Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

There is also the issue that corporate hospitality will take a significant hit over the next few years, based purely on the economy being in the toilet.

If anything, more areas need to accommodate those people who want to be at the game, come rain or shine, but their wallets might not afford them the regular luxury.

I'd have an entire £10 end for everyone below the age of 20. That's how you grab and retain the next generation and improve the atmosphere overnight.
Anyone got a calculator for a the ROI for adding another 8000 seats at £10 a throw for the £50M cost of SS3. Excluding additional running costs and assuming no borrowing cost attributed it looks like about 3% or 8000 under 20's turning up every game wouldn't even cover KDBs wages. Wether we like it or not this club is a business and the top man says we need to be self sustaining this isn't. The lads from Barca have rinsed fans for years, it's going to be our turn soon...
It is also worth pointng out that many parts of the world have rapidly growing economies so, as a global sport, football is well placed to cash in on this. Not everywhere is going down the pan like the UK. But you need crowds and a stadium atmosphere to sell football to overseas viewers so hopefully our matchgoing fans will not be abandoned.
If the move to a metaverse experience for the overseas fans comes to fruition where they can buy virtual season tickets in a seat of their choosing then the atmosphere won't be real anyway. The atmosphere will be for those attending and those playing
If the move to a metaverse experience for the overseas fans comes to fruition where they can buy virtual season tickets in a seat of their choosing then the atmosphere won't be real anyway. The atmosphere will be for those attending and those playing
Yes and I think the virtual reality event will happen on a huge scale but you would have thought it would be a better experience if those taking part could also experience real crowd noise through their headphones and views from multiple seatside camera angles. It is mind-blowing to think how football could develop in the future. It will be great for those disabled or overseas fans who can't attend live matches though.
Lost the link. Will find it.


Yeah I am focused on us having the best stadium and surrounding area, the thread is called "

Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread"​

I am not bothered about some of the banter on here as I am only interested in the stadium and the surrounding area as it brings jobs and investment into the area and also would bring money into city as a club, giving City the 12th man is what is needed as city fans we all get shouted down for the emptyhad jokes but as a fanbase, you don't help yourself. Look at JRB he is spot on in his comments but gets shouted down, he is right with what he says about the new North Stand development, he was in Copenhagen but got shouted down for saying that we need to copy their fans with an ultra section in the stadium. As a club, you need to look at what other teams are doing where their stadium and their surrounding areas for their fans, the Americans are miles ahead of us regarding this. So that's why I post stuff about the NFL and MLS. If there is info about the site then it needs to be posted here as and fans we can discuss it in a nice way not calling people out

City needing a 12th Man and an Ultra section? Fuck that shit. Fans generate atmosphere based on what's happening on the pitch, not some **** dictating fans with a megaphone and a drum. That Copenhagen game was a disgrace. if I was a sniper I'd be taking that runt right out. As a fanbase we don't help ourselves? Get bent, our atmosphere is as good as any other Prem Team, Klanfield despite the media hype is like a church most games apart from the chant through the speakers before the game and if they score a goal that should have been chalked off by VAR !

Now having been to the NFL and MLS both here and in the US I can tell you they don't have Ultra sections, but what they do have is beer at $14 a pint and the new stadiums such as MetLife, SoFi and Allegiant (and the Superdome after refurb) have an amazing range of food and beverages. They of course though, come at a price and like at the Emirates, that means a Gourmet Burger and Fries @ £18.05 in 2021.

In EL3 you're lucky to get a pie at all !

What we should be doing is looking at Spurs, not so much in the single stand as it's clear City want a 2nd level Exec area around the ground, that's fairly obvious, but more in the way of getting fans in early and keeping them after the game with drink, food and shopping options. We have the whole of City Square and the existing Club Shop to really develop a massive area, maybe part in a new stand and part attached that on a matchday can be utilised for 6-8 hours and generate significant income. And like Spurs, be open 7 days a week to cater to pre-visits to the Co-Op arena.
Yeah I am focused on us having the best stadium and surrounding area, the thread is called "

Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread"​

I am not bothered about some of the banter on here as I am only interested in the stadium and the surrounding area as it brings jobs and investment into the area and also would bring money into city as a club, giving City the 12th man is what is needed as city fans we all get shouted down for the emptyhad jokes but as a fanbase, you don't help yourself. Look at JRB he is spot on in his comments but gets shouted down, he is right with what he says about the new North Stand development, he was in Copenhagen but got shouted down for saying that we need to copy their fans with an ultra section in the stadium. As a club, you need to look at what other teams are doing where their stadium and their surrounding areas for their fans, the Americans are miles ahead of us regarding this. So that's why I post stuff about the NFL and MLS. If there is info about the site then it needs to be posted here as and fans we can discuss it in a nice way not calling people out
You keep using the word "you" to reference City fans, I'm guessing you're not a City fan? Are you a Yank by any chance?
I think we're in safe hands when it comes to creating a destination. To quote Jurgen Klopp loosely - "them Arabs know what they're doing". We'll be well aware of the development potential and the ability to cash in on the Coop Arena and create a range of restaurant/cafe/entertainment facilities which, alongside hotels, will attract larger numbers of visitors.

It's not the most attractive place in the world, but a good quality block paving, some tree-planting and a range of covered outdoor and indoor bars/restaurants will instantly improve things.

As for the North Stand expansion itself, I still hold out hope for a home end with a single tier or two tiers, but I remain doubtful. Having said that, the club will want to keep growing and realistically the side stands are where you can maximise hospitality revenue. People want to be side on to the game if they're spending big money, not behind a goal. I do believe the East and Colin Bell will be expanded in the future and as a result the stadium will be much more atmospheric. If the club did nothing other than changed the roof angle it would instantly improve atmosphere. You'd end up with a roof that wraps around the bowl and retains noise and it would be spectacular. The corners have been designed to be removable and you can see from the South Stand expansion how that could tie in along the sides. We're miles off that yet but shouldn't panic too much if we don't get a single tier. Spurs isn't particularly loud despite having one and the Etihad has been rocking for plenty of games despite not being designed to retain noise.
I think we're in safe hands when it comes to creating a destination. To quote Jurgen Klopp loosely - "them Arabs know what they're doing". We'll be well aware of the development potential and the ability to cash in on the Coop Arena and create a range of restaurant/cafe/entertainment facilities which, alongside hotels, will attract larger numbers of visitors.

It's not the most attractive place in the world, but a good quality block paving, some tree-planting and a range of covered outdoor and indoor bars/restaurants will instantly improve things.

As for the North Stand expansion itself, I still hold out hope for a home end with a single tier or two tiers, but I remain doubtful. Having said that, the club will want to keep growing and realistically the side stands are where you can maximise hospitality revenue. People want to be side on to the game if they're spending big money, not behind a goal. I do believe the East and Colin Bell will be expanded in the future and as a result the stadium will be much more atmospheric. If the club did nothing other than changed the roof angle it would instantly improve atmosphere. You'd end up with a roof that wraps around the bowl and retains noise and it would be spectacular. The corners have been designed to be removable and you can see from the South Stand expansion how that could tie in along the sides. We're miles off that yet but shouldn't panic too much if we don't get a single tier. Spurs isn't particularly loud despite having one and the Etihad has been rocking for plenty of games despite not being designed to retain noise.
I wonder if anybody has calculated the capacity of our stadium without seats and and the old barriers on the terraces similar to maine rd in the 30’s?

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