EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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I know that, i recognize the benefit immigrants bring to the economy, etc. my concern is no control what so ever with the numbers coming in, how we can plan around it? how can we sustain it?

Well said -the shallowness in the Remain argument is that they try to stigmatise the Leave position as being AGAINST immigration when in fact we just want control. That is most likely that wanting to be in control is entirely sensible and cannot be lazily labelled.
Big difference between some random nutjob spouting that than someone in government saying what they did though. Few would take notice of the former and dismiss it out of hand, where the latter is actually in a position to carry out his thinly-veiled threat and fuck over tens of millions of citizens, British or otherwise. That was the lowest of low blows and came across as a somewhat desperate throw of the dice by a beleaguered remain camp.

Which 'random nut job' said it?
If I tell my three year old not to play around with water near electrical items or she could get hurt, is that a threat or sensible advice? When did sensible advice become a threat and is this a deliberate and clever strategy to try and discredit sensible advice by brexiters?

Well one clear example would be when Gideon puts forward his 'punishment budget'. That has been so thoroughly discredited the ripples cast doubt on all the other 'expert forecasts'.

I personally have first-hand experience of working with the Treasury on financial models and seen the loading of 'assumptions' to ensure that the outputs are those desired by their political masters so have a good deal of what I consider to be 'healthy' scepticism.
We stay so Boris doesn´t become PM. I can accept that. Who is next in line after Cameron? I think Osborne is out of the running after his budget threats.

May would have an outside chance. But its most likely still Johnson. However a Johnson government formed after he takes over from Cameron in 12-18 months following a Remain vote would be totally different to a post Brexit Johnson government.

If we vote Remain and Johnson succeeds Cameron next year he will undoubtedly tinker with the cabinet. Probably bring back IDS, Fox and Davis. Promote some Leavers on merit to junior minister posts. But the positioning of the government would be largely unchanged.

If he becomes PM after a Leave vote he would have to completely re-shape his cabinet. Its currently 75% Remain. He would need to have the backing of the cabinet during the EU negotiations (which would take up 90% of his time), not always fighting them. He would need to have Leavers in charge of the main depts affected by Brexit. That means bringing in at least 10 new cabinet ministers, almost regardless of ability. It would inevitably mean a lurch further to the right.

Its not whether Johnson becomes PM that matters, its when.
Let's just hope with campaigning suspended, both sides take a deep breath, look at themselves and when they re commence stop on the tory remain side project fear, and the leave side project fear and any that have previously, stop the vile rhetoric that stirs up divide within our country.

The posistive message of staying or going should be all we hear and how we are all one people no matter what race, religion, sex and politics we are and go forward in harmony no matter the result
Well said. Unfortunately I can't see it happening.
Crock unless that is pure sarcasm - I think you will find that the almost certainly in votes in exit polls will be higher based on education and wealth. There may be some guilt of elitism and being out of touch but laziness and education standards won't be a Remain characteristic.

I must admit BM is interesting as amongst the people I mix with professionally and with my mix of friends back home I just don't know or speak to many brexiters (other than a few elderly relatives and parents friends) so I have learnt a lot about what drives the thinking .

I always reckoned that sober heads would prevail just but my bet which I made a decent investment on was on remain getting 40-44.99% which was $28 and therefore a huge price. Don't really want to win it
Of course it was sarcasm, I was responding with outrageous remarks after reading a ridiculous post.
That's as maybe but there is a huge difference between concerns about immigration and the blanket, rather extreme right wing statement about hating foreigners.

So just to summarise then, most of the 50% ( give or take 5% either way) of the UK population, let's call it for arguements sake approx 20 million people, voting to get out of the EU dont give a fuck about the economy and hate foreigners, I'm glad that's cleared up.

Again, many credible polls have shown that the number 1 concern for the majority of those voting out is immigration. Might not be for you but for the majority it is.
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