Etihad Atmosphere - 2022/23

Having 50k+ people show up in the rain is great and all, but it depends on what the reason for having these fans in the stadium is. Is it so they can view a football game just for there own benefit and give the club good gate receipts, or is it for that AND to help their team by supporting them. If its the former then you could get the same effect from just inviting 50k neutral fans. I think it's the latter, which is why I made the disgrace comment, on Wednesday it felt like we had 50k neutral fans in the Etihad, in addition to a bunch of crazy jumping Danes with a drum. (p.s. you knew it's bad when Danish fans sing "is this a library" in English to you)
Singing "you're fucking shit " to the dibble and stewards was funny.

or was it "you're shit and you know you are? "

Rest of your post? People pay money to attend a football game so they do what the fuck they want.

There were a LOT of neutral fans there and the atmosphere was no different to most early round Ch Lge games. In fact it wasn't that bad .

The phones thing made me frown a bit.
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Having 50k+ people show up in the rain is great and all, but it depends on what the reason for having these fans in the stadium is. Is it so they can view a football game just for there own benefit and give the club good gate receipts, or is it for that AND to help their team by supporting them. If its the former then you could get the same effect from just inviting 50k neutral fans. I think it's the latter, which is why I made the disgrace comment, on Wednesday it felt like we had 50k neutral fans in the Etihad, in addition to a bunch of crazy jumping Danes with a drum. (p.s. you knew it's bad when Danish fans sing "is this a library" in English to you)

As has already been said. The CL group stages are a precession for us. There's no atmosphere because there's nothing at stake. We lose, fine we'll win the next one and qualify anyway. The team got the job done so they didn't need us to do anymore than we did. If it was 0-0 after 70 minutes or we were 1-0 down things would have been different. The atmosphere against Dortmund was better because the game needed the fans to step up.

When we played Real the atmosphere was brilliant and the CL has always been slightly poorer because a lot of fans still hate UEFA so much they don't give a shit about the CL. In the league the atmosphere has been very good. We play to the game and boost the team when we need to or the occasion requires us to. Those ultra videos might make some noise and they're impressive at first but when it's the same thing game after game it becomes dull. And it's just background noise that's monotonous a lot of the time. That doesn't inspire the players. You need peaks and troughs. If the stadium's a bit quiet and we're under pressure a big burst of come on city makes a big impact and gets a reaction from the players.
The reaction you're getting on here is probably giving you a snapshot of what the capo would get in the ground! Lol!

It sounds easy ("turn the north stand into an ultra area, make the redeveloped area cheap for under 25s"), but that's not really how ticketing works. And we don't have "ultras" so how would you make sure only "ultras" got tickets in there? What would happen is some people would move there, lots of people already there would stay, a bunch of people on the waiting list would grab a season ticket, and it'd look like the south stand within a few years. IE: great in big games, and a lot of them skipping CL games and being replaced by newer people.

For what it's worth, I don't think atmosphere has been an issue since the pandemic. Games against Copenhagen that come sandwiched between a derby and another PL home game are a bit flat, that's how it is.

And I've watched the videos...I really don't think they're that amazing? I'm glad for the people there, it looks fun enough, and I think it's great the USA is developing its own identity that seems to be a cross between European spectating and college football marching bands and stuff, but it just isn't something that would work in Manchester. I'm not saying that to be close minded, I'm just telling you how it is. You've got to work with the existing supporter base, it's culture and everything else.
Thanks for the points Brightwell, our ultra is 1894 like the 3522 in Los Angles, the idea is the club would open up and work with 1894 so if you wanted a season ticket for the area you would work with 1894 by joining their supporters' association so if you wanted to be in the loudest part of the ground the new North Stand. The rest of the people who don't want to be can go to other parts of the ground where is less noise from people playing the drums etc. Regarding working with the supporter base making the North Stand the cheapest area in the ground would be a massive step forward. Culture be changed if you allow it, if the club had not changed its culture we would still be at Maine Road and we would not have Pep as manager when CFG took over they changed the culture invested in youth built the campus etc, and started getting all the teams playing 4-3-3 so youth players can come in play straight of the bat

Here is a video where the ultra worked with the club to help improve the atmosphere and facilities

There were a LOT of neutral fans there...
As posted earlier in the thread. I won tickets to a box of 10.
I was the only City fan.

And there was a United fan there as well...though his brother-in-law was Danish supporting Copenhagen... I did enjoy the comments of the rest of the box talking about the stunning stadium and facilities .. especailly when they started comparing it to the crap at Old trafford. :-D

Most of the box were there for the freebie, the amazing football... and Haaland.
Having 50k+ people show up in the rain is great and all, but it depends on what the reason for having these fans in the stadium is. Is it so they can view a football game just for there own benefit and give the club good gate receipts, or is it for that AND to help their team by supporting them. If its the former then you could get the same effect from just inviting 50k neutral fans. I think it's the latter, which is why I made the disgrace comment, on Wednesday it felt like we had 50k neutral fans in the Etihad, in addition to a bunch of crazy jumping Danes with a drum. (p.s. you knew it's bad when Danish fans sing "is this a library" in English to you)
I laughed at that good quality banter from the Danes. We should give a bit of credit where it’s due. The Dutch famously took the piss out of the Germans (in German) and it’s seen as a mark of top banter across Europe.

I would love us to be loud and passionate every game but we aren’t so I will make do with brilliant football and even decent ticket prices the other night
Hard to really generate an atmosphere when only 1 team is trying to play. It looked like an exhibition. The Dortmund game was a lot better.

As for the Copenhagen fans, European teams just come in and sing for the sake of it. Outside of goals, they don't react to anything going on. There were a few funny spots of banter, but generally once you've heard one you've heard them all.
Thanks for the points Brightwell, our ultra is 1894 like the 3522 in Los Angles, the idea is the club would open up and work with 1894 so if you wanted a season ticket for the area you would work with 1894 by joining their supporters' association so if you wanted to be in the loudest part of the ground the new North Stand. The rest of the people who don't want to be can go to other parts of the ground where is less noise from people playing the drums etc. Regarding working with the supporter base making the North Stand the cheapest area in the ground would be a massive step forward. Culture be changed if you allow it, if the club had not changed its culture we would still be at Maine Road and we would not have Pep as manager when CFG took over they changed the culture invested in youth built the campus etc, and started getting all the teams playing 4-3-3 so youth players can come in play straight of the bat

Here is a video where the ultra worked with the club to help improve the atmosphere and facilities

I think it’s a good point about requiring people in a new Singing Section to be 1894 members.

Picking up on a point made by another poster about Capos. We effectively had them in the Kippax light a few years ago when I moved to 111 for CL fixtures. People only sang in there there one or two individuals started a chant.
Here's my take. As a new City fan but having followed my actual club all over the country and having away fans come to our place and often outnumber us when we were in the conference.

I'll add in my match going mates opinion too (Wolves fan).

The atmosphere is better at bigger games, but that's par for course.

The chants are crap, there's no repetition. Take the dippers with the allez chant, they sing it more than just once.

It's awkward for new fans. I didn't see Zabaleta, Edin Dzeko etc. I don't sing those.... it would feel wrong.

We never win at home we never win away, we're not really here. I'll get stick for this but they're shit. I sing them, but they're shit. Might have been funny when being good was new, but time to move on.

Favourites are: Never felt more like singing the blues, Blue moon etc. Proper songs, that mean something. And CITY CITY CITY. Every corner that should be rolled out.

Anyway just my opinion. Doesn't change how much I love coming and will continue to come. I love the club, the stadium, the fans, the team.

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