EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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If you have family and kids and commitments it is a chance some people will not take, in some people's view that is cowardice and in others it is called looking after those dear to you
I wouldn't blame the employee in any way. They should bear in mind the average duration of their employment, though, which is probably well under 5 years in the UK.

I just find employers canvassing for a particular political leaning very old fashioned similar to how mill owners dictated the same back in the day wrt religion. Maybe I am a secret militant!
Oh on the subject of their any country in the world where you can rock up and claim benefits despite never contributing anything at all to the government coffers?

Did you know that Spain has no benefits system at all that is not contribution based...if you've not get nada unless you're disabled and physically unable to work

That alone is fucking bat shit bonkers

Regardless of the outcome this has to be addressed
Crock unless that is pure sarcasm - I think you will find that the almost certainly in votes in exit polls will be higher based on education and wealth. There may be some guilt of elitism and being out of touch but laziness and education standards won't be a Remain characteristic.

I must admit BM is interesting as amongst the people I mix with professionally and with my mix of friends back home I just don't know or speak to many brexiters (other than a few elderly relatives and parents friends) so I have learnt a lot about what drives the thinking .

I always reckoned that sober heads would prevail just but my bet which I made a decent investment on was on remain getting 40-44.99% which was $28 and therefore a huge price. Don't really want to win it

I work for an independent family owned company in Essex. When I asked around the office I would say that 9 out of 10 are voting exit
Quantity not quality mate, I shall look forward to hearing what you have to say when the British people put you straight next week
That shows how you don't get it, this is not about proving how clever you are and voting out to spite Cameron or Osbourne or Ealing it is about the future of the country and its potential prosperity. If Brexit wins I will be saddened as all I will see is ridiculous triumphalism that will end in bitter disappointment as reality sets in . I won't get any pleasure about that disappointment and the problems that will come at all. As has already been pointed out endlessly I won't have to deal with much of that fall out unless it becomes truly global and may even benefit if Brexit hurts EU trade or moves capital from Europe anyway.

i fail to see how anyone will be set straight next week from either camp regardless of the result - will you change your vies and be set straight if remain wins?
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If we Brexit your holiday,mortgage and total cost of living will go up as will unemployment. Remain, you know it makes sense!

GREECE has debt of €285 Billion, debt is 3 x GDP and rising because they cannot service it.
The German public will refuse to pay , so crunch time soon i.e. Greek default.
When the ECB restructured the Greek debt, the EU taxpayers were put on risk, whilst shareholders of Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Societe Generale and some Greek banks were quietly let off the hook.
The Greek debt is not going to be repaid.
EU taxpayers will be paying, which is why the UK needs to leave as soon as possible before all the Med countries fail, especially Italy.

EUROZONE BANKS. The IMF estimated the black hole in their books as €715 Bn in April, esp in Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

DEUTSCHE BANK, despite being bailed out in Greece as explained above, still has huge debts.
In 2015, DB lost €6.8Bn.So, DB’s share price fell 60%from Summer 2015 to 2016. DB share price :- €32.05 on 31Ju l2015 ; €13.235 on 09Feb 2016.
In 2007, it was approx €100.
I do not know the NetPresent Value of their massive derivatives positions.
In 2016, Moody’s has downgraded DB unsecured senior debt twice to Baa2, two notches above junkgrade.

ITALIAN BANKS have €360 Billion bad loans, of which €200 Bn are sofferenze i.e. worthless, creditors are already bust. Italian banks have many of these loans in their books at 40% of face value.
€360 Billion is 20% of Italian GDP.
The Italian “systematic solution” plan is called Atlas, after the guy who held up the sky.
In 2016, Italy’s largest bank, UniCredit, has lost 40% of its share price.
On 8 May 2015, its share price was €6.54; on 3 Jun 2016 it was €2.64 ; a 60% loss in value in a year.

VOLKSWAGEN will likely need German state rescue due to estimated €45 Billion costs from emissions & other problems.
In April 2016, VW net liquidity was €28 Bn. Do the maths.

FRENCH ECONOMY is dead-in-the-water, with no or little growth achieved for many years.
French are ignoring the global market, with labour laws as at before WW2.
Terrorism, rise of extreme right wing party,
workers violently refusing to countenance labour market reforms.
53% of voters want an EU referendum like UK.
That shows how you don't get it, this not about proving how clever you are and voting out to spite Cameron or Osbourne or Ealing it is about the future of the country and its potential prosperity. If Brexit wins I will be saddened as all I will see is ridiculous triumphalism that will end in bitter disappointment as reality sets in . I won't get any pleasure about that disappointment and the problems that will come at all.

Thanks for explaining the dreadful certainty of it all so often and to such great length.
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