Elon Musk buys and ruins Twitter

Maybe I shouldn't have said "always", and used the term "Most of the time". Also, Sabine Hossenfelder's comments on Hyperloop have literally zero to do with the Mars colony I was talking referencing, and Id already said in a post above ( that you quoted ) that hyperloop is bollocks, and with the fact I think hyperloop is nonsense, no I've not watched her video debunking it.

Nice to see you ignored the rest of my post tho. where I mentioned about NASA being involved in the Base/Colony idea, I guess you think NASA's full of shit too?
I do think that NASA's base colony ideas are shit.

Radiation kills. Micro particles kill. Space is vast and when trouble occurs - it's unlikely that we'll be able to rescue those in trouble if in near space - let alone as far away as on the moon - and Mars is orders of magnitude further away.

Low/no gravity causes health problems. Isolation causes psychological problems. Missions to establish colonies - yet alone putting colonies into place - will last months and months.

And I haven't even begun to discuss the myriad other problems with a base colony in space.

A much, much more feasible first step towards colonization is robotic, unmanned exploration and economic development.
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I do think that NASA's base colony ideas are shit.

Radiation kills. Micro particles kill. Space is vast and when trouble occurs - it's unlikely that we'll be able to rescue those in trouble if in near space - let alone as far away as on the moon - and Mars is orders of magnitude further away.

Low/no gravity causes health problems. Isolation causes psychological problems. Missions to establish colonies - yet alone putting colonies into place - will last months and months.

And I haven't even begun to discuss the myriad other problems with a base colony in space.

A much, much more feasible first step towards colonization is robotic, unmanned exploration and economic development.

Yes, this is a significant issue. However there are plans in place to mitigate it. Pretty much every plan i've seen is based on having significant amounts of lunar/mars soil piled onto top of any habitats to block as much as possible. there are also some new graphine based coatings that apparently provide some shielding.

Journeys are planned for the Solar Minimums too to help minimise risks.

Micro particles kill:
Yep, these are and always will be a risk, However. coatings have been created based on graphene that can help prevent Micro particles's from piercing hulls etc.

Low/no gravity and Isolation:
Yep, they are issues, and all of these have been studied for decades on the ISS and Mir and those learnings will be used going forward.

That being said, this is a risky prospect. there will be a fair few accidents and deaths.

the robotic idea is one i've seen around a lot, Basically sending up robots and 3D printers, those then build bigger things that in turn build habitats etc, at that point you only then need to send up resources for those to keep using to build with. I personally believe the boring company can fit into this, send up a few that bore into hils/mountains so that when people do arrive there are tunnels to shelter from radiation etc
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I do think that NASA's base colony ideas are shit.

Radiation kills. Micro particles kill. Space is vast and when trouble occurs - it's unlikely that we'll be able to rescue those in trouble if in near space - let alone as far away as on the moon - and Mars is orders of magnitude further away.

Low/no gravity causes health problems. Isolation causes psychological problems. Missions to establish colonies - yet alone putting colonies into place - will last months and months.

And I haven't even begun to discuss the myriad other problems with a base colony in space.

A much, much more feasible first step towards colonization is robotic, unmanned exploration and economic development.
One of the biggest problems I see is the human aspect of getting to Mars in the first place. Even if everything went perfectly and everything was worked out beforehand, it's still going to take a massive toll. I've seen documentaries about people spending an amount of time in isolation as a test for Mars and it never goes well.

It takes 3-4 days to get to the Moon but it takes 6-9 months to get to Mars. That's a lot of time to sit in a tiny capsule with several other people. It's alright on the space station where you know you can return home anytime within hours plus the ISS is at least 10x bigger and you get your own living space. It won't be so comfy on the journey to Mars as there will probably only be a lander and a living module with an engine.

The journey is also shortest in a window which only opens every 2 years so depending on how they do it going or coming back will take longer and it's not like someone can rescue you anytime soon if something goes wrong. It all sounds pretty terrifying to be honest.
One of the biggest problems I see is the human aspect of getting to Mars in the first place. Even if everything went perfectly and everything was worked out beforehand, it's still going to take a massive toll. I've seen documentaries about people spending an amount of time in isolation as a test for Mars and it never goes well.

It takes 3-4 days to get to the Moon but it takes 6-9 months to get to Mars. That's a lot of time to sit in a tiny capsule with several other people. It's alright on the space station where you know you can return home anytime within hours plus the ISS is at least 10x bigger and you get your own living space. It won't be so comfy on the journey to Mars as there will probably only be a lander and a living module with an engine.

The journey is also shortest in a window which only opens every 2 years so depending on how they do it going or coming back will take longer and it's not like someone can rescue you anytime soon if something goes wrong. It all sounds pretty terrifying to be honest.

Size wise it depends on what gets sent, I cant see it being anything like the moon landers of old or a dragon capsule. It would have to be something significantly bigger to ship people and supplies, even food and water for the journey etc.

This is entirely speculative and totally unofficial but someone made it to give an idea of scale of the starship from SpaceX. doesn't seem to have key features like a gym, the length of the journey a Gym will be critical.

But even with this, Its gonna be horrific. Its certainly not something id be signing up for.

Size wise it depends on what gets sent, I cant see it being anything like the moon landers of old or a dragon capsule. It would have to be something significantly bigger to ship people and supplies, even food and water for the journey etc.

This is entirely speculative and totally unofficial but someone made it to give an idea of scale of the starship from SpaceX. doesn't seem to have key features like a gym, the length of the journey a Gym will be critical.

But even with this, Its gonna be horrific. Its certainly not something id be signing up for.

Didn't they sign up a group who needed to agree that they could go to Mars but couldn't come back? I can't remember if that was SpaceX or a separate project.

That film The Martian pretty much sums up how difficult it's going to be plus there's the things that the film didn't deal with like radiation. I think it's great but I think a Mars landing might be beyond us I feel.

I suppose the really good thing is with Mars exploration this opens up a whole new industry beyond space technology. It's going to take a whole new department of inventions and research around extreme survival away from Earth which perhaps in time will benefit us on Earth too.
Didn't they sign up a group who needed to agree that they could go to Mars but couldn't come back? I can't remember if that was SpaceX or a separate project.

Nothing to do with Spacex or Musk. It was a "project" called Mars One and a fraud, perpetuated by a Dutch company that had no rockets or technology to manufacture them.

And the fact it was a scam was transparently obvious from the outset, I know of one person who signed up and got through various stages of shortlisting despite having mental health issues and incurable hepatitis.
Fuck off Musk, you Twitter destroying ****!

I’ve always been able to search Twitter about Manchester, bringing up general information about the city that people have posted on a daily basis. Some of those Tweets related to Manchester’s skyline and property development in the city, that I used to search for. Now all I’m getting is Manchester United. It’s obvious the **** has decided Manchester United is what everyone wants to read about when searching Manchester on Twitter. You’ve just lost another Twitter user, you RAG ****!

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