etihad now a double of old Trafford

maybe the fact it was fucking freezing calmed people down a bit, when your stood there freezing your bollocks off its a bit harder to get going.

these threads do my nut in, complaining about our atmosphere and the fact that 'normal' fans are being priced out of the game for the middle class fans,
granted there is a lot of people coming to watch us now because we're champions,
but my season ticket is still pretty much as cheap as it was years ago back at maine road, footballs as expensive as you want to make it, granted away games are more costly now on the whole, but your complaint is about the atmosphere at home.
Let's see what the double of Old Trafford is like against Liverpool and Chelsea.
grim up north said:
We lose BM goes into melt down
We draw BM goes into melt down
We win BM moans like fuck

its grim up north

CTID1988 said:
The_mace said:
I found this when I went to the Villa game in November.

First time I'd gone since 2009 (Arsenal game when ade scored that goal)

When we started winning I was expecting a great atmosphere but it was flat and boring.

Can't see what the solution is other than only letting people in who went to York.

The stadium only holds 47,000

lol thats so funny like it fella ;-)
jrb said:
I remembr a BD fan on here stating they don't often sing the players names in Germany. They would much rather sing about the club and their rivals.

I'm 100% sure PL players in general love the chants associated with them.

Zab was a prime example yesterday. 47,000 fans applauding him off and 1000's chanting his name.
Your not allowed to sing about your rivals according to bluemoon anyway
ell said:
jrb said:
I remembr a BD fan on here stating they don't often sing the players names in Germany. They would much rather sing about the club and their rivals.

I'm 100% sure PL players in general love the chants associated with them.

Zab was a prime example yesterday. 47,000 fans applauding him off and 1000's chanting his name.
Your not allowed to sing about your rivals according to bluemoon anyway

worse than that!! you cannot even mention that you cannot sing about yr rivals expect a visit from the blue moan Mafioso
would have to agree with some of what you say am in 221 and god its like been in a grave yard sometimes but have to say the lads singing in 220/219 was a refreshing change :-)
No Stadium has been the same since they introduced all seating.

Oh and it was fucking freezing on Saturday so when you start singing stand up for the Champions. My answer no fuck off I have just got warm again from the last time. This isn't a fucking Jane Fonda workout video.
He has a point in a way. I remember the days when the atmosphere was top notch for most games, now it's full of tourist and day trippers. Atmosphere has gone a little.

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