Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

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Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
Danamy said:
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
I thought it was being lowered by around 200mm but having had a trawl through, the only statement I can find is in the plan of works from 2013.
That states that pitch side facilities and run off areas will be moved/adjusted to accommodate the extra row of seats. There is nothing I can find anywhere to suggest they are going to lower the pitch.

I did however stumble across the below, which may help some people with where we are up to and what next. There really are a multitude of documents and details readily available for anyone who digs a little via public access routes, containing many images and info that have not been discussed on this thread (mainly because they are not very interesting but there are some nice snipets if you dig)


What i find worrying is there's no critical path on that programme?

If you know enough to look for a critical path then you know enough about summary views and MSProject, therefore I aint biting ;o)

Fair play, i thought you were good for a nibble on that one ;-)
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

bluekeith said:
ftg said:
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
I thought it was being lowered by around 200mm but having had a trawl through, the only statement I can find is in the plan of works from 2013.
That states that pitch side facilities and run off areas will be moved/adjusted to accommodate the extra row of seats. There is nothing I can find anywhere to suggest they are going to lower the pitch.

If they don't lower the pitch that's absolutely ridiculous. I was on row A recently in the south stand and even standing up could see sweet fuck all when the ball wasn't in the box in front of us.

3 rows further down, sitting down? lucky if you see the players heads. Not worth 50p never mind £50 for one of those seats.

Have you forgot that you will be able to rent periscopes
Snorkels would be more use when the Manchester Monsoon sets in, those seats must be close to the water table. ;-)
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

lancs blue said:
Snorkels would be more use when the Manchester Monsoon sets in, those seats must be close to the water table. ;-)

No, we'll be fine. We are not on a floodplain, we are all sat on land that resembles swiss cheese below us intermingled with coal veins. We are all more likely to collapse into the belly of hell with the extra weight ;o)
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Ok, got ten spare minutes so, probably been done before, but for those who may not be as knowledgable about what is freely available regarding all the construction here is a quick noddy guide some of you may wish to take a look through as a supporting resource to the thread.

Go to the Manchester Planning Public website (<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>) or CLICK HERE

Then in the keyword search use something logical such as Etihad, Eastlands, Manchester City FC etc and search (alternately you can put the application reference in if you already know it or made note of it. heres two to start you off 104315/FO/2013/N2 and 107432/AOH/2014/N2)

This will take you to the application summary containing 5 tabs at the top (Details, Comments, Documents, Related Items and Map).

Go to the "Documents" tab and click the hyperlink "View associated Documents"

This will open a new window (works best maximised) that will table all the available supporting documentation for the application with a viewer button next to it so you can review all sorts of stuff.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
Ok, got ten spare minutes so, probably been done before, but for those who may not be as knowledgable about what is freely available regarding all the construction here is a quick noddy guide some of you may wish to take a look through as a supporting resource to the thread.

Go to the Manchester Planning Public website (<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>) or CLICK HERE

Then in the keyword search use something logical such as Etihad, Eastlands, Manchester City FC etc and search (alternately you can put the application reference in if you already know it or made note of it. heres two to start you off 104315/FO/2013/N2 and 107432/AOH/2014/N2)

This will take you to the application summary containing 5 tabs at the top (Details, Comments, Documents, Related Items and Map).

Go to the "Documents" tab and click the hyperlink "View associated Documents"

This will open a new window (works best maximised) that will table all the available supporting documentation for the application with a viewer button next to it so you can review all sorts of stuff.

Alternatively just click here for the stadium expansion
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 624BC03O00</a>
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

As promised. Click to enlarge.(a couple of slightly blurred pics)

Taken before the Swansea match.

First set shows the back of the new leisure centre, the front of the Connell Sixth Form College, continued ground works in and around the Beswick Community Hub, and the view of the expanded South Strand from a distance.









The South Stand Expansion. Taken from outside the stadium, inside the stadium, and on the spiral. Day and night.



























View of the internal expansion works on the concourse.




View of the footbridge and mini-Etihad from the spiral, as well the sponsors logos on the bridge and on the mini-Etihad, and the entrance/exit to the training academy.





Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Excellent work jrb, as always. Keep them coming. You're a great source of info for us exiled blues who don't get over all that often.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Keep them pics coming jrb.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

jrb said:
The South Stand Expansion. Taken from outside the stadium, inside the stadium, and on the spiral. Day and night.

Very thorough. With your more recent posts I was beginning to think you'd lost it, but fair play, it was only a wobble.

Maybe you were just getting complacent until some 'wannabe's starting posting pictures and made you re-focus*


(Pun completely unintentional)
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