EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Get real. Nearly half of our export trade is with the EU and without a trade deal our exports will be subject to tariffs making them more expensive at point of use in the EU. If there are other ready markets out there that we can steam into to take up the slack why aren't we already doing this? Some are talking about the glorious opportunities in Commonwealth markets but Commonwealth Preference Tariffs were scrapped decades ago so that argument is even more redundant than it was 40 years ago when others with a similarly tenuous grip on reality were putting it forward during the 1975 Common Market referendum.

As for your argumment about the effects of Brexit on immigration, below is part of my post from yesterday.

"....., the situation in the 'Jungle' in Calais is that, as part of cross border co-operation within the EU, the French authorities are committed to do their best to prevent these people (and any others) from illegal access to the UK. There is also a British police presence in Calais to monitor the situation and co-operate with the French. Calais is therefore effectively our border. If we leave the EU the French police will wash their hands of the migrant issue in Calais and no longer prevent anyone from attempting to enter the UK illegally as it would no longer be either their problem or their responsibility. The British police contingent would also have to be withdrawn. This would mean open season for illegal migrants and the couple of recent instances of boats full of them caught crossing the Channel would increase exponentially and northern France would become a magnet for many more migrants trying to enter the UK illegally."

Wouldn't the people of Calais and northern France have a strong incentive to stop the area from becoming a magnet for migrants trying to cross to the UK?
Get real. Nearly half of our export trade is with the EU and without a trade deal our exports will be subject to tariffs making them more expensive at point of use in the EU. If there are other ready markets out there that we can steam into to take up the slack why aren't we already doing this? Some are talking about the glorious opportunities in Commonwealth markets but Commonwealth Preference Tariffs were scrapped decades ago so that argument is even more redundant than it was 40 years ago when others with a similarly tenuous grip on reality were putting it forward during the 1975 Common Market referendum.
Don´t be scared mate. Punitive tariffs are banned under WTO rules.
Surely France would not be able just to let people run through the Channel tunnel just because we have left the EU?.
There are huge security issues in doing that, not least to their own people.

I'm pretty sure that if we left, following the transition period, us everyday folk won't notice much difference in a negative sense. And all this 'it took X 5 yers to negotiate', so what? I'm confident the will of the EU to negotiate with the UK will be high enough to do this in a timely fashion ad also, 5 years out of the next 100 isn't that long when you think about it

It is a long term issue, not one ot be decided on mobile phone tariffs and self imposed obstacles by the 'in' campaign
Do we actually need a whole-of-EU trade deal that is conditional on unqualified free movement? Or could we negotiate bi-lateral deals with those EU and non-EU countries that are most relevant?

Is unfettered freedom of movement an inevitable price to pay to continue buying BMWs and selling Range Rovers to Germany? Do we care hugely whether we have a protocol with Austria and Slovakia?
Get real. Nearly half of our export trade is with the EU and without a trade deal our exports will be subject to tariffs making them more expensive at point of use in the EU.

That's only half the story though :). The elephant in the room that the Brexit campaign fail to adress is that the WTO rules have tarriffs and quotas. Once you've sold your quota you are either prevented from selling more or the tarrifs are prohibitively high and you effectively sell at a loss and there is plenty of extra capacity in Europe to fill the void of British exports.
Immigration from the EU is less than half of the net figure! And then on top of that you acknowledge that we need some of these people so we would have a points system! So leaving does not actually do a massive amount for imigration just a few car washers less! Is that worth screwing up the whole economy for?

You are missing the point unlimited EU immigration would be ended and the best of the best would then compete for a reduced immigration level targeted to get us back to the 50,000 a year we had pre 1997 under a worldwide points based system. For the ordinary Brit looking for a job, a better job, higher pay or training fewer competitors from open door EU immigration and as many again from outside the EU has only created greater less opportunities and greater competition for Brits, the very reason big business and government wants unlimited mass immigration, it provides an endless over supply of cheap unskilled immigrant workers. As for screwing up the economy how does the ordinary worker benefit from less opportunities, greater competition and at what point do we admit the population can not continue to increase at 333,000 a year? If a Brit can't find a job, earn enough to pay their bills, find their next better paid job, buy or even rent a home or get a doctors appointment what are the risks to them? Why should they compete with immigrants arriving from countries where incomes are a fraction of those here Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia or Slovenia. You state with total confidence our economy will be worse, what worse than Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and France's? Worse for whom? The same confidence that demanded we join the Euro or it would screw up our economy, the same politicians, the same institutions and the same big businesses that are so sure leaving now will screw up our economy.
This has been popping up in facebook recently and seems quite accurate


But on a positive might be better, wow, never thought of that.
Do we really need an umbrella of beurocracy to cower under.
But on a positive might be better, wow, never thought of that.
Do we really need an umbrella of beurocracy to cower under.

You seem to have missed the point of it, its the fact there is NO PLAN ( that we have been told of ) Exiter's have no clue what they are voting on.
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