etihad now a double of old Trafford

At one point in 123 today you could hear a pin drop.

Was almost grateful to Fulham coming full on at us straight after the break as at least then it generated a bit of noise
LoveCity said:
WNRH said:
All those who are saying it is nothing like Old Trafford are spot on, it is worse and i mean that.

It's not even close. Their fans don't even sing nowadays except maybe once, we have at least 8-10 songs per game. The difference between the Etihad and Old Trafford is we still have two singing areas so even if the atmosphere is poor, you'll still get plenty of songs per game. You don't at the swamp.

Last season i went to Old Trafford for their game v Fulham, work had got hospitality, it was all free and i thought why not, i've never been, they won 1-0 it was an awful game but the atmosphere was so much better than today for our home game v Fulham and this was a Monday night.

It wasn't the Curva Nord or the Bombonera don't get me wrong but there was never a moment of pure silence, there was always pockets singing all over the ground and whenever they were on the up others would join in.

Maybe that was because there was an extra 30,000 people in, it probably was but it was still miles better than what we produce for the non Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Spurs games.

I've also been to non city games at Anfield, Chelsea and Newcastle and they too never had pure moments of silence that we do. You could say that all 3 have traditional grounds with good acoustics but i'm not talking about great atmosphere's i'm talking about noise and there was enough people making noises, we don't have that at the Cheese Factory.
WNRH said:
LoveCity said:
WNRH said:
All those who are saying it is nothing like Old Trafford are spot on, it is worse and i mean that.

It's not even close. Their fans don't even sing nowadays except maybe once, we have at least 8-10 songs per game. The difference between the Etihad and Old Trafford is we still have two singing areas so even if the atmosphere is poor, you'll still get plenty of songs per game. You don't at the swamp.

Last season i went to Old Trafford for their game v Fulham, work had got hospitality, it was all free and i thought why not, i've never been, they won 1-0 it was an awful game but the atmosphere was so much better than today for our home game v Fulham and this was a Monday night.

So you're basing it on one game last season? The swamp is a laughing stock for it's atmosphere (just like the Emirates), the Etihad isn't (yet)... why is that? We have a better atmosphere than them in general, even against LIVERPOOL they were near silent except when they scored or unless they were calling Liverpool fans murderers. And their mid-week game against West Ham had one of the worst atmospheres I've ever heard (no exaggeration) in English football. I heard one song in 90 minutes from them and it was brief.
"a virtually empty stadium before kick off when a tribute paid to a fellow blue who tragically lost his life"

personally I find it distasteful and inappropriate that you choose to include this as part of your criticism.

Are you insinuating that because many fans weren't in the stadium 20 minutes before kick off that they have no soul?

My son and I regularly take our seats only 5 to 10 minutes before kick off but i can assure you that as a father of a 15 year old lad I am truly sickened by the tragic and shocking event that occured a few days ago.

If its ok with you I will reflect and pay my respects in my own personal way as I'm sure will every other member of the "city family" of which I'm truly proud to be part of and ask that you respect this as my choice just like those who choose "not to sing" or "leave early" and not judge my soul simply because i wasnt in my seat at 2.40 pm
the atmosphere wasn't that great today but the ground was nowhere near capacity. How the gate was 47,000+ is a mystery - presumably all the sc holders who didn't turn up are counted in that number.

there was little or nothing in the way of vocal away support.

the cold also plays a part. clapping with gloves on is a lot more muted than clapping without... only took mine off to make some noise when Silva came off.
Was a strange game today - until we got the second goal Fulham were getting far too much posession but without causing us any real problem and there were nerves around the stadium. Plus it was fucking freezing and the away support was pathetic today.

The crowd respond to what's going in the game and the atmosphere picked up at times when the game deserved it. In general, I'm loving watching City these days so no complaints from me.
It was hardly the most explosive game we have palyed at the Etihad was it?
It's people like you that cause negativity!
As one poster said... if you are that upset then don't bother going again!
The team and the club don't need 'supporters' like you.
nhsuperstar said:
"a virtually empty stadium before kick off when a tribute paid to a fellow blue who tragically lost his life"

personally I find it distasteful and inappropriate that you choose to include this as part of your criticism.

Are you insinuating that because many fans weren't in the stadium 20 minutes before kick off that they have no soul?

My son and I regularly take our seats only 5 to 10 minutes before kick off but i can assure you that as a father of a 15 year old lad I am truly sickened by the tragic and shocking event that occured a few days ago.

If its ok with you I will reflect and pay my respects in my own personal way as I'm sure will every other member of the "city family" of which I'm truly proud to be part of and ask that you respect this as my choice just like those who choose "not to sing" or "leave early" and not judge my soul simply because i wasnt in my seat at 2.40 pm

Well said pal, that was distasteful from the o.p as nobody had a clue the tribute was going to happen then.

We have some right moaning bastard fans.

No other ground in the country would have been any different in the circumstances, like i said, stoke was better.
freezing weather didn't help and also nervy match with fulham keeping the ball very well at times .. but atmo wasn't so terrible as you say
It was fuckin freezing today. Windchill of minus 11 at the Etihad ....... great 3 points thats all that matters !

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