? If they do, where are they? If they don't, how does anyone know if there is any consistency between individual cases for the same infringement? Surely all it would need is two people suspended for the same reason but for a different number of games and they would be potentially guilty of discrimination.

There are no official set punishments. Each case, in theory, is treated on its merits AFTER you have written in apologising and promising not to be a naughty boy again. The longer you fanny about appealing or contesting your innocence, the more games you'll miss in the mean time.

In practice the punishment always seems to be three games. I once asked if anyone had been banned a second time as I wondered what the punishment for that would be but the only replies I got were off, disgusted from Stockport, wanting me hung, drawn and quartered for even suggesting anyone could be such an anti social twat twice.
I don't smoke and don't have an opinion on these aids but what I think is just as anti social are the smelly a**** twats who let go match after match with eye watering regularity.Maybe the club can introduce Electronic chairs so we can plug in and extinguish these c**ts or if you're in the South stand issue cattle prods to eliminate the offensive beings.
whp.blue said:
It is the act of smoking Which is prohibitted at the ground and not what you are smoking so the club was well within its rights to treat a smoker of electronic cigs in the same manner as real cigs


It's vaporised water that they inhale. How fucking more do you need it spelling out for Christ's sake. Do you want people chewing nicotine gum or those with nicotine patches to be ejected?

Oh for the days of the Kippax without mithering kunts.
mcmanus said:
whp.blue said:
It is the act of smoking Which is prohibitted at the ground and not what you are smoking so the club was well within its rights to treat a smoker of electronic cigs in the same manner as real cigs


It's vaporised water that they inhale. How fucking more do you need it spelling out for Christ's sake. Do you want people chewing nicotine gum or those with nicotine patches to be ejected?

Oh for the days of the Kippax without mithering kunts.

alas those sweet smelling days are gone forever especially with the likes of Fletch about.
mcmanus said:
whp.blue said:
It is the act of smoking Which is prohibitted at the ground and not what you are smoking so the club was well within its rights to treat a smoker of electronic cigs in the same manner as real cigs


It's vaporised water that they inhale. How fucking more do you need it spelling out for Christ's sake. Do you want people chewing nicotine gum or those with nicotine patches to be ejected?

Oh for the days of the Kippax without mithering kunts.

That is not the point, they are banned from the ground. I agree that a ban is harsh though.
I find it pathetic that someone can not go two hours without a nicotine hit.
I am a 20 a day smoker and have done many Europe to Australia and back flights, with up to 13 hours between stops,without a problem.
what I find amazing on bluemoon is the fact that some posters seem to condone smoking dispite the fact that this clearly breaks the law of the land let alone the ground rules

and the same posters then ask for bans for fans for singing certain songs which are against both the law of the land and ground rules

I for one would sooner have a fan singing rascist / munich songs stood next to me than a fan smoking

it's time to put this to bed and the club should stop messing with this and impose the same sort of bans on smokers as they do on racists

long term bans should be issued to smokers

it is a fact of life people can't choose which laws they wish to obey and if they do they should expect to serve a punishment if caught

smoking is a filthy habit that damages the lungs of innocent fans and it is time someone put pressure on the club to clamp down on smokers and stop going easy on them
whp.blue said:
what I find amazing on bluemoon is the fact that some posters seem to condone smoking dispite the fact that this clearly breaks the law of the land let alone the ground rules

and the same posters then ask for bans for fans for singing certain songs which are against both the law of the land and ground rules

Please name one person who admits to smoking and complains about singing.

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