Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

I have a feeling some on here are getting carried away with the potential demand for safe standing. I'm happy for safe standing to be introduced into part of the revamped North Stand and maybe in part of the South Stand but personally I don't want to stand at matches any more and I suspect many other current seasoncard holders would feel the same. I moved into 316 when SS3 opened having previously been in ES3 & before that the Family Stand. I'm very happy with my current seat and would have no intention of moving. The atmosphere in SS3 is probably the best in the stadium in my view, although I reckon it would be enhanced by a vocal North Stand to bounce off.

The idea that the entire revamped North Stand would be taken up by safe standing isn't happening in my opinion. The entire first tier and a bit at the top of the upper tier maybe. As for the South Stand, maybe the bottom tier and a bit at the back of the third tier.
I know lads who don’t go anymore who’d come back if we had a proper vocal stand.

Will you be allocated a seat or can you go where you want?
I think our main problem is the fact we dont have a song that can be continuously sang longer than a couple of minutes, we can go through the complete book in the first 10 mins.

David Silva Ole (repeat for 20 minutes) and plenty of others.

Reasons City fans don't sing - number 427 - "we don't have a song that can be continuously sang longer than a couple of minutes".
Old fuckers( not me) normally hate change, so they will moan whatever. I agree try anything to improve the atmosphere. It would be brilliant to have the best team and the most vibrant fans. We have always had cardboard cut out fans, we used to have the Kippax to balance this out.
It seems across Europe there has been a resurgence of atmospheric grounds, be great if we could do the same. Against Southampton I thought the two guys sat next to me were dead, until after 80mins ,one said "are we off".
I would like a " City band", I would be on "tambourine", someone facing away from the pitch though , I do not like.

I'm an old fucker and I want a drum.
The club has to use the stand to attract vocal support. I know from a mate who supports palace that they set up an "ultras" group that all made the effort to get in the same part of the Holmesdale and it has grown and grown and the whole stand joins in as well as those in the Arthur Wait stand adjacent and next to the away fans. Palace is a standard old ground and if they can do it any club can.

City have to get the vocal fans in one area and rail seating will help the atmosphere. If they can bring new fans in who are keen and able to attend if it is an atmospheric parts of the ground then that will help.

If non-vocal supporters get bumped to other areas then that is an impact worth making. I would rather upset some silent fans for the sake of finally addressing the poor atmosphere, than let it continue. I was at the Hamburg game and United league cup semi and the atmosphere was insane. Cheap tickets probably helped attract more vocal working class supporters but there must have been the same fans that still go today predominantly. The Hamburg fans had a megaphone and when Blue Moon rang out they stopped in awe of how loud it we can do it. It was echoing around the stadium. And the team responded. Getting the NS expansion right and getting a home "end" would be amazing. Several thousand all singing the same songs throughout the game would see it spread more often than not throughout the ground. On European nights and big league games that would put an added dimension on things and extra pressure on the opposition.

It needs thorough planning and the club through the fan forum will hopefully nail it. It will never please all but we moved into the stadium the same way West Ham moved into theirs and suffer the same problems. A purpose built stadium like Spurs will still face teething problems but at least it is designed with football in mind.

Away fans need to move, the family stand needs to move and tickets need to be sold to families more appropriately to secure future support. Hospitality needs to be away from the atmospheric parts to avoid interrupting it and City fans need to work together to get things sorted. Adding 8,000 seats to the north stand could see an end with what, 14,000 blues all pretty much singing?! That would be epic. And others would join too.
Bloody rubbish. Experienced these at Hoffenheim Away earlier in the season. You'll never catch me in them or stood up in front of them. Just to prove that the desire for standing is NOT universal

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