Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

I wonder how many "oh no its 85 minutes I need leave because a) I need to get out of carpark first b) I need to be first on the tram c) I am a w*nker" fans lied on this question?


Haha did you request an extra box.

“I stay until just before they switch the lights off so I can clap the tea lady off”
I wonder how many "oh no its 85 minutes I need leave because a) I need to get out of carpark first b) I need to be first on the tram c) I am a w*nker" fans lied on this question?

Or even D. It's got absolutely fuckall to do with anyone what time folk leave.
Just had my survey which reading between the lines means

They are redeveloping the north stand
The family stand will be mixed up into the rest of the ground and I can either sit in the gods or next to the pitch or pay 1500 a ticket to sit in joes with a free pie
The solution to the infrastructure and traffic problems is create bars and restaurants to stagger the times people come and go

In moving the family stand and creating a bigger north stand it must be because of that scientific evidence stated by 19 year buzzing Ryan of the south stand which states. Fans sing much louder and join in if they are facing to the south than they are if they are facing to the north

It’s a well known fact.

The idea of creating bars etc to stagger the time people leave is a good one. I don’t race away after the game I often hang around and go home after the crowd has dispersed BUT they need to make the food and drink outlets affordable. At the moment I buy very little because it feels such a rip off. There’s an option to start to change people’s match day habits - getting people to arrive earlier and maybe leave later but presently there are significant issues with both the quality and choice of what’s on offer and more significantly the prices being charged.
I bet you were 2 - 3 hours.
Ha ha no... 0 to 10 minutes for me!

I have a supporters bus to get back to and (unlike some twats who shall remain nameless, mainly coz I don't know who the lads were, away at West Ham last weekend) I don't want to hold anyone else on the bus up!
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A line from Queens Rd to Ashbury down ATW would be my choice, crossing the Oldham and Ashton lines, but it's expensive to build for little use. Maybe when the collar site has shops, conference and music venues it would be viable. In the meantime, why not some shuttle buses on match days?
A train station on the goods line next to the Athletics arena would help.
If we all go in the North Upper then I want a decent pair of sunglasses in my season ticket package
It’s mainly the East Stand that gets the sun as it goes behind the CB STAND - I’ve requested the same or a cap - still waiting!
For the avoidance of doubt the diagram in the survey shows an expanded 2nd tier compared to the 3 tier layout of the South Stand.


Good i think it'll look top class and they'll kick themselves for not doing the same at the South Stand end
I seem to recall in the old Kippax that the away fans were in the Kippax and corner nearest the Platt Lane and, if anything helped to create the atmosphere, because both sets were trying to outdo one another. (As well as kick ten bells of shit as well) :-)
That's a bit different though as the Kippax held 30k and there'd be 5000 away fans. At the Etihad the City part of SSL1 holds about 2500 yet there's 2800 away fans next to them in a strip going up to the top of SSL3 where the roof makes them louder than our SSL1 singers.

I guarantee you will not find a worse set-up for vocal home fans in any football ground in the world, it's abysmal!
I went to Lyon yesterday.

They had a home end where their main vocal support is. They also had another section of vocal support at the other end of the ground. The noise and atmosphere both ends generated throughout the match was very impressive.(rail standing at the NS and SS lower tiers in the survey)

I’m not suggesting this, so don’t bite my head off. At the end with the smaller group of fans they had a drummer at the front of the singling section, and a fan with a megaphone or microphone. Couldn’t see which. I appreciate CIty and English fans in general are against those kind of things. But regardless of your views on that, for or against, it kept the fans singing, and helped to create a great atmosphere for the duration of the match.
We don't need that. All of the best atmospheres are when English fans who don't have drums get their noise going.

Drums, megaphones, microphones and everyone wearing one of 5000 of the same t-shirts for £100 just makes a big plastic atmosphere that annoys the fuck out of me after the first five minutes of it with the drum being leathered fuck out of (you should see the videos of these Ultras' drummers with hands bleeding at the end of games and drums thrown in the bin because they've been hit so hard they can't be used again).

All we need is to group more like minded fans together away from the away fans who want to create a noise (and singing doesn't always come into that because even 7000 people all together giving it more of the "GO ON"s "COME ON"s cheers for tackles, cheers for when it's our ball, boos at the ref and the opposition players etc. makes a huge difference to the noise in a stadium, never mind with singing).
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