Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

Where is the representation of people who currently sit in the North Stand on these Fans Forums, if that's what the Club calls meaningful consultation then its not on. I can tell you that everyone I spoke to today about this was absolutely furious and I've promised them an update as to what the Clubs response is to me. Once we have the response if it isn't the one we want you can expect a coordinated action from many in the North Stand.

Firstly: Furious about what? The club make the NS bigger, but they aren't proposing to ask you to leave your seat are they? It's just a considered possibility of people moving to the available seats. If they do move to safe standing rail seating I'm sure you'll be given the option to move or stay just like those impacted by 93:20. Some stayed a load more moved, the choice was theres the same way as it will be yours.

Secondly: The Family Stand, the lower tier was created by the displacement of existing season ticket holders and seems to be no longer fit for purpose given the number of Mums, Dad's, Aunts & Uncles who seem to forget the kids on matchdays but enjoy discounted season tickets. City just need a proper pricing for kids and improve the child facilities in all stands. Uncle can the buy his own ticket without counting on the no cost upgrade to an adult.

Those that moved to SS3 didn't know what they were getting, other than in a lot of cases cheaper season tickets, and neither do you. Yes voice your opinion to the club, get a petition if you want, but if the Family Stand moves and if that effects you, you have a choice. Move to the new Family area or stay where you are and pay the new ticket price.

You never know you might enjoy it..
As bad as the atmosphere was today I could still hear 115/116 etc singing. Less audible was the corners. Have we really got the numbers of fans who are willing to transfer to a new home end in the North Stand. My educated guess is the high minority would prefer to be situated next to the away fans where they currently are. Thus rendering any potential mass exodus to the North Stand completely irrelevant. My intention is to write to the Club as it appears that supporters with the best intentions are sounding out the Club with their ideas that are totally out of context with what the vast majority of other supporters wishes are. Where is the representation of people who currently sit in the North Stand on these Fans Forums, if that's what the Club calls meaningful consultation then its not on. I can tell you that everyone I spoke to today about this was absolutely furious and I've promised them an update as to what the Clubs response is to me. Once we have the response if it isn't the one we want you can expect a coordinated action from many in the North Stand.
A 63,000 stand will be better for all and should really create the opportunity to satisfy singers and families.

Why not write down your bullet points, and get your friends to put their name and seasoncard number to it and let someone on the Fans Forum have it and ask for feedback or just do it for yourself

Alternatively write it up on here and see what support there is for it. I doubt you'll find any or many City fans who don't want City to promote families coming to the ground.
Firstly: Furious about what? The club make the NS bigger, but they aren't proposing to ask you to leave your seat are they? It's just a considered possibility of people moving to the available seats. If they do move to safe standing rail seating I'm sure you'll be given the option to move or stay just like those impacted by 93:20. Some stayed a load more moved, the choice was theres the same way as it will be yours.

Secondly: The Family Stand, the lower tier was created by the displacement of existing season ticket holders and seems to be no longer fit for purpose given the number of Mums, Dad's, Aunts & Uncles who seem to forget the kids on matchdays but enjoy discounted season tickets. City just need a proper pricing for kids and improve the child facilities in all stands. Uncle can the buy his own ticket without counting on the no cost upgrade to an adult.

Those that moved to SS3 didn't know what they were getting, other than in a lot of cases cheaper season tickets, and neither do you. Yes voice your opinion to the club, get a petition if you want, but if the Family Stand moves and if that effects you, you have a choice. Move to the new Family area or stay where you are and pay the new ticket price.

You never know you might enjoy it..
There have been suggestions to be fair to make it a popular end like the Kop.

That is what I would like. If that happens then those in the Family stand will want to know will they be housed together elsewhere and on what terms.

I moved from SS L2 when South stand was extended. It was exciting. Of course there is some uncertainty now.
For the benefit of those who quoted me in their replies on this topic, I have already conceded to JRB and others that this idea of a home end has some merits and that the intentions of those in dialogue with the Club are meritous. But I have some genuine reservations over the nature of the consultation that's going on at the moment. In all honesty how many people genuinely can say that they speak on behalf of hundreds of other supporters or that they are in reality putting forward an opinion based on their own position or their mates. It isn't a criticism by the way its just human nature. Yes I concede I don't speak on behalf of the whole of the North Stand per se but you can bet that if this scenario was put to that part of the ground there would be wholesale rejection and that's human nature too. Its this latter point that makes me think in the end it will all become to difficult for the Club to manage expectations. Another genuine question is in reality just how many supporters would actually make the move. The reason I ask is for many supporters the attraction in the South Stand is being near the away fans is part of the theatre of the day. Indeed I have first hand experience of this as my Season Ticket used to be in 116. If rail seating/safe standing was put in the South Stand wouldn't that go some way toward achieving what would be for some the Holy Grail a true home end populated by like minded supporters, who by the way, already stand in that area. My final point is this and is aimed at those who say supporters in the North Stand should just give way to progress and allow this to happen. This isn't a comparatively small exercise involving a couple of hundred supporters making way for a new corporate offering. We are talking about thousands, yes thousands of families, who would be expected to transfer to other areas of the ground without any guarantee that they would be able to sit together as families. Do you not concede that they are entitled to some form of consultation on this. Hopefully the Club can come up with something that satisfies everyone without the need to upset anyone and I genuinely hope supporters like the 1894 group and others will make the most of what might be on offer. For what its worth I have decided not to write to the Club, I've had enough of being a torch bearer for others in my past guises, i'll simply roll with whatever the outcome is.
There have been suggestions to be fair to make it a popular end like the Kop.

That is what I would like. If that happens then those in the Family stand will want to know will they be housed together elsewhere and on what terms.

I moved from SS L2 when South stand was extended. It was exciting. Of course there is some uncertainty now.

The Kop refers to about a dozen grounds and none have a good atmosphere.

The more City expand the more the atmosphere gets diluted. Moving fans from one 'singing section' to another makes things worse, the club already tried this is 111 and it failed that time.
Some fans will sing some won’t maybe the players/manager have to expect it to have no atmosphere and you can hear a pin drop! Prepare the players mentality in that way.
For the benefit of those who quoted me in their replies on this topic, I have already conceded to JRB and others that this idea of a home end has some merits and that the intentions of those in dialogue with the Club are meritous. But I have some genuine reservations over the nature of the consultation that's going on at the moment. In all honesty how many people genuinely can say that they speak on behalf of hundreds of other supporters or that they are in reality putting forward an opinion based on their own position or their mates. It isn't a criticism by the way its just human nature. Yes I concede I don't speak on behalf of the whole of the North Stand per se but you can bet that if this scenario was put to that part of the ground there would be wholesale rejection and that's human nature too. Its this latter point that makes me think in the end it will all become to difficult for the Club to manage expectations. Another genuine question is in reality just how many supporters would actually make the move. The reason I ask is for many supporters the attraction in the South Stand is being near the away fans is part of the theatre of the day. Indeed I have first hand experience of this as my Season Ticket used to be in 116. If rail seating/safe standing was put in the South Stand wouldn't that go some way toward achieving what would be for some the Holy Grail a true home end populated by like minded supporters, who by the way, already stand in that area. My final point is this and is aimed at those who say supporters in the North Stand should just give way to progress and allow this to happen. This isn't a comparatively small exercise involving a couple of hundred supporters making way for a new corporate offering. We are talking about thousands, yes thousands of families, who would be expected to transfer to other areas of the ground without any guarantee that they would be able to sit together as families. Do you not concede that they are entitled to some form of consultation on this. Hopefully the Club can come up with something that satisfies everyone without the need to upset anyone and I genuinely hope supporters like the 1894 group and others will make the most of what might be on offer. For what its worth I have decided not to write to the Club, I've had enough of being a torch bearer for others in my past guises, i'll simply roll with whatever the outcome is.

The most important thing for me for people in the family Stand is that if they have to move they don’t have to pay more than they already do, and that they have first refusal on non corporate seats in the first two tiers.

I’d even offer them a meet and greet open training session event at the Academy Stadium as well for the hassle caused.
Well that's a more considered response than your last reply fella. Maybe that could work allowing for the fact there are enough seats to make the relocation possible. Would love your perspective on this ManCityx, do you think there are the numbers and motivation to create a home end within an extended North Stand. Genuine question.
Well that's a more considered response than your last reply fella. Maybe that could work allowing for the fact there are enough seats to make the relocation possible. Would love your perspective on this ManCityx, do you think there are the numbers and motivation to create a home end within an extended North Stand. Genuine question.

Within reason.

Let’s be honest, not everyone who goes in it will be a hardcore singer. It’ll be broken down like this:

- Those wanting to create an atmosphere
- Those that just want to be closer to the atmosphere
- Those that want to stand
- Those that want cheaper tickets

For some fans those points will be interchangeable and all 4 points will relate to them, but there will be other fans where only 1 or 2 points apply.

I don’t think we’d fill it based on the top point alone but do think we’d have the demand when all points are applied.

An important issue for me, and this wasn’t mentioned in the survey, is that we offer cheap safe standing season cards for young adults aged 18-25 in this new area. Our support is growing old as we missed an entire generation of people this age going to games due to how bad we were.

As I just mentioned as well, it’s equally important than anyone moving is treated well. Same prices, first choice on seats and maybe a training event as well.

Let’s be honest, it WILL be an absolute ball ache having this upheaval but sometimes it’s worth taking the pinch for the longer term benefits.
I've been supporting City since I was a little kid in the 60s & had a junior season ticket in the 70s & had a season ticket ever since.

Me & my family have had to move, loads of times, for one reason or another & had a ticket in every stand at Maine Rd.

Why should people now, be any different ?

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