England - care less with a successful City?

Why not go and talk to countries like Spain and Germany and ask them how they do it and ask what they did to change things. It's all about the grassroots. We've forgotten about it over the years. Been doing it the british way instead of looking to our european counterparts. We need to recognise more local talent and stop goin abroad for it. Our academies are full of foreign kids. Fook me, it's not rocket science.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
PaleBlue said:
Back in the day (90-98) when City were fairly poor, and England half decent I would have said I was firmly an England fan. As the years have passed, I find I care less and less about the national team. I used to criticise the rags for prioritising club over country, but have to admit I can see why now that I can watch my club playing better than England can. Plus, years ago we weren't exposed to the players as much - I find it impossible to cheer on the likes of Rooney, Terry and Camel Gob.

Would you say you care less about the England team now than you did when we were wallowing in the second/third tiers of English football?
I find my regard for the England team is much the same as ever.

same here
I still think eventually the two will be intrinsically linked. Our owners know the future of building the City squad long term will be based on British players. The success of a predominantly British City side will see the success of the national team, IMO. That's a long way off though.

For the moment it's hard to get excited about England purely because of all the crap that surrounds it. Crap that's enhanced ten fold by our gutter press building us up into something we're not, only to fail at the first good team we face. Unfortunately even with that I know when the World Cup rolls around I'l be bang into it pissed up singing three lions.
Bodicoteblue said:
It's not just the presence of rags in the England team ( though it doesn't help) but watching a team every week now who have top quality players with the ability to pass accurately , and control a ball , and which has ( generally) a sense of purpose , it makes England look like what they are - seriously 2nd rate.

I did watch England last night and when City were always disappointing me England (believe it or not!) used to make me feel a bit better. Now the situation is completely different and England just don't inspire me - the only interest is how many City players are in the first 11.

Your comment about the passing and control is spot on. I have got used to quality procession by quality players, England try to do that but fail miserably and it is frustrating.
"I used to criticise the rags for prioritising club over country, but have to admit I can see why now that I can watch my club playing better than England can"


Hartlepool fan :)

I can only imagine they've been told to zip it around - Barca style. But what transpires is them nervously getting rid of the ball, ANYWHERE, stands/opposition it doesn't matter, just get rid of this dangerous object pronto! We are crap.
I think for a long time in England we've cared more for club than country. Even now you will see that the England fans are largely made up of fans from smaller less successful clubs (I know a lot of Villa fans that go to England game so that proves my point :-) )

Only in the last 5 years or so (since the 60s/70s) have we started seeing City players playing on a regular basis for England. I'm ashamed to say I'm more worried about them picking up an injury in a meaningless game than I am about winning. Richard's injury whilst playing for GB was one that really pissed me off at the time. Likwise I bet Liverpool fans were seething last night when Sturridge went off
If England had what Belgium currently have going on, everyone would be arselicking the England team. But we don't so the bitterness between rivals prevails more-so than being able to see past that and actually get behind the team.

I always have been and always will be City before England; but i am English and do support England too.

I don't care if we're shit. I don't support anyone in any sport because of how good they are, that's not what it's about at all and if you do you're not a real fan because if the team you follow became shit and you fuck them off, well...

I also don't particularly care who plays, I look at it like they're just someone on the pitch playing for me, it's not that i'm giving my support to the individuals as i support the team and the country.
Plus i don't care if there are fans of Arsenal and Spurs supporting England as well. There are City fans - numerous - who are complete bell ends, i get on with supporting City just fine despite that, so i can do it with England too.

The only thing i don't like about England is that fucking band! But i am English, proud to be and support the England football team (and this is at a time when there have never been so many City players in the England squad too and that can only be a positive).

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