EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Well said - good debunking of that bollocks. TTIP is a certainty in the EU - it is just one of those many things that are being progressed but of course things are not public until after the 23rd. If the EU is good for us why the need to hold back information on future developments until after the 23rd?
Indeed, iF it was good for us the EU would be all over us with it. That alone, the fact the EU are not pushing these issues speaks volumes... surely even the Remainers can see this...?
I don't agree, at all.

And you're entirely missing the point and going for the usual ad hominems.

We're not going to go it alone, of course. We will have to sign new trade deals out of the EU, that is a given. But they needn't be as detrimental to services like the NHS and so beneficial to corporate entities as per the current TTIP deal being thrashed out in Brussels for the EU.

It's a false equation, and once more, scaremongering.

You're advocating staying within the EU on the basis of being more or less guaranteed TTIP, and hoping that people who don't answer to our electorate will do what's best for the NHS. It makes no sense.

The alternative is to have alternative trade deals to the likes of the TTIP being negotiated by people that answer to our electorate, people that'll we'll be placing into office.

That, is the best way to ensure we get a fair deal, and ensure the future of the NHS.

The EU is actively preparing/planning for TTIP - being REMAIN means it is certain.

What will be achieved by Leave will depend on what the government in power progresses - which, through Election manifestos, we can ensure that we have it debated and have some influence over rather than being 'done by the EU behind our backs' .
We are the world's 5th biggest economy and also the 5th biggest export market for US goods, just (and only just) behind Japan and well ahead of Germany.

Exactly. A lot of remainers have this view that Britain is some piddling ineffectual no consequence of a country that needs Germany and France to hold our trembling hands, like some toddler who's lost his mummy in the supermarket.
Fuck me - I wish I was a Remain voter that could now change because SKY news as just flashed up 'Breaking News' that would definitely swing it for me.....

David fucking Beckam has announced that he is voting REMAIN - wow his head really is up his arse
Fuck me - I wish I was a Remain voter that could now change because SKY news as just flashed up 'Breaking News' that would definitely swing it for me.....

David fucking Beckam has announced that he is voting REMAIN - wow his head really is up his arse
Says it all really, even Cameron, on telly now, is just mentioning him saying 'If you're not on the pitch, you can't play the ball.'
It's also very telling that most Rags are remainers, according to their sites, I would imagine now that Brain of Britain has come out in favour of staying
649 million people want to stay in.
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